Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 917: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (180)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When it finally reflected what happened, I saw that all the five gun targets in the field were hit by the bullets in the center, and shot through the several gun targets behind them, firing the bullets of the original army. Shoot them all down.

A K's eyes were slightly swayed by water instantly. Sure enough, the boss and the instructors' eyes were the best. Although the gun was heavy, Feng Ling was Feng Ling after all. Even if there was a jackstone in her hand, she aimed Degree is not comparable to ordinary people.

And with the few shots she fired at this instant, she shot even without hesitating time. It is estimated that the nearest people at the station were almost deaf.

Such a heavy gun can still have such a faster and faster power than usual. Feng Ling suddenly remembered that in the base, everyone is usually used to choosing lightweight guns. Even sniper guns are discarded. No one wants to touch too much. It's heavy, because I'm afraid it's too inconvenient to carry things that are too heavy for the task, and it's too easy.

But at this moment, she suddenly realized that when Li Li used to select sniper rifles, watching them choose only light guns, he once commented: "It really didn't go through enough."

That was what it meant.

Heavy guns are not necessarily a burden, but at some point only these heavier things can withstand wind speed and various battlefield changes, which are several times more stable than any lighter guns.

I didn't expect that there would be such a gain after coming out like this, Feng Ling's mouth turned up.

Waiting for her to retract her gun, even if the people in the field were unwilling to applaud, they still had to applaud because of the apparent peace with the XI base. Ak was even more excited, and anxiously went to hug Fengling, the big baby. come.

But he can always keep in mind that the boss Li can eat people's eyes, let's just forget, let's take care of people ...


After arriving at the army's sniper training camp, for three consecutive days, where Feng Ling went, A K followed, and when Feng Ling went to the toilet, he had to follow, but fortunately they lived together. Each of the suites has a toilet and bathroom in each bedroom, and neither of them need to go out.

This is not a XI base. Even if you do n’t need training, you still have to avoid suspicion. If you have nothing to look for, they would rather eat instant noodles in the room than go out, let alone go to their cafeteria for people to watch and point and discuss .

On the morning of the fourth day, the army and Fang sniper team invited them to go together during the morning training, but one of their new members accidentally hit them in a water training pool not far away, even if Feng Ling had some Beware, the lower body still falls into the water, and before the upper body gets wet with water, she is quickly grabbed by A K's eyes and pulls her out.

"All right?"

Feng Ling shook her head and turned to look at the crowd of people, while patting the water on her pants and asking in a voice that only Ak could hear: "Did the boss talk to you before leaving the base? He Say for how long we will stay here? "

A K glanced at him and whispered, "Five days."

Hearing these two words, Feng Ling's heart instantly counted. For the time being, he did not consider the waste of the army. Otherwise, the peace that the XI base and the army maintained on the surface would be broken sooner or later. Difficult to do, not necessarily what will happen.

She took out the mobile phone in her trouser pocket and patted it in her hand: "The mobile phone has got water."

She rarely brings a cell phone in the training camp at the XI base, but she always carries it here. I did not expect such a scene.

"You go back and change your clothes first, don't walk around. I'll pack them here." A K winked at her.

Feng Ling nodded. Although it was just that her pants were wet and her upper body was okay, it was n’t appropriate to stand here in such a embarrassing manner, and then she looked at the crowd coldly and whispered: Just don't go too far, otherwise we won't be able to explain when we go back. "

"Rest assured, I don't care too much about a few grandchildren, but I always have to find a chance to have fun." A K said, shaking his wrist as if disapproving.

He was clearly angry at this move.

Feng Ling knew that he had a good personality, so he didn't care about him anymore, and patted his mobile phone back into the water while walking back.

After returning to the apartment, wipe the water off the phone, but it is estimated that the water in it will not evaporate for a while. The screen is black now, and I don't know if it can be used.

Now that the temperature in Los Angeles is very low, she fell into the water and then came out. She was very cold, but she remembered Ak's account. Don't leave him for too long, so she didn't plan to take a bath.

After changing her clothes, she turned around and picked up the kettle in the room to boil some hot water for herself. After taking a few sips of water, she turned around holding the cup, and suddenly stepped on her feet, watching the fast on the table Burn the pot, then turned around and walked into A's room again, and then his eyelids jumped.

Why are there two?

Was there only a kettle in this room last night? Someone came in this room today? Anyone else deliberately brought in a new kettle?

I remembered that Ak said that the fat commander above Deineken often used some dirty methods to deal with the man he liked. Isn't it really ...

What could be dirty means?

She suddenly lowered the cup in her hand, turned and was about to go out, but only heard a door sound, and the fat commander who only passed by occasionally on the training ground came in and looked at it with a smile on her face. She: "Where are you going? Xiaofeng Ling?"

Feng Ling's goosebumps jumped up instantly because of his three words, his dark eyes calmly looked at the fat commander, and he said lightly: "If the commander has something, he can call me and my partner at any time. See you, this is our private living room at the moment. It doesn't seem right for you to condescend here. "

"There is a lot of anti-heart protection at a young age. If I didn't come here, I wouldn't have felt itchy for a long time." His face was itchy.

He stared at Feng Ling, closing the door behind him with his hand, and then dropped the lock again.

Hearing the sound of the door being locked, Feng Ling's eyes tightened slightly, his hands clenched.

She was going back to pick up the mobile phone on the desk. Their XI base has a habit. There is a button on the mobile phone to quickly contact the emergency contact person. As long as the hand speed is in time, it will be able to notify AK to come back, but the hand has just been backward. She suddenly remembered the water in her phone.

Feng Ling calmly retracted his fingers, but when he saw the fat commander approaching her with such a fearless look, he seemed to frown with something like that—

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