Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 925: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (188)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Stepping out of this building, I went directly back to the place where the Hummer was parked. The crowd around me had already flowed a lot. Those who had been holding guns against the Hummer. The members of Fang had always kept their guns and responded with the same guns. The base elite team has been facing such a silent confrontation for a long time.

Seeing that the black Hummer Feng Ling was sitting on was surrounded by the army. Li Nanheng looked at the scene. His straight back was like a Cangshan pine shoot, which made people feel less temperature.

Those eyes are even more dangerous for the cold, narrowing slowly, deep like a cold ice lake.

"Boss." The elite team members saw him return, walked quickly to his side, and whispered, "This group of people do not plan to let us leave."

"How about Feng Ling?" Li Nanheng said indifferently.

"I'm not sure. After A put Feng Ling in the car, he didn't come out. It should be that he hasn't woke up yet."

Then the members of the elite team wanted to say something, and they saw that the indifferent man in front of them had stepped into the crowd with guns, and then one of them took the collar of one of the leading army members.

With a bang, the man's gun shook because of this sudden force, and then fell directly to the ground.

The rest did not expect such a scene to happen suddenly, but Li Nanheng kicked the person directly to the ground: "Get away!"

At the moment when the army team member glared at him, the big leader who hurried over from behind also followed him. Seeing that the big leader didn't seem to want to block, don't guess and know, the people at XI base must only Let it go safely, you can't buckle one.

But I heard just now that it was the people at the XI base who killed their commander. Can they be released in this case?

Li Nanheng threw the mobile phone to a member of an elite team: "Contact the United Nations Department of Justice and relevant industry lawyers and ask them to come directly to investigate this murder. If necessary, XI Base and Feng Ling will cooperate fully in the investigation. Now Feng Ling is seriously injured. , XI base will first bring people back to heal. People are in our hands and will not disappear. "


The black Hummer galloped away without hesitation under the muzzle of the army members, raising the ground with dust, and the tearful army members almost burst into tears, and looked at it unbelievably. Those cars that took people away easily.

In the car, the blood on Feng Ling's face and hands had been wiped clean by A K with a wet tissue, but the injury on his forehead was very obvious. The wound even leaked some bloodshot to the outside. Although not much, it can also be seen to be very serious.

Feng Ling has been comatose and unconscious. Ak is a little worried, and then turns to look at Li Nanheng who threw the lighter in front of him after sitting in the car.

"Boss ..." Ah K knew that even if the boss did not know how to maintain them this time, he was certainly very angry. After all, this kind of killing in the military area is really not a trivial matter and can bring them success. It was already a miracle to leave the military zone. When A K spoke, he still felt a little guilty: "I'm really sorry, boss, we didn't expect things to turn out like this. Feng Ling has been in front of me these days. , But I did not expect that when she was back in the room to change clothes, such a big thing would happen ... "

"No explanation, I've watched surveillance." Li Nanheng didn't turn his head back, but his voice was completely cold.

A K's tone paused: "The boss, you should know that Feng Ling was also rushed. At the beginning, she didn't actually ..."

"I know." Li Nanheng then turned back, looking indifferently to Feng Ling, who had closed his eyes by the door of the back seat and had not yet woke up.

Glancing at the injury on her forehead, Li Nanheng picked up her mobile phone and made a phone call to Qin Shiting in the United States these days without any nonsense. She just whispered: "On the 10th floor of the apartment at 99 Vansby Avenue in Los Angeles, within half an hour Come here and bring your medicine chest. "

The call is dropped, and the call is hung up.

Ak does n’t know what this apartment is, but where does he usually have little contact with Li Boss. Li Boss never tells other people about him in the base, so he can only guess that place. It's Li's private residence outside.

However, in this case, Feng Ling really can't go back to the base directly, and it is not good to go to the hospital. It is better to ask a familiar doctor to help Feng Ling handle the wound in the past.

Ak turned to look at Feng Ling who was still asleep: "If that fat commander threw her head a few more times, her skull would really crack, and I would never see such a mad man! But the boss She's been so sleepy now, shouldn't she be okay? "

"If something happened, she didn't have the strength to kill someone before rushing out." Li Nanheng's voice was low and she couldn't see the slightest concern. She only said softly: "I played hard behind her neck and woke up temporarily. But come, let her calm down by being lethargic, or you can hold her like the eyes of the six relatives who did not recognize her just now? "

A K immediately stopped talking.

Feng Ling's eyes just now are indeed very unusual.

It ’s like changing another person. If she does n’t have any mental illness, it ’s only possible that she is the real one, but she has been hiding under the surface of meekness and quiet, but she was eventually commanded by fat. The officer gave excitement.

Such a thin body has such terrible explosive power, like a bloodthirsty wolf in the jungle.

A sighed, took a wet paper towel to wipe the blood on Ling's ear, and looked at her clothes again: "Boss, I will not wipe the blood on Feng Ling, I do n’t know where I go in If she has suffered other injuries before, the doctor you called must check him for him. "

Li Nanheng did not respond, only looking through the rearview mirror to Feng Ling, who had been quietly leaning against the door.

I remembered the look in her mind.

I still remember the glimpse in the sweat room of the orphanage at that time, I couldn't see her face at that time, I could only see the eyes blocked by the short hair on the forehead half left by the sea, just like the eyes just now, cold as if Without human feelings, there is only an instinct for anger and escape.

What kind of experience will make a 13-year-old girl have that look.

When he reached the apartment at 99 Vansby Avenue, the car was parked downstairs. Li Nanheng directly asked the others to get off. He went to open the door behind him and hugged Feng Ling, who had been unconscious.

Ak looked at them beside him, and no one dared to talk or follow him. It wasn't until Li Nanheng just held Feng Ling into the door of the apartment that they looked at each other outside.

This place is the boss's own residence?

Boss, did you just hold Feng Ling in his place?

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