Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 891: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (154)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

This kind of thing can not tell whether the three fat is too confused or he is too kind, but this dead fat man is absolutely typical of the usual carelessness and lack of heart.

People can't drink alcohol even if they have a severe headache during a high fever.

Feng Ling was worried that Li Nanheng would continue to burn because he was filled with wine, sitting at the bed from time to time to test his temperature.

Those wines have already been fed. I can only pray that Li's physical fitness can resist the fat liquor's toss.

After observing at the bedside for a while, it was determined that Li Nanheng seemed to have no problem except that his breathing was slightly unstable. Feng Ling got up and poured water.

Then he went back to the bed to feed Li Nanheng with water to help him moisturize his lips. He got up and was about to pick up a basin of water to help him clean his body, but suddenly saw Li Nanheng's eyes slowly opened.

The man did n’t drink that much because of the high fever. Wei's eyes looked at her, and Feng Ling saw that he was awake, and then he leaned forward in surprise and asked softly, "Boss, are you awake?"

Li Nanheng didn't speak, but only in the moment after his eyes opened again, what he saw was Feng Ling's close face, and the teenager was a little bitter because he continued to take care of him by the bed, and seemed to have lost at least two pounds. appearance.

"Boss?" Seeing him awake but not talking, Feng Ling looked at him and wondered whether it was because of a high fever or because he had been drunk with alcohol, and his eyes did not look sober. He raised his hands apart in fear of a headache. He pressed lightly on the side of his temple and rubbed it a few times, then said, "Is it a headache? Is this comfortable?

The man still didn't speak, just watching her a little closer.

Feng Ling felt that he was looking at her, and looking at somewhere else through her face, as if there was a focal length, and as if it was out of focus.

Could it be that I just opened my eyes after sleeping for a few days, but actually I didn't wake up completely in thinking?

Feng Ling hesitated, and was about to throw the towel in his hand back to the water basin next to it.

When she turned back, she suddenly felt that her wrists were hot, and she was directly held by the man. She didn't know where he came from, so she stared at her face without saying a word, but slammed her Pulling down, she was unprepared for a moment, and the whole person fell back to the bed and lay on the man's chest!

The towel in his hand fell directly to the ground because of this sudden movement, and the water basin next to her was also knocked over by her legs, and the water on the floor was directly sprinkled on the ground.

Feng Ling was startled, and was about to get up from his arms, but at the blink of an eye, the man suddenly pushed her to turn inward, and pressed her directly underneath, because of the high fever and drunkenness for a long time. When the reddish and dark eyes were staring at her like this, I didn't know how to describe his eyes, as if the bloodthirsty wolf looked at his most wanted food, With a bit of fierceness, perseverance, domineering, and greed, a little bit more.

"Boss ...?" Feng Ling was about to push him away. The man's hand directly held her two lifted hands, pressing **** the side of her head, her dark eyes locked on her face.

Feng Ling inexplicably noticed some kind of danger. She looked back at his gaze and immediately jumped her brows, eager to get up, but was still clinging to his bed by the man's clasped wrists.

After earning a bit, she found that she had not been able to earn enough money in front of a man who had a high fever for more than three days, and wanted to work harder, but couldn't go too hard because she deliberately avoided his injured wrist. Dump.

She lifted her legs to lift him by bending her knees, but at the moment when her knees could not bend, Li Nanheng had already kissed her eyes heavily.

"Uh ... what are you doing ... Uh ..." Feng Ling's eyes widened, and the light in the corner of his eyes was directed towards the entrance of the tent for the first time because the man kissed suddenly.

At this time, if Da Bin comes back early to patrol outside and is hit by someone, she will not be able to say a few words at that time!

"Boss ..." Feng Ling barely crooked his body and pushed him up with his shoulders, but the man looked at her face with a dark look because of her movements of twisting his shoulders and raising his chest. He kissed again without hesitation, without saying a word, without an explanation, and just kissing like this.

It ’s a real kiss, unlike the day when he stayed awake at least at his place. At this moment, he was obviously not awake, because he was not awake, and Feng Ling could n’t push him away, no matter what she had Struggling moves can be held down by him.

Suddenly she regretted that she had always found the opportunity to feed him these past few days. If he was so hungry for three days, he would not have so much energy!

His lips almost turned red and swollen because of his fierce kiss, and Feng Ling's two hands were pressed on the bed by her, and she opened her mouth to bite. Although the man could physically restrain him, The strength can reflect that there is still some influence on the speed. After she took a bite, not only was she not awake, but her eyes were as dark as the night, ignoring the **** bite on her lips, and she lowered her head. She bit her back on her lips, like a beast that was bound to devour its prey, without hesitation or mercy.

Feng Ling was furious because he was not sober and crazy, but Li Nanheng when she was sensible could not push it away. Now Li Nanheng who is irrational and even full of wine cannot push even a gap, on the lips. When the man was bitten by the man's kiss and became sore that she kept refusing to twist the head, the man held her both hands behind her back with one hand, holding her chin directly with the other, and the kiss was deeper and firmer.

In this way, the mouth of the two people in the warm tent seemed to be a silent and invisible confrontation. Feng Ling glared at him, but because of her gaze and constant struggle, she even did not care. Hesitation suddenly pulled the hand that was originally held on her chin downwards, and the air only heard a "tear"-

The blouse in the collar of her thin down jacket was instantly torn apart by a man, and the cloth was a little embarrassingly piled in the neckline of the down jacket.

Feng Ling had to erected his hair because of this movement, but no matter how he struggled, this man has thousands of ways to lock her hands and feet in such an unconscious state, and she also has a trick When Shi Shi twisted away and avoided it, the zipper on her down jacket had been pulled by the man.

The coolness struck the chest instantly, and the chest wrap inside showed an edge, so the man's gaze fell down, and he saw his white wrapped chest inside the ripped shirt, and his eyes narrowed.

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