Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 899: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (162)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

As a result, Li Nanheng suddenly glanced at the close distance.

Looking at Feng Ling's face, then looking at her lips again, such a distance ... such a kissing angle ...

There were some strange images flashing in his mind.

Those images are not like the scenes experienced in the dream, but what happened in reality. When did he press her on this bed? When did he kiss her in this bed?

But the scene that came out of his mind made him stare at Feng Ling's face with a calm eye.

Since coming to Rogers Pass, although he has not hidden his mind about Feng Ling, he has never made any violations or she did not like it.

After all, in the base, it was just kissing her that night, and she dared to raise her gun the next day. He was not so beastly enough to do anything to her when Feng Ling had been resisting.

But those images can't be for nothing.

He kept looking at Feng Ling's face and tried hard to think back, but he could only recall the images that pressed her on the bed and kissed him, and he was not sure whether it was the scene that Midnight Dream Huili had seen.

In order to remember clearly, Li Nanheng dropped the kiss directly on her lips. Feng Ling's lips were soft and people couldn't wait to dig directly into the tongue when he kissed down. He restrained the impulse. , I just feel that those images in my mind disappear.

Determining that Feng Ling's nightmare should be over, Li Nanheng let go of her, let her lie flat on the bed, sit up and look at Feng Ling, and then turned to look at the small table by the bed.

There were no wine bottles on the table, but when he glanced up at it, he remembered the empty bottles on the day when he woke up.

Have something to do with the wine that San Fat gave him that night?


The next day, it was San Fat's turn to patrol today. As San Fat was preparing to go down the mountain, he suddenly found that Li Boss was also here.

The two went down the mountain side by side, three fat and a flattering expression: "Boss, are you going to patrol with me?"

Li Nanheng Dan glanced at the white snow, and said coldly, "Ask you something."

"Ah, what are you asking, boss?"

"Is there anything else that happened to me the night when I had a high fever?"

San Fat thought back carefully: "No, that night I said I gave you a drink, Feng Ling was very angry and drove me out directly, but Da Bin patrolled the vigil that night. It is estimated that I might go back and watch it at midnight If anything happened, he would definitely say, that Feng Ling stayed in the tent to take care of you that night, Feng Ling stayed in bed for a few days and nights, and has been guarding you, what else can happen? "

"Feng Ling is angry?"

"Yeah, like everyone, I heard that I filled you with wine, and they called me unreliable. Feng Ling also scolded me like that, and then kicked me out. In fact, I should have taken care of your boss that night. I wanted her to take a good rest, but she should be restless. After a whole afternoon of sleep, she passed again. I saw Feng Ling was angry at the time, and I was afraid to really provoke her, and then I left. "

"that is it?"

"Yes indeed."

"Nothing else happened?"

"No, I was in the tent next door, and I didn't fall asleep for a while. I was actually worried that it would be awkward to give you alcohol. I sat in bed and thought about it for a long time."

"You didn't hear anything at the time?"

"I didn't hear it, it was quiet."

"How long did you sit on the bed after returning to the tent?"

"About five minutes!"

Li Nanheng: "........."

"Hey, hey, what are you going to do, boss, don't patrol with me? Don't you have any questions to ask? What are you doing, boss ..."


Everyone originally thought that they would live at least three months at the Rogers Pass, but they did not expect that they would receive an urgent notice from the base shortly after one month.

The big men from the United Nations and the U.S. military will visit the XI base, especially with great confidence and curiosity about the current situation of the sniper team. They must come and see for themselves.

The training process of the sniper team was suspended for a month because of Feng Ling's expatriate assignment. Now it must be recalled and training should be resumed immediately, or when everyone has arrived, if the five members of this sniper team are still immature, I am afraid that the US Army Fang will take this opportunity to slander the XI base, and intends to take back the rights assigned to the base above.

Feng Ling went back, and several other people must have to go back together. After all, those who came together had to go together. To be fair, if there is still someone to be stationed here, another group of people must be sent from the base.

Li Nanheng intends to come directly to several base elites, and the task on the Rogers Pass will end in a way that ends two months in advance.


Los Angeles has officially entered the autumn, especially the temperature of the area where the base is located has been at least seven or eight degrees lower than one month ago.

And after returning to the base, I can no longer eat and drink every day like I did when I was at Rogers Pass, and in an instant I resumed the busy days in each training camp.

In the sniper team, the training schedule was quickly speeded up. Usually, it added up to about seven or eight hours of training and added ten hours. At night, there were two more hours of training. Special training for sniper shooting was also added. Xiang, Li Nanheng personally joined the training team, and Qiao Fei started five of them in turn to train.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the strong training was over and Feng Ling went directly to his residence.

Every day after returning, everyone was busy. Li Nanheng had a rare meeting today without going to the base's conference room. When Feng Ling walked back to his residence, he happened to go downstairs and the two went upstairs together.

Feng Ling walked forward all the way without saying a word, saying no greetings, Li Nanheng looked at her cold back, and after walking to the floor where she lived, she was planning to talk to her about the base. Arrangements for snipers.

When he got to the door, Feng Ling opened the door and went in. He closed the door with a slam and didn't even give him a chance to speak.

Standing in the aisle with the automatic lights on, looking at the closed door next door, Li Nanheng's eyebrows beat.

Just going over, suddenly, the phone rang.

Li Nanheng picked up the phone and heard what the other person said. After that, his eyes lighted, and then he suddenly looked at the closed door with a meaningful look, turned and walked out.

At the base cafeteria, the two members of the three teams saw him coming, and he quietly handed him a single piece of sanitary napkin, and said, "Boss, this is what we two found under the cafeteria seat just now. Yes, this is not something for women? There are no women in our base, and Dr. Wen's sister has not been in the base recently. How can there be such a thing ... and people who have been to the cafeteria before and sat there for dinner Seems like Feng Ling ... "

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