Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 915: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (178)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

In the banquet room, Feng Ling's table not only attracted the attention of military leaders.

Several members of the three teams have been wondering whether Feng Ling is male or female since some time ago. These doubts and news first spread from the three teams, and then gradually passed through the base. Others may have just At first I was just curious and skeptical, and after two days I forgot that it was no longer important. After all, Feng Ling was still Feng Ling, and I didn't see anything else wrong with her.

But the three teams often talked together. Over time, the issue of Feng Ling's gender seemed to be a knot in their mind. As long as the knot was not opened, they could not help but want to see her.

Just now Mr. Deniken went to Feng Ling's table first, and he didn't know what was talked with. After that, the boss Li also passed by. How much attention is paid to a sniper team in this area, but the gap between them is too great. The members of the three teams that were left behind by the first, second, and sniper teams because of their performance and various reasons could not help looking at Feng Ling.

There are many western-style meals in the banquet hall. Of course, there are many Chinese dishes specially invited by the chef. Most of them have to get up and take them as if they are eating a buffet.

Tam sat inside, too lazy to move, while Feng Ling got up to get some fruit, handed her plate: "Help me bring two fried chicken **** back."

Feng Ling took the plate and passed. Just put the fried chicken breast that Tam wanted into the plate, and cut it piece by piece with a plate knife, sprinkled the seasoning, and was about to turn around and take it back. Suddenly, the rest of my eyes Guang glanced at the eyes on the table where the three teams were sitting. She knew that some rumors had recently come from the three teams, and she knew what they were looking at. They did not turn to look at them and turned away.

As a result, just after taking a few steps, she noticed that the eyes of those people were a little sharp, then her eyes were frozen, her eyes were cold, and her feet quickly avoided the legs extended by two of them, and then while they were not When it was time to retract the legs, they pretended to step on the ankle bones of the two men as if they were not standing, and suddenly the two painful whites were severe, but they were not in the public. Dare to make a sound, can only forcibly press on the edge of the table.

Feng Ling then turned her eyes and looked at the couple on the table, her lips were cold, her smile was not up to the bottom of her eyes: "Sorry, I didn't stand too well, I almost fell down, are you all right?"

The two members of the three teams endured the pain in the ankle bones, their faces were dull and their voices were silent, but on the surface they didn't say much, just shook their heads: "No, nothing."

Feng Ling smiled and looked back: "It's all right."

I was about to go back again, and glimpsed another person who suddenly got up with a full glass of wine. The next move was to imitate her almost unstable position. Looking at the angle of the wine glass, I knew that it would be all Spilled on her.

Feng Ling took a big step directly back, then raised his leg again, as if inadvertently using his knees to support his belly when he fell down toward the ground, it seemed as if he wanted to do something for him to lean on In fact, at the moment when the opponent flew forward and fell down, using this posture, he used his knees to severely lift his abdomen to the top, and at the same time, he made a fierce difference with his legs on his arms. A glass of wine was suddenly sprinkled on the head of the next three team members, and at the same time the whole person immediately fell out of control and fell to the ground with the fragments that had just broken on the ground.

One was drunk with wine, and the whole face of Wolverine changed. One fell to the ground directly and hardly. The two had not yet had time to reflect. Feng Ling had walked past the two of them as if nothing had happened. At the same time, he threw down a sentence coldly: "Be careful."

I don't know if this reminds them to be careful here, or reminds them to be careful in the future ...

The other people around the three teams at the table looked at each other, and then looked at Feng Ling's indifferent back walking away from the plate, and all of them suddenly became blue.

Qiao Fei was right next to me, seeing such a scene, it was seen that the people of the three teams wanted to pour the wine on Feng Ling's chest. Such a blatant temptation, what did they know?

He got up and walked over to support the three team members who were struggling to get up. Seeing his expression of painful fangs and grin covering his stomach when he got up, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's the matter with you? Not to mention that your action was not directed at Feng Ling just now. He is not in a training camp with you and usually has little contact. How did Feng Ling offend you? "

"Brother Qiao." The man covered his stomach that had just been hurt by Feng Ling, and said in pain: "We don't mean anything else ... Don't get me wrong ... We are not aiming at him. It was really true just now. Too careful ... "

"Not careful? You almost poured a glass of wine on someone. Is this accidental? Feng Ling has always won without knowing her? Her skills and speed, the three of you may not be able to compare with her. , Dare to make a trip beside her, do you really think you have a long life? "

"..." The man pressed his stomach, his face suddenly sinking a lot, and then he turned his eyes to Feng Ling's direction, not to mention other aspects, but it was too thirsty for knowledge, in the end he couldn't help but say, "Qiao Didn't you think Feng Ling was like a sissy? Our brothers didn't mean anything else, that is, the rumors and slang in the base recently, we want to know whether he is a man or a woman. I wanted to borrow it. The incident of spilling this wine helped her untie her clothes, so just plan, there really is no other malicious ... "

Qiao Fei immediately raised his eyebrows and sneered again: "I said you were uneasy. Sure enough, what is all this about? When you are on a mission, your three teams are protected by other team members. In the back, are you still directly targeting the people in front? "

The man's expression suddenly felt ashamed: "That's not true, it's really curiosity ..."

"There is nothing to be curious." Qiao Fei said coldly: "I have been in the sniper team for so long. The first two times Feng Ling was unwell and needed medicine. She peeled her clothes and helped her to take medicine. Except that Bai Jing is thinner, everything else is a pure man. You do n’t have to guess and guess. The bases are all men. Do n’t engage in those broken things that only happen between women. ”

As soon as the other members of the three teams heard this, they all got up and walked over to Qiao Fei, and whispered, "Is it really a man?"

"Yes." Qiao Fei glanced calmly.

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