Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 902: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (165)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Aunt Jelly didn't want to sell Feng Ling, but the boss was right in front of her. There was really no way she could deceive a person who obviously knew the truth as a child.

This will not only protect Feng Ling, but may also anger him.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she nodded slowly, "Yes ..."

Li Nanheng's eyes were like the ink of two ponds.

"Boss, don't blame her. Feng Ling has performed well in the base for so many years. She has no difference from other boys except gender, and I listen to those boys talking about them. You ca n’t beat Feng Ling. You see how good this child is. You ca n’t just kick her out because she ’s a girl ... ”Aunt Jellie tried hard to persuade,“ I know the rules for bases, but Feng Ling worked so hard, I really didn't want to see her kicked out ... "

Li Nanheng couldn't see a wave of waves on his face, only looked at her with a low expression: "What happened to that thing just now?"

I have already said everything, and I can't hide anything else. Aunt Jelly said with red eyes, "It's Feng Ling's holiday today, but it may have been ahead of time. She didn't prepare herself. The blood was discovered by me, so I I took her two pieces ... I didn't know she was a girl today ... "

She said more and more anxious, and finally begged with all eyes: "Don't drive her away, boss ..."

Li Nanheng's gaze was so cold that he turned suddenly and walked out.

Aunt Jelly was busy chasing out, but she saw the man's back indifferent and determined. He was already tall and long. At this moment, he quickly stepped into the night outside the cafeteria.

"What can I do ..." Aunt Jelly glanced at her phone, wondering if she should give Feng Lingtong a letter.

But looking at Li ’s expression just now, it is estimated that if she continues to reconcile in this matter, she and Feng Ling will not have any good fruit.

And he apparently just went to find Ling Ling to settle the account, and she is useless to report the air now.

After Li Nanheng walked out of the cafeteria for about 100 meters, he took out his cell phone with a blank expression and called Xiao Xu: "Aunt Jelly at the base cafeteria settled the salary for ten years at a time, and an extra $ 300,000 was dismissed The subsidy made her leave the base tonight, and she said that I told her to rot everything she knew, she was not allowed to communicate with anyone, and went straight. "

Xiao Xu didn't understand. As soon as he asked, he heard Li Nanheng's voice that was almost dreadful: "You don't need to understand, just do it."

Xiao Xu: "... OK, OK."


The tall and tall man walked with long legs across the spacious road of the base and walked quickly. All the doubts in his head were all connected together, and his complexion seemed to be dripping with ink.

From the accidental glimpse of the steaming room in the orphanage that year, to every inexplicable restraint, and the scenes of midnight dreams these days after he returned to the base ...

He even allowed a woman to lie so long and repeatedly in front of himself, watching himself uncontrollably and confessing confession, watching a man of his own kind who would rather admit to bending because of his insatiable feelings. After that, he refused to tell the truth. When he warned her time and time again to be honest, he was so confused once and for all.

How courageous is she to be a man in a place like XI Base?

After all, who gave her the courage, after he was almost found in the orphanage, he dared to mix in the base and just put it in front of him?

The courage is really big enough!

Dare to raise a gun at him, and would rather be sent to Rogers Pass to be punished rather than tell the truth.

it is good.


Walking back to the common residence with Feng Ling, downstairs, Ak and Tam were sitting outside smoking, and saw Li Nanheng coming back from the outside. They stood up one by one and greeted them in a queue: " Boss! "

Li Nanheng didn't even answer, and went straight in.

Ak surprised and looked at Tam: "I'm not mistaken. The boss's expression just seems to be looking for revenge ..."

Tam: "I feel like ..."

AK: "Who is this for?"

Tam pointed up: "Probably, maybe ... maybe ... except for a few of us outside, there will only be Feng inside?"


Feng Ling has n’t taken a bath yet, because of what Aunt Jelly said just now, she is a little upset. Many of the three teams like to trouble her because they are usually unconvinced. I do n’t know if this aunt ’s towel will What a stir.

Just when she had just replaced her black pants with a little blood, and put on another clean pair of pants, she was preparing to take off her jacket and suddenly heard footsteps outside the door.

Then, the man outside didn't knock on the door, and threw in the cold words: "Open the door."

When I heard Li Nanheng's voice, Feng Ling's movement to unbutton the button was stagnant, and he turned to look at the door. Although he didn't want to see him, he avoided so many days in the base, but he was still her Boss, not to mention living next to her.

It's so late, if it's okay, he won't come over suddenly.

But she didn't quite understand how her eyelids bounced.

She walked over and hesitated before opening the door. The man outside the door immediately set her eyes on her face as soon as the door was opened, and the faint, calm look quickly made her realize the danger.

Especially when the man glimpsed the pair of trousers that she threw in the basket in front of the bathroom door, her eyes were even more indescribable.

Feng Ling didn't change her face, her tone was calm and light: "Boss, it's so late, is there something wrong?"

Li Nanheng didn't know how strong his willpower was to restrain himself. Now he wanted to pick her up directly and opened his mouth: "Go to my room, sort out the recent information in the computer into different categories, save the number and save it to Computer desktop. "

The voice was light and faint, not high or low, but she could hear every word clearly, and even felt the coldness mixed in it.

This is indeed a job she had promised before.

Feng Ling had no doubt about it, walked out of his room, and walked quickly to the next door.

After Feng Ling went out, Li Nanheng stood in front of the door, looked into this still clean and concise room where no trace of women could be seen, and went straight in.

Walked to the bed, and stared directly at the black suitcase under the bed, more than once I saw her put the box on the bottom of the bed, even when she was on a snowy mountain.

He suddenly jumped out of a certain dream that he hadn't been sure about. It was so strange that he never figured it out. In the dream, he seemed to be biting a tangled cloth on her chest and biting the cloth away ... ...

What exactly is that cloth strip?

The man's eyes were cold and he kicked the suitcase out of the bed suddenly—


(At the end of the month, my mother Qing waved a small handkerchief and wanted my parents to ask for a monthly pass ~)

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