Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 921: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (184)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing her not moving, Li Nanheng asked coldly, "Feng Ling, who am I?"

She didn't answer, but apparently if she didn't recognize him as Li Nanheng, she would kill him if she would do the same.

She did, but she obviously didn't want to.

Li Nanheng stared at her, his eyes suddenly cold.

Feng Ling didn't move, Li Nanheng shot again, instead of grabbing directly, but reached out to her: "I'm here, don't be afraid, give me the knife first, eh?"

It is not difficult to see that she was greatly stimulated.

Her eyes were full of scarlet and distrust of everyone, including him.

"You've killed someone, isn't you calm enough?" Li Nanheng said coldly, "If you haven't calmed down, just roll back to the car and calm down. Give me the knife and I'll fix it."

Feng Ling held the knife in his hand, and his defense increased.

Li Nanheng looked at her and saw that she always refused to take a step forward. She approached her simply. When the precautions in her eyes increased sharply, she said lowly, "I won't hurt you. Now that happens, I won't blame you. What you did better understand that you are just for your own protection, and things are left to me, but you must give me the knife first, and you ca n’t bring a sharp weapon with you. "

Otherwise, under the irrational situation now, even if she doesn't kill, she will probably hurt herself.

Feng Ling's eyes flickered, and he looked at him half-believingly. Seeing some signs of hesitation in her eyes, Li Nanheng approached again and motioned her eyes to give him the dagger.

When Feng Ling raised her hand and hesitated to put the dagger into his hand, she suddenly paused, regretted, and was about to withdraw her hand, but Li Nanheng suddenly took this opportunity to grasp her wrist, Slamming the dagger in her hand instantly fell to the ground!

The alarm bell in her heart was so busy that she was struggling to fight back, but the man's eyes were stunned. After Feng Ling's irrational struggle, he raised his hand and knocked fiercely in the most vulnerable place behind her neck. It was the **** wolf girl who fell into his arms weakly.

Seeing that Feng Ling was stunned by Li, he suddenly shocked: "Boss ... you ..."

Li Nanheng hugged the person in his arms, took off his coat and covered her, and looked at Ak indifferently: "Help her get in the car and wait for me in the car."

Ah K is busy picking up the Feng Ling who has lost his consciousness, and then turns to look at him. Li Nanheng has ordered others to come in with him. Then, three more XI base cars rushed in, and got on and off a dozen. People, protecting A K and Feng Ling until A K delivered Feng Ling to the car safely, no one could easily approach.


As soon as Li Nanheng walked in, he saw a few troops headed by Deineken. The person in charge of Fang surrounded the room with a shocked look, and from a distance, he could smell some of the heavy air floating out of the room. Bloody smell.

Deniken was really shocked. This shock was not fake. No one would have expected it, but it was to give a commander of the XI base to the commander. He wanted to honor the commander. He would have killed him.

Therefore, this is equivalent to burying their future for a large group of people. After all, even if the blame lies on the XI base, but the people under their commander have a lot of personal contact with him, and any interests are linked to Together, now that the commander is dead, there is no way they will go in the future.

"Boss," an elite from the base followed him, and whispered, "I just saw a few people leave from here, and I should be looking to do something, but I don't know what to do."

Li Nanheng glanced at the corner in front of the corridor: "Follow them, it is estimated that we will destroy the on-site surveillance, bring the surveillance over and don't give him the opportunity to destroy."

The people behind nodded and acted alone in order not to attract too much attention to them.

"Mr. Li!" Deniken turned back to see Li Nanheng, who walked in expressionlessly. He never expected that he would come at this time, and the emotion was a bit overwhelming, and he rushed forward to discuss with him. .

Li Nanheng gave him a cold look: "What about people?"

"In there!" Deniken said angrily: "The people under you are really brave! Even our commanders dare to kill! She is not afraid of our army. All of us are wanted by her! Or she was originally relying on someone to protect her. Dare to carry a knife? "

"Whether it is a knife or a reasonable self-defense, you can find out the truth and make a conclusion. Now your expression of looking for someone to settle accounts makes me see your guilty conscience. What do you really want to cover up?" Li Nanheng A certain color glanced at him coldly: "Get out."

Deineken's expression of anger suddenly paused at this moment, followed by even more furious, grim look: "I can tell you that the commander's life is enough to destroy your entire XI base! At this time, you dare to let the words go wild here! Everyone has been killed by you, don't you think she can put wings on her body and fly to the military.?

The others around looked at Li Nanheng's handsome and godlike face, although he couldn't see what he was thinking, but instinctively felt that this person dared to walk in, definitely more than the kid who killed here just now Even more dangerous, the crowd took a step back.

Deineken was still angry, pointing at the **** room door behind him and sulking angrily, "I tell you, call your people to the military. The district is worthy of your XI base. The results have not come out in a few games. The talents have just arrived here a few days ago, and now they dare to kill in the army directly! If the two boys Feng Ling and A K are able to go out alive with us today, my name will fall. ... "

Before he finished speaking, he was pushed away by people behind Li Nanheng.

Li Nanheng no longer looked at him, and after the obstacle in front of him was "removed", he went straight in.

Dean Ken was pushed into the wall near him, and then incredulously turned to look at Li Nanheng and the elite members of the XI base who looked very uncomfortable behind him and scolded him. In a word, followed quickly.

Deineken looked at the magnificent figure who was standing in front of the fat commander's body, and immediately strode closer: "Mr. Li! You are a reasonable person, then we have a reason! No matter what happens, you can't Seriously killing people in the military area, not to mention that the XI base and the military area have always been two friendly and cooperative military bases. We do n’t want any friction in this place, but now it ’s your people who kill us here. Hey! You said, what should we do? The deceased is our supreme authority commander, and this matter will be shocked immediately! Do you think you can control it alone? "

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