Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 900: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (163)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng took the things they handed over, and after glancing at them, he glanced at one of them: "Is it found under a chair?"

"Yes, just after the two of us finished the training for the three teams, we sat in the cafeteria for a while and ate a bit of tea just now. I was hungry and asked for two more meals. Just eating here. "

Feng Ling.

It's her again.

Li Nanheng calmly squeezed a small piece of sanitary napkin wrapped in a white translucent thing in his hand. Although they are all men and never touch this thing, it does not mean that they do not know what it is for.

"Boss, what ..." Then the members of the three teams took a step forward, and Li Nanheng whispered in front of them: "Listening to the brothers of the first team, Feng Ling usually does not live with everyone, should she not really Is……"

He pointed to Li Nanheng's hand again and whispered, "Is it a woman?"

Li Nanheng's expression was faint: "It is too arbitrary to conclude that a person is a man and a woman based on such a thing, not to mention that if she is really a woman, you few women from the three teams can't even beat a woman. , Sorry to mix in the XI base? "

The two were suddenly speechless and glanced at each other.

Feng Ling usually has such fine skin and tender meat, if it is not because she is very agile in every assessment and training with each other, and it is fierce to hit people, I am afraid everyone would have suspected it.

But looking at the boss means that they are not allowed to talk nonsense in the base until the truth is determined, and the two of them are afraid to talk anymore.

However, it is not difficult to see from the eyes of the two of them. Such suspicions have already existed in the hearts of members of various bases.

It ’s just that Fengling ’s convincing skills have been blocking the crowd. In addition, everyone in the sniper team is more united. No one will talk about it, so even if some people who run the train like to mess around, they also like to ask around. But there is no specific basis for it, and it can only spread a little like a little news, but it does not affect the calm on the surface.

Li Nanheng glanced at the small piece in his hand again, his face could not see the waves, and he was about to turn back. Suddenly, a voice came from the side: "Oh! Li Boss! What is this ... how about this ..."

Hearing the movement behind him, Li Nanheng turned his face expressionlessly, and saw the only woman in the cafeteria, Aunt Jelly, 45 years old, walked anxiously and looked at him. I want to take things, but because the other party is a big boss and dare not, this hand is neither lifted nor closed.

Li Nanheng glanced at her, and frowned, "This is yours?"

Aunt Jelly nodded again and again, embarrassed and said, "I ... oh, I'm really old and always confused. I went outside the base last month to buy a pack of this stuff and returned it, and put it in On the locker in the storage room in front of the cafeteria, these days are exactly those days ... Just used them directly, and the rest are put in the pockets. It may not have been too clean when we came here to clean the tables and chairs here Note that one of them has fallen out ... Although I am so old, the children are almost the same as you, but it is still too embarrassing to be seen by your young guys, Li Bo, I am so sorry ... "

Aunt Jelly said as she walked over with a look of shame, and took the sanitary napkin in the open palm of Li Nanheng.

After taking it, she took out a large bag of sanitary napkins from the canvas pocket she was carrying on her back. A few men present at the scene saw that this small piece was the same as the inside of her big bag. The style size is the same.

Aunt Jelly was in front of them again, and with a look of embarrassment, she put the small piece of stuff back into the big bag, neat and tidy, without any surprise.

"Boss Li, I'm really sorry, I will definitely pay attention in the future. I know that very few women come in at the XI base. This thing may look like a big news in the eyes of everyone, and I will definitely take it in the future. Okay! "Aunt Jelly continued to apologize with apologetic expression, full of guilt.

The palm of his hand was empty for a moment, Li Nanheng didn't say much, only a slight response: "Well, pack your things, Aunt Jerry is the only woman in the entire base, this misunderstanding should not happen often. "

When he said this, his eyes had turned to the two people in the three teams.

The two immediately understood the meaning of the boss, so it was just a misunderstanding? This thing belongs to Aunt Jerry? So isn't Feng Ling left here at all?

If that's the case, it really is a big oolong.

The two men quickly nodded and smiled and said, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. We also thought that Feng Ling was eating here, so we thought it might be her, but since it is not, it is a misunderstanding. The boss called here, it seems that we have made a big deal with what is inside, so let's go first, and you will go back to rest early ... "

Talking, the two pushed each other and hurried out.

Until the two went away, Aunt Jerry nodded politely and respectfully to Li Nanheng again, and said two more words of regret in his mouth, turned around and went back to work.

Li Nanheng stood in the canteen of the base for a while, without any action, only looking at the empty and dark training grounds outside the window, and the solitary lights lit around the field, and the night sky with only a few stars outside the window.

These days after returning to the base, every night there are some strange images circling in his mind.

Some kisses, entanglements on the bed, and even some actions that only occur on the bed between men and women ...

He thought it was just a dream, but it seemed like a dream.

With such suspicions, I wanted to ask Feng Ling for a few days, but Feng Ling hid from him.

I heard that Auntie Jelly continued to clean the room, and the cleaner and sterilizer were pushed out. This is the disinfection process that must be done in the cafeteria after the end of dinner every day.

Li Nanheng looked down and turned and went out.

Seeing that Li Nanheng's tall figure had walked out of the cafeteria, and stepped into the night without looking back, Aunt Jerry's hand pushed on the two machines was immediately released, and she looked forward for a long time, looking into her head.

A few minutes later, it was determined that the boss Li had really left, and then he was relieved, and quickly picked up his mobile phone to make a call.

Feng Ling returned to the residence not long after and was preparing to take a bath, but hesitated because of the sudden arrival of the aunt today. It seems that it is not convenient to wash today, so I can only wipe it.

Before he undressed, he heard the cellphone on the bed ring.

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