Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 926: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (189)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was unconscious all the way, Li Nanheng took the person into the apartment, and when she was put on the bed, she took off all her blood-stained clothes, but when she untied her coat, she glimpsed the slightly open shirt inside, Hesitated for just a moment, and just took off her coat, and the thin shirt inside could see the outline of the bodice wrapped underneath because of the lying position in this way.

Although the outline of the cloth strip is not obvious, I don't know what it is, it will only be regarded as another piece of clothing.

Fortunately, only the coat was stained with blood, and the rest of the body was still clean. He shot and unbuttoned her thin shirt, one by one, and intended to untie her breast cloth first. So that she could breathe more easily while lying here, but when all the buttons of the thin shirt were unbuttoned, Li Nanheng's action was still paused when she saw the white cloth tightly wrapped around the girl.

It's one thing to know she's a woman.

It was another thing to see a chest wrap wrapped around the body and see the truth of all the facts.

The man was silent for a while, turned around and washed a towel, wiped her cleaned face, neck, and hands again to make sure that the residual **** stickiness on her body was gone, and then The trousers beneath her fell down.

The legs of the girl were thin and tender, straight and jade-like, without the camouflage in weekdays, so she lay here quietly, and then became hot because of the medicinal properties in the body. If she accidentally touched her hands, she felt a hot touch.

Li Nanheng took the blood-stained trousers directly and turned out, throwing away the trousers, picking up the mobile phone and dialing a number: "Xiao Xu, bring a suit of Feng Ling's usual uniform, to be exactly the same as she is wearing now."

Xiao Xu was a little aggressive: "Oh, oh, okay ..."

Exactly the same?

Why should it be exactly the same? What is this exact emphasis?

However, since the boss said, Xiao Xu had to find it quickly, remembering that the set of clothes Feng Ling wore away seemed to be commonly used in autumn in the XI base, she should have several.

After making a phone call, Li Nanheng did not return to the bedroom immediately. Instead, he took the lighter on the coffee table, so he turned his head to light a cigarette, and asceticism became stronger with the white smoke.

The room was very quiet.

Feng Ling was lethargic in the bedroom, and Li Nanheng smoked in the living room.

The time passed little by little until Xiao Xu quickly brought the clothes over. After Li Nanheng took the clothes, he threw the blood-stained clothes that he had just taken off for Feng Ling: "Dispose of them. "

Xiao Xu took over the clothes, which reflected that. Boss ... have chopped Feng Ling's clothes?

However, at this time, no one dares to have any gossip eyes, everyone knows what is going on now, no one dares to snub, Xiao Xu even said no more, nodded and went away holding the clothes.

The man took the clean suit and turned his back to press the cigarette into the ashtray. He stood still on the side of the coffee table, his body was cruel. Master Qi Shijia's aura was sharp in an instant.

Qin Shiting has already drove over, and will soon bring the medicine box to the door. Li Nanheng took the suit in his bedroom into the bedroom and helped her put it on again cleanly, lest she wake up because of herself The secret was discovered and then stimulated by others.

It was dark outside the window, and in the bedroom's dim light, the girl was lethargic, pale, and a large scar on her forehead was shocking.

In the light, a pair of pants has not been worn out, Li Nanheng already felt that he was the one who had been medicined, from the little girl's feet to the legs, a little bit upwards, until the pants were fastened, and the belt helped her to fasten, man Thin sweat had already appeared on his body.

And then, I was about to fasten the buttons of her thin shirt. When she touched the chest wrap on her chest, the man's movements stopped for a moment, looking at the sleeping girl and the vague edge above the breast wrap. A deep and obvious gully that was squeezed because it was too tightly wound, suddenly remembered the feel that I had touched. At this time, everything that came out of my mind was based on instincts, but these instincts were almost difficult to restrain.

He should have known the truth long ago, keeping her safe by her side, instead of letting her enter the sniper squad, standing in the sight of so many people.

He should have cleaned her clothes earlier, or the little liar would not know when he would lie to him.

Looking at the sleeping face of the girl again, some emotions were like volcanoes that erupted in an instant, and could no longer be hidden in the eyes.

Feng Ling in drowsiness did not know what kind of environment she was in, nor did she know that she had been slain with her eyes by the man she was defenseless against, but her natural acumen and instinct made her drowsy. He noticed some kind of unknown danger, and frowned slightly even when lethargic, but his eyelids were heavy, his consciousness was strange, and his body was strangely hot, how could he not open his eyes.

She thought she had been hiding for so long, and she could hide it again and again.

It happened that Nan Heng was not at the base a few years ago and gave her the opportunity to continue to deceive at the base. However, once again coincidence and suspicion, coupled with accidental mistakes, after all, such a fatal secret was put intact. In front of the man.

On the other hand, Li Nanheng wanted to see the clothes she was wearing, and she was not that easy.

Her drowsiness is rare and obedient.

Li Nanheng looked down on the bed as if she was a little conscious but unable to wake up, watching her white face under her black hair and the sharp wound on her forehead. If it wasn't for the door bell to ring suddenly at this moment, he was afraid it might be again Take off her pants directly ...

After all, she also used Chinese medicine. After all, he wanted to be such a bird. The beast is not one or two times. After all, if she dares to kill someone, she should bear the consequences. Since he helped her in front, she should do something wrong. Lying on his bed and crying the way he wanted.

Otherwise, I'm too sorry that he drove into the army. When the area was heavy, the speed of 220 miles and the blood pressure soaring all the way.

The eyes of the man were dull, and he even felt that the desire of the bird and the beast was pressed down by him, and he fastened the button of Feng Ling's thin shirt, covered the breast cloth inside, and then The quilt covered her and turned to open the door.

However, as soon as the man turned around and walked out of the bedroom, the **** the bed couldn't restrain herself because of the medicine in her body. She suddenly made a light and light snoring sound like a cat, but a small sound shook his feet and almost bumped. To the door.

Li Nanheng put up with it, heard the door bell again, and suddenly went out with a dark face, opened the door, and chuckled at the man with a white shirt and a handsome medicine box outside the door and said coldly, "You and him. Mom can't come later? "

Qin Shiting: "... ?????"

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