Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 903: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (166)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The trunk was opened.

A few clean, flat white chest wraps were placed in the compartment in the middle of the trunk.

All the answers came out completely, and there was no longer any possibility of covering.

Li Nanhengdan looked at those things, leaned down, picked up the cloth strips, looked at them briefly, put them back calmly, closed the suitcase again, and pushed them back to the bottom of the bed.

Then keep this squatting position by the bed, slowly roll your eyes, look in the direction of the bathroom, get up and walk over, open the bathroom door, and see a few kinds of toiletries placed there, there is still a faint fragrance channel, only Unique to Feng Ling.

Turning to the table next to him, the man opened the drawer with one hand and sure enough, he saw a pack of sanitary napkins that were only used by women, white and soft, lying in it, as if hidden for many years. Great truth, just like this.

Therefore, it really is a woman.

next door.

Feng Ling quickly sorted the files after turning on the computer, and looked back at the same time. She didn't close the room door, thinking that Li Nanheng would come together, but it has been a few minutes and he hasn't come yet. He won't always wait in her room. ?

A bang, a thunder from the sky, pierced the sky, and a flash appeared and disappeared again.

Feng Ling's face was slightly bright with bright colors reflected on the computer screen, her eyes and eyes were calm and soft, she looked at the files on the screen, and organized them carefully.

However, these files seem to be old. In the impression, she seems to have seen these files the last time. How can I suddenly ask her to organize these old files? Is there any new instruction in the base?

After Feng Ling sorted out all the documents, she suddenly felt a thorn in her back. She jumped her fingers on the keyboard, and looked back at the man who did not know when she had stood in front of the door.

After the man entered the door, his first look was on her, and he went directly behind her.

His eyes looked at her.

Feng Ling never looked at him like this.

And it seems that there are obvious emotional changes, but when she is about to see something, she seems to be covered by something.

"Is there a problem with these documents?" Feng Ling asked subconsciously.

Li Nanheng's eyes were cold and deep. Something in the heart was so vibrant and endless, some shocks from the depths of his soul made him surprisingly calm. He took out the silver lighter from his trouser pocket and said lightly: "No problem, organize yours without asking more."

Feng Ling glanced at him again, but at this moment the man had turned and pushed the window directly to the balcony of his room.

Li Nanheng turned his back to Fengling who was busy in front of the computer inside. He held the mobile phone with one hand, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He listened to the keyboard and mouse sounds that rang from behind, and the man's face was sideways His eyes were indifferent to the empty and dark base.

Somehow, Feng Ling saw a certain sense of oppression on his back.

The man was smoking, and she raised his eyes to see him. After a pause of about ten seconds, the man turned his back to her, spit a ring of smoke into the night sky, and said coldly, "Don't be dazed, continue."

Feng Ling quickly retracted his gaze and stared at the screen, but the movement of the hand on the keyboard was slightly delayed. I do n’t know what happened and it ’s hard to guess, but what the two teams of the three teams found today should be with him It doesn't matter, and Aunt Jelly is so tight-lipped, she definitely won't say anything. The boss usually doesn't treat the people of the third team very much, so there should be no chance of seeing that late.

But for not being at ease, Feng Ling occasionally looked up at the man's back.

But he saw that he just stood there smoking, didn't want to talk to her, didn't want to force her, or aimed at her.

"Feng Ling." The man's deep voice mixed into the heavy rain falling out of the window accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, with a different charming texture: "I have done something in the days when I had a high fever on the snow-capped mountains. Nothing happened? "

Feng Ling's eyes returned to the computer screen, and while he saved the files and dated them, he said quietly, "No."

Seems like the expected answer.

A series of lies.

Li Nanheng is still maintaining her sanity. If not, now she is afraid to pull out the dagger in her pants and cut off her clothes.

"I suddenly remembered that the computer was full of old documents from a while ago, and the new documents would not be sent to the mailbox tomorrow morning." The man's eyes were very heavy and said, "Let's put that, no need to organize."

"Suddenly remembered?" Feng Ling's hand stopped and looked coldly at the man on the balcony: "Boss, you are really forgetful."

Li Nanheng heard the words and turned his eyes slowly. "What else have I forgotten? You remind me, or many reminders, I can remember what I should think of."

"No." Feng Ling boarded his face: "The boss is usually too busy. It is normal to remember such a small thing about organizing files. After all, you are the boss. Even if you ask me to take out the files from one year ago, Rearranging, I can't possibly complain at all. "

Having said that, she said, "So I can go back now, right?"

Li Nanheng extinguished the cigarette **** in his hand, his voice was very light: "Come on."

It's that simple?

It seems that nothing happened.

Feng Ling was so sensitive that she felt a little nervous and relaxed instantly, but suddenly she came over to organize the old documents in the evening, just because she forgot?

Feng Ling felt that he usually didn't pay enough attention to Li Bo's thoughts. He didn't deliberately guess his thoughts, and now he couldn't understand.

"It's raining outside, remember to close the doors and windows." Li Nanheng looked at the rain outside the balcony, his mouth was slightly cold: "It's almost winter, don't wear too little."

Feng Ling heard behind him, and turned to look at him, but all she could see was the back of the man, but the words were more or less pleasant. She gave a slight answer and left.

After just going back to her room, she looked at the things under the bed and everything around her, without any changes that should not have been made.


The rain was heavy. This should be the last rain before winter this year. The wind was bitter and cold, but compared with the cold wind on the Rogers Pass, it was not worth mentioning at all.

Li Nanheng stood on the balcony like this, the cigarette was over, and he took out another cigarette, but it was not ignited, he put it down in his mouth for a moment, then he looked at the light next to the light, and the rain hit the obliquely above the balcony. Come down and fall on the window in the balcony next door.

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