Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 885: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (148)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The two days of sleeping in the same bed made Feng Ling more or less have lost some vigilance against Li Nanheng. A person who usually has little contact with people gradually adapted to the people around him, but the only adaptation was only the existence of Li Nanheng. .

The clear smell of the man seemed to be mixed with something that made the woman instinctively safe, and she didn't delve into it, but when she helped him massage, she didn't really notice that the man next to him had been watching her.

Until rubbing for a while, her hands were a little sore, and then helped him to do a hot compress, and then got up to make a bed, the movement naturally as if two people have been sleeping together and do not know how many years old wife and wife.

Seeing that Feng Ling was used to it, and was no longer so obvious to resist his approach, Li Nanheng hooked his lips, but he still could not help but laugh, only if the corner of his lips was ticked upwards and upwards, in Feng Ling When he turned to look at him again, the man's face had returned to indifference.


San Fat lay on the bed for five days. In fact, he had been awake the previous two days, but he always relied that he was uncomfortable.

It was only on the fifth day that I was alive again and again. I was screaming that these days when I was sick, I ate too light. I had to eat grilled meat and grilled fish, let alone I found experience when I fell into the ice cave that day. Next time I go When you make it, you will never stand next to it, you will avoid a certain distance and angle

A group of people didn't plan to think about catching fish anymore. After all, it was too dangerous that day. In addition to the three fat things, they originally thought that there would be a shadow in the heart of three fat.

In the end, who would have expected that the first thing after this dead fat man got out of bed was to eat.

In fact, a large piece of ice had been opened that day, but it took a long time and I did n’t catch a fish. It ’s still a little uncomfortable, but I still do n’t want to take risks. But Sanfa not only has no shadow, but is not afraid of death. To go to the original location to cut the ice, the brothers discussed it together, and decided to bring a rope this time for the sake of insurance.

Feng Ling and Li Nanheng did not go, but I also believe that they will not have any problems this time. After all, they were trained in the base. The instincts of eating a maggot and a wisdom should always be there. .

Sure enough, it was less than three hours this time, and there were sounds of three fat people walking back and forth laughingly.

Li Nanheng stepped out of the tent to smoke. He heard the movement far away, squinted his eyes and looked back. There was a thin spit of smoke in his mouth. When he saw the barrels in their hands, the contents were full, which was obviously very rewarding.

Unexpectedly, sending this group of boys to station here, but they have learned a skill, even the glacier and snow peak can not starve them.

Li Nanheng smiled, choked on the cigarette butt, and didn't pass by, because they were happy and excited while walking and jumping.

It is inevitable that it is a hearty fish meal at night. Even Feng Ling did not expect that if she was arranged to such a place, she could still live a life with fish and meat. Her kind of person who studies nothing about eating can feel it. A rare happiness, not to mention how excited San Fei is every day.


The eight people at the XI base, plus Li Nanheng, were stationed on the Rogers Pass on the tenth day. Sure enough, some people from the base sent their needed things in time.

On the fifteenth day of the station at Rogers Pass, early in the morning, it was just dawn, and it was Dabin's vigil last night that he blew a dark whistle that could be heard clearly within thirty meters.

This kind of dark whistle is only understood by those at the XI base, which means that the enemy is approaching, and everyone wants to prepare immediately.

Hearing the whistle, the people in the two tents opened their eyes at the same time almost instantaneously, and even the sleepy-eyed eyes jumped up in an instant. They were dressed in five minutes, and they took weapons such as guns and daggers and hid them. Swept out.

"What's the matter?" Li Nanheng stepped out of the tent, glanced at the members of the base who had stood in a row in front, and turned his eyes directly to Da Bin.

After Feng Ling followed Li Nanheng, he didn't ask any questions. He directly entered the front team, arranged neatly, and stood by at any time.

"Boss, there is an ambush." ​​As soon as Da Bin said a glance, he looked directly at another snow-capped mountain diagonally in front of him. No one can be seen from above, but from this angle, there are a few faintly visible footprint.

No one will pass by in such a place, and the construction team arranged by the U.S. military will not come here. None of these people will run to the snow-capped mountains across from last night, if there are any people, if The other side is not ambush or deliberately avoiding, so it will not be so silent.

"I got up to use the toilet just now, but as soon as I walked out, I heard a small signal flare. At that time, I found that the situation was wrong. After looking around, I saw footprints on the opposite mountain."

People at the XI base have very keen observation, even if they are far away, even if they are all white, but every night before going to bed, they will observe the surrounding terrain and conditions. Even if the footprints on the opposite side are not obvious, the opposite side can be taller and shorter. Snow, but it is already too obvious.

Li Nanheng listened, his eyes only looked coldly in that direction, and he didn't speak. He only gestured everyone's attention with his eyes, and then said indifferently: "The top of the snow mountain cliff is the best sniper position. Leave five people on it. Challenge, others will follow me. "

No one spoke, just to nod and wink, so as not to frighten the snake.

Feng Ling was supposed to be left on the mountain, but she glanced at Li Nanheng's hand and said directly: "Boss, I'll go with you, Da Hu and Vite five of them left, especially Da Hu's long-range sniper. He was also among the best in the assessment. Although he didn't join the sniper team, he took a short-range gun for long-range shooting more stable than me. I don't have a long gun here, he can't be so stable. "

Li Nanheng knew what she was thinking, only glanced at her, and made Da Hu a sight, and then asked Da Bin to get fat, and Feng Ling quickly followed.

A group of people went down the other trail that was only discovered two days ago. There was only one river under the two snowy mountains. This river is exactly the one that San Fat and Da Bin often walked a few days ago. The terrain is very familiar.

After winking at each other, they walked directly along the edge of the cliff below the most suitable for lurking towards the opposite mountain.

This group of people who are lurking is also very savvy. They can't evenly match until they stand high. The attack below will only make a big loss, but if the two sides confront each other, it will not be a good thing for them. The camp will be destroyed. Second, it is impossible to be completely stable.

A team of people must be sent to lure the opposite side, but they will have such a plan, which does not mean that the opposite side will not think so. On the river below the mountain, they may meet the same lurking enemy at any time.

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