Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 890: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (153)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Don't worry, you look at you, you didn't sleep all night, you just closed your eyes for less than an hour, and started again." Dabin watched Feng Ling keep helping Li Dao's lip movement, sighed "You go to rest first, and ask San Fat and others to replace you. So many of us, take turns to guard it."

"It's okay. I can't sleep when I lie down. The boss burns like this. Who can sleep?"

It is true that although other people were not in the tent, when Da Bin went to the other side last night to pick up things, everyone did not sleep much. Even if he lay down, he could not sleep securely. All of them were worried about the situation of the boss. .

Can't all be in this tent because the boss now occasionally has difficulty breathing due to high fever, too many people will be more uncomfortable, so other people can only wait next door and take turns to take care of others.

"Although the boss can't wake up, but seeing he can still drink water, I'll make some porridge and you can feed him some."

Feng Ling nodded.


Li Nanheng had a high fever and coma in the early morning. It was spent in the process of a group of people congesting porridge. Feeding porridge is also difficult, not as easy as feeding water, but fortunately, Feng Ling has the most patience, even a small bowl of porridge It took a whole two hours, and when it was cold, it was warmed up, so it was fed slowly and repeatedly.

Until the evening, the doctor still didn't arrive. He called to ask the base, and the base was also very worried about the situation there, and said that he would check again, but the result was that the doctor sent there was temporarily unavailable, and he was stationed in Mongolia. Members of the base in Danana also temporarily lost contact with each other without a signal.

Until night, the base hall sent them a message saying that avalanches had occurred on the way to the base members and the doctors. All the cars on the road where the accident happened were already trapped and came at the rescue speed of Montana. It is said that there is also a rescue environment for traffic and continuous blizzard weather. Forty-eight hours later, the trapped people may not be rescued. The base needs to be sent to support, but the blizzard weather will greatly affect the rescue speed and quality of the helicopter.

In other words, even in the two or three days, even if the people in the base are attached to it, it is difficult to fly directly. In addition, the doctors are trapped on the avalanche road, and they must be rescued immediately because the doctors and them There are only a few cars, without any auxiliary gasoline food and all kinds of cold-proof spares. Their lives are off, and several doctors are still in the car. They must be rescued first and foremost, even if the boss is awake , Will also arrange for them to go to the doctor first.

The blizzard in Montana also affected the weather at the Rogers Pass. It was overcast with heavy snowfall and the temperature plummeted by several degrees. Everyone who was cold did not go out and could only stay in the tent for heating.

In this way, Li Nanheng survived for three days, and his temperature dropped to 39 degrees from yesterday, but still maintained at 39 degrees. He did not fall anymore, and people were still unconscious.

In the afternoon of the third day, Feng Ling took care of it for three or two consecutive days, but could n’t stand it. They were forced to go to sleep next door by Da Hu and Da Bin. Feng Ling was really tired and was forced to drink a hot drink. After falling into bed with water and hot milk, I fell asleep directly. Although I had a lot of nightmares because I didn't feel relieved, I could still rest for at least a few hours.

This sleep went directly to more than 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and there was a silence above Xuefeng. When Feng Ling opened her eyes, she saw that there were people lying on the beds next to her. Everyone was already asleep. She sat up and stretched out of the bed. Leaving the bed lightly, without waking them, then went to the tent where she and Li Nanheng lived on the other side.

When I entered the tent, I could smell the smell of white wine in the air, but in order to cool the boss physically, I did not use white wine to help him wipe his body and all the joints of his hands and legs. Feng Ling didn't care too much. I saw only three fat sitting on the bed and guarding, but his head was lowered little by little, apparently sitting and falling asleep.

She walked over, patted on Sanfa's shoulder, lowered her voice and asked, "Where is Dabin? How about you?"

San Fat was stunned and awakened, and looked back at her, then he was relieved and said, "Ah, today he is on the night and patrolling outside, afraid of the potential of enemies around him, he has to go across the river and near the river After a lap, it was only a short walk, and it is estimated that the sky will soon be bright when he returns. "

Feng Ling glanced at the three fat again: "Go to sleep next door, I have been fine since I slept in the afternoon, I am watching, you go to sleep."

Three fat nodded, it really wasn't sleepy.

As a result, I did not reach the door of the tent, and suddenly heard Feng Ling's surprised voice: "Why is it so big? You wiped the boss again?"

Three fat stepped in a footstep, and then he smiled and said, "No, I gave the boss a bottle of white wine."

Feng Ling was about to touch Li Nanheng's forehead, his hand froze momentarily, and suddenly turned to look at the three fat: "What wine to feed? Boss is burned so you feed him? Are you crazy?"

"Don't be excited!" San Fat saw Feng Ling's angry expression at this moment, and explained quickly: "Actually, I just experienced such a high fever a while ago. I know how uncomfortable the boss is now. I just measured the body temperature of the boss. Yes, it has already dropped to 38 degrees and six, it is estimated that it is almost ready, but it is this fast and good stage, and because of the high fever of the past few days, it caused headaches to die. I was in this state at the time. I just hope that someone can give me some wine and make me lose consciousness. It ’s not that uncomfortable to live through that day, but I could n’t keep my eyes open and did n’t have the strength to talk. I think the boss should be with me then. In the same way, I filled him with a bottle of white wine, not much, just four or five in two ... "

"Five-two-two? !!!" If Feng Ling's eyes could kill someone, it would be that three fats would have to go through the arrows in an instant: "Three fats, do you know that you are murder? He has a fever!"

"It's okay. Men are not so vulnerable after a serious illness, and alcohol is like an anesthetic, which can relieve a lot of pain ..."

"Get off!" Feng screamed angrily.

It was really angry to see her, and San Fat had no choice to say more, but wanted to explain it, but when Feng Ling looked ugly, he had to wait for Da Bin to come back tomorrow morning, and turned around to get out of the tent.

Feng Ling sat down beside the bed with a cold face, and touched the man's forehead with his hand. Then he took the thermometer next to him and saw that it was indeed 38 degrees and six degrees. This relieved him, but when he lowered his head, he could smell the man. The smell of wine on her body rolled her eyes into the next room secretly.

Seeing San Fat smiling to her side in the window of the tent next to her, she raised her hand in anger and dragged the curtain on the window of the tent down, blocking all the sight from the opposite!


(Oh yo, the little lamb has entered the wolf's mouth by itself, let's swing the sculls, and the boat gently ... wanders ...)

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