Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 927: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (190)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Now the doctors are so punctual?" Li Nanheng's face was dark and ugly.

Qin Shiting: "... It's not you. Mom said let me be here for half an hour? It's a tone of death!"

At the same time, Qin Shiting glanced inward: "What's wrong? Is there a situation? I'll go downstairs for a cup of coffee and come back up?"

Li Nanheng turned blankly and motioned him in: "Come in, save people first."

Qin Shiting glanced at him and grinned coldly: "I haven't seen anyone so nervous before, who was injured, man or woman?"

"Less talk nonsense, go in to save people." Li Nanheng turned in.

Qin Shiting sighed: "So mysterious, unlike your style."

But his life was off, and now it was not a joke, the man in a white shirt rolled up his cuffs and went in.

Seeing Fengling lying quietly on the bed, and then seeing that her forehead seemed to have some serious injuries, Qin Shiting went straight to the bed to check her wounds. After the check, she looked at Li Nanheng: "How hurt? How long was the coma? Anymore? "

Li Nanheng handed the phone to him, Qin Shiting took it and saw that the mobile phone showed a surveillance video that had just been sent to his phone. After watching it at the fastest speed, he didn't say much, put down the phone directly from the medicine I rummaged out of the box to deal with it and said, "You just said that I would bring me the medicine box. I thought it was just a skin trauma. I hit it so badly, I'm not sure if my brain would be affected, or a concussion, etc. I know that people at the XI base are not convenient to go to the hospital, but it's better to take the time to check. "

"She was fainted by me." Li Nanheng stood on the side of the bed and said lightly.

Qin Shiting was slightly sterilizing Feng Ling ’s forehead wound, and turned to look at the man with a quiet and cold face, then withdrew his gaze and continued to treat the wound.

"I said she had the strength to kill, and suddenly she was unconscious for so long."

"I think she was so stimulated mentally that she hurt herself."

Qin Shiting focused on examining the injuries in other parts of Feng Ling. When he was about to lift the quilt, Li Nanheng glanced at the movements of his men and said coldly, "See what should not be seen, remember to close your mouth."

Qin Shiting made a move. He was about to lift the quilt's hand and put the quilt back again. The hand turned to Feng Ling's wrist. After a while, he laughed and said, "I said her hair is so short. , Obviously a young man, but how she looks like a woman, is really a woman. "

Li Nanheng caught a glimpse of his pulse, and his cold eyebrow moved slightly: "Will you still pulse?"

Qin Shiting returned to the medicine box and picked up the medical sterilization cotton and other medical drugs. He did not look at him: "Since entering the medical field, I should always understand everything. For me, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are compulsory. class."

"A good heir of the Qin family, but she abandoned business and practiced medicine. Shi Niange's woman was really good."

Hearing this, there was no fluctuation in Qin Shiting's complexion, and he only continued to deal with the injuries on Feng Ling's head. At the same time, he said, "Although I am a doctor, I don't have much thought about the patient's body, but seeing you Willing to show me the attitude, I will not touch it. After I leave, you remember to check if there are other injuries on her body. I have watched the video just now. From the fight, if there is any injury, it should be It ’s just that some bruises that hit me will not be very serious. The injury on my head needs to be changed twice a day. When the time of changing the medicine, I will remind you that I will leave the medicine and change it for her. ”

Since Shi Niange left, Qin Shiting, who had been quiet and taciturn, became even more taciturn.

Especially when the people around him mentioned the woman's name, he would never mention it.

Li Nanheng snorted softly, it was a response, but when he saw Qin Shiting applying the medicine to the wound on Feng Ling's forehead, he looked at her large **** wound bumped against the wall, some kind of anxiety. Exploded the desire of the gang of people in the military district.

The commander should be glad that he was killed with a stab, otherwise, if he fell into his hands, he would not necessarily think of a way to torture him.

After temporarily covering the wound with medical gauze, Qin Shiting inspected Feng Ling's hands and arms all over again. There were no other injuries that were too obvious. Only the blood on his palm was scratched by a dagger. Seriously, although she was in a hurry at the time, she was very good and did not hurt herself too much.

When disinfecting the wound in her hand and applying medicine, Qin Shiting saw the thin cocoon in Feng Ling's hand, which was not particularly obvious. When he saw the position of the thin cocoon, he knew that he was a member of the XI base holding a gun all year round.

After watching it for a moment, he said lowly, "What's going on with you? Did you hide in Jinya directly to the base? Such a beautiful girl with such short hair cut and thin cocoons in her hands Are you treating your little girl like this? "

Li Nanheng stood on the side of the bed and looked down at Qin Shiting's movements while giving her medicine.

When Feng Ling's hand was put back on the bed, Qin Shiting stood up, packed his medicine box, and was ready to leave.

"Let's go?" Li Nanheng glanced back at him.

"Otherwise would I stay with you for a drink? Your short-haired little beauty has abnormal veins, her body is hot, her face flushed, and it is obvious that she has been prescribed that kind of medicine. If I do n’t go, I will watch here. Do you live here as an antidote? "

Li Nanheng immediately regained his gaze, and then he flung out another sentence: "Well, don't give it away."

Qin Shiting sneered, and threw down another sentence when changing shoes in front of the door: "When she wakes up, remember to take to the hospital for a simple check to see if there is a concussion, etc. I just touched her forehead The injury is not a big problem, but the severe impact should cause a headache for a few days. Pay more attention to it. "

Having said that, Qin Shiting was very calm and interested. He did not plan to continue to be the light bulb, and left without waiting for him to answer. He also closed the door with ease.

The room was quiet, only Feng Ling in the coma seemed to be quiet, but gradually became a bit short of breath.

Her pale cheeks just now were indeed reddish, and even her neck looked like a rose.

Li Nanheng walked over and opened the quilt to check if there were any other injuries on her. The thin shirt buttons on the girl were undone one by one. The eyes of the man sank, and even the breathing followed. Variety.

Always calm, he suddenly became thirsty at this moment.

Very, thirsty.

The lights in the room are dim from the wall lights in front of the bed.


The man turned on the indoor water day chandelier, and when the bright light was on, he told himself, just to check her other injuries.

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