Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 922: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (185)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Whether I need to forcefully suppress the whole thing is another matter." Li Nanheng looked at the body of the fat commander on the ground, looked at the wound on the back of his hand and fatally wiped his neck from the neck, his eyes were frozen "No matter what happened? Li thought it was not the case. I know the members under me very well. It will develop to such a vicious result. There must be a more vicious premise that makes them intolerable."

At this point, the man turned his eyes, Jun face indifferently glanced at all the furniture around, and then looked at the obvious blood stain on the wall next to the door.

Everyone stopped because of his gaze at the inspection site, including when Deniken heard that he meant to trace the cause directly, and his expression on his face was stagnant.

"Limou is here now. If you want to hold any responsibility, please contact me directly." Li Nanheng stood there without anyone, his eyes inspected the fatal commander's other injuries, and finally frowned coldly.

It would be fatal to be shot by Feng Ling, and it would stimulate Feng Ling to the almost irrational look just now. The treatment she just suffered would definitely not be as simple as being prescribed a medicine.

She knows too well how to condense her emotions, and she will be stimulated to such a point for a reason.

Li Nanheng turned his head and glanced again at the blood on the wall. The blood on it seemed to have been hit by a head on the wall.

Think of the blood on Feng Ling's forehead.

His eyes suddenly turned directly and indifferently to Daneken, who was dodging now: "If there is a cause, and the reason is on your army's head, just as you said, it is reasonable, it is said According to our calculations, we can figure out exactly what is the cause of this, so that we can provoke the two people who have always been quiet in our base to such a point, and if the whole reason is only for my people, you can rest assured, Li will never go round them. "

Deikenhan faced: "You mean, even if the last question is only for the two of you, you don't plan to leave people here at our disposal, or take them away?"

"Feng Ling and A K are both people from my XI base. If they have committed a crime, I should take them to themselves or be punished. What should I do? Otherwise, I should sue all the facts. People who have made mistakes must not be spared, but depending on your attitude, you want to keep them. Why, the military and district also want to use the death penalty? "

Li Nanheng's tone is not high or low, he can't see a little bit of arrogance, but he is not weak. The whole person is completely calm in dealing with the problem. People can't pick up any problems. Instead, it appears that Daneken will The child was too angry and impatient.

The true guilty conscience and the calm contrast can't be more obvious.

"How do you want to investigate the truth? Now that our commander has died here, your man is going to break out intact, and the whole fact is in front of him ..."

"Wrong, you are afraid that you misunderstood the four words intact." Li Nanheng glanced at him: "The injury on Feng Ling's head, and the state of the whole person as a result of the medicine and insanity, this is intact ? "

Deniken was dumb for a moment. Although the members of the other military units of unknown status were facing their own people, they could hear this. The room was dumb for half a minute and looked at each other, the expression was subtle.

Could it be that the commander hit his head on the person at the XI base? That's why they met their resistance?

If this is really the case, if the person in charge of the XI base insists on finding out, the result of this matter is really hard to say.

For a moment no one dared to speak, but secretly looked in the direction of his face.

Deineken was also ugly. He didn't expect it but he wanted to dedicate Feng Ling to the commander. In the end, he would kill the commander. He couldn't eat it anymore. If this whole thing is investigated again, Come out, your own future road is even more destroyed!

Seeing his apparently unsettling expression, Li Nanheng stood there, his eyes narrowed dangerously: "The easiest way to deal with such a sudden murder scene without warning and motivation is to adjust the monitoring and see the room in which What happened in the first half hour. "

Danny Ken sneered at once: "You want to adjust the monitoring and then adjust the monitoring? This room is our military. Fang very sincerely let Feng Ling and A K live. They live here, how could we be in this room? Putting surveillance inside will not only make you look very insincere, but it will also violate the privacy of your base members. Even if you go to the surveillance room, they will not be able to get surveillance in this room. "

"Really?" Li Nanheng hooked his lips, sneer.

Deineken stood there and continued to pretend, sighing: "Although we also want to know what happened in this room, we can't determine what Chinese medicine has been sealed with just a few words from Mr. Li If you say that she is injured, I think it may be her commander who injured her hand during proper defense. Now your XI base is in the face of a dead person and has to deny it without evidence. , The person is lying in front of you, what other way do you want to deny ?! "

"Boss!" Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps from outside, just hurried to the military base. Elite members of the base's monitoring room rushed directly into the door with a U disk in their hands, when no one expected it. , Wrap up the laptop you just took down in the car, open it directly, and then insert the U disk on it.

Deniken saw this movement, and immediately turned his eyes to the people who rushed in and rushed in. Seeing those people were the people he had sent to quickly destroy the surveillance evidence, they knew from their expressions. It was ** I base people who took the lead.

He was about to speak, but found that the people in the XI base actually called a leader larger than the commander who is also in the military today. The leader just heard the news and frowned suddenly when he saw the body on the ground. At the same time, he looked at Li Nanheng, who was indifferent, and the monitor released in the computer at this time.

The high-definition monitoring scene picture suddenly appeared on the computer screen.

But apparently Feng Ling and A K knew that there might be monitoring in this room, so when they changed clothes when they entered the door, they took them into the bedroom to change, and they were not photographed.

And the whole thing happened in the living room under surveillance.

After Feng Ling changed her clothes and went into the room to drink water, then she noticed that the water was abnormal and kept checking the water bottle in her hand, then the fat commander broke in suddenly, the two had a language dispute, and Feng Ling was not Stable figure and fat commander suddenly rushed at her and pressed her to the sofa.

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