Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 916: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (179)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Everyone has lived in the base for so many years. If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that other people haven't seen it. Especially, the A and K people are often mixed with Feng Ling. If they are not men, then they have not been discovered long ago? What are you thinking all day? "

As soon as Qiao Fei's words fell, the others looked at each other again, and then glanced at the side where Feng Ling was sitting. They saw Tam Lincheng and Feng Ling. They were talking and laughing together, completely. It is the state of getting along with each other.

Indeed, if it was a woman, it should have been discovered long ago. A person can hide in the base for a year or two, but it is not always possible to continue for a long time.

Could it be that the thing at that time really had something to do with Aunt Jerry?

Why did Auntie Jelly disappear in the cafeteria?

Is it because I feel that the thing has been seen by these young guys, and feels too embarrassed to go away?

But it seems to be too far off ...

But now I want to find Aunt Jelly and question the truth, but I ca n’t reach anyone.

But Qiao Fei is an instructor after all, it is impossible to lie to them.

"I see, Brother Qiao, it's our fault." A few people whispered.

Qiao Fei nodded coldly: "Well, in the future these irrelevant relationships should not be rumored again and again, the recent rumors and slang in the XI base came from you, right? If Feng Ling really has a problem, the above would have been Feng Ling was specifically called to investigate. I don't need you to do anything at all, understand? "

"Yes, understand ... rest assured, never again!"

Qiao Fei put them back in their sight, and then walked away, leaving a few faces of the three teams with a dubious expression.


The next day, Feng Ling left the base with the U.S. military. Accompanying him, no one knew how Feng Ling was suddenly taken away by the U.S. military. But everyone felt that the military wanted to This thing seems not so simple.

The members of the sniper team were "invited" to leave in this way. It was the U.S. military, which had always been unhappy with each other secretly and in the base. There must be something nasty about it, but no one dared to ask directly.

After arriving at the place, Deineken arranged a good place for Feng Ling. Feng Ling went in and saw the environment inside, and then stepped back: "This kind of place isn't what I should live in. Where does Ak live? I am with him. "

"A K also lives in this building, but since we invited you two to come over, of course, we can't be wronged that you are crowded in the same room. The room he lives in is also in a good environment. You can rest assured to live here. Say, see how to arrange for you to discuss and exchange with our sniper team. "Deineken said as he opened the door and motioned for her to enter.

Feng Ling was resolute.

After stunning for a while, K didn't know where he popped out, and suddenly came up from the stairs, and all the way beckoned to this side: "Feng Ling, come here, my room is very large It's still an apartment. There are two beds. It happens that we live together! "

"Okay." Hearing that there were two beds, Feng Ling nodded without hesitation and walked directly to AK, ignoring Deniken who had been dragging her inward.

Seeing that Ak came to this floor, Deineken said it was not good for a while, and he just came forward and said, "Isn't this going to arrange a room for each of you, brother Ak, you are here Do you often stay together like this at the base? "

"Everyone is a man. There is nothing wrong with living together, and it is not the same bed." A K took a look at him for granted: "Even if it is the same bed, there is no problem, is it the army. On the side of Fang, everyone is Living alone? So many of your rooms? There are no places like collective dormitories? "

"That's true, but for good members like you and Feng Ling, we have always been treated very well. In addition to high bonuses, we will also share such a good place, the one opposite There are a lot of good snipers in the sniper team, and look for opportunities to introduce you. "Deineken laughed.

"Haha, we are here to study and observe. Others don't consider it. You should be busy first. Call us when you need us later." AK said winking to Feng Ling: "Go, go back to the room to make a bed Go, I see new sheets inside. "

Seeing that the two were gone directly, Deineken stood on the spot, the smile on his face gradually faded, and then became cold again, squinting, and looking back at the room specially arranged for Feng Ling behind his eyes, his face Displeasedly walked over and slammed the door shut.

Early the next morning, indeed, as Deniken said, they soon arranged a discussion with the army sniper team.

It was a very simple "technical exchange". It was as simple as Feng Ling and A K clearly seeing their disappointment. Instead, they used only 81-type automatic rifles, even the army. Their military and civilians agree, but this 81-type automatic rifle has a little regret in addition to its good performance and high accuracy, which is very heavy.

Heavier than the largest sniper rifle they've ever encountered.

A K doesn't matter, he has more strength, but he is a bit worried about Feng Ling, suspecting that they deliberately did not take out a sniper rifle, but instead used this kind of thing to deliberately sneer Feng Ling's weakness.

However, there was no expression on Feng Ling's face, and he only looked at the confident expressions of the army snipers when they hit the target. It can be seen that each of them has the same strength and physical strength, usually Li Bo has always been Regarding her physical condition, it really makes sense.

When it came to Feng Ling and A K, A K first came on the field. Although it was a little heavy, he was not inferior to the elite snipers of the army.

Until Feng Ling was ready to go on the stage, when Ak walked back to her, he whispered in a voice that only she could hear: "The weight of this gun is wrong. I just tried other people's guns, which are lighter than ours. It seems that the stock of the 81-type automatic rifle of the two of us was filled with lead or sand. This group of stupid people must come from holding the people who want to humiliate our XI base. Pay attention to the weight. "

Feng Ling heard that, and walked calmly. When they arrived in the field and picked up the guns they handed to them, it really turned out that, as A said, he weighed more than she expected.

However, this target uses a chest ring target, which is one of the items often trained in the base.

Just waiting to watch this skinny sniper from the XI base appear ugly, he was not ready to make fun of it. He only heard "bangs, bangs" and several gunshots came out, shaking the field directly. People haven't reflected yet.

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