Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 934: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (197)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Although Feng Ling's medicine had disappeared, the tossing last night made her very easily tired. After eating, she walked back and forth in the living room not long before getting tired, sitting on the sofa.

Suddenly she had a life of relaxation, even if she had not been used to it for just one day so far.

In the past when I was at Rogers Pass, no matter how quiet I was, there were a lot of things to do, but now it seems that she doesn't need much to do.

Including her killing of the army commander, it seems that she does not need to show up, let alone solve it by herself.


Qiao Fei heard at the base that Feng Ling was in the military. After the accident in the area, she had been calling her, but Feng Ling's phone was always off the phone. After A returned to the base, he told him that it was Feng Ling's mobile phone. I fell into the water before the accident, and even if it still works, I don't think about turning it on now.

Once again, it was learned that Feng Ling was taken away by the boss Li, and Qiao Fei's heart was put down while she raised it again.

Feng Ling is in such a bad condition now that if he is brought back by the boss ...

Will she be found by the boss?

Qiao Fei called Li Nanheng. Although he got through, no one answered.

He took a deep breath and did not call again, but sent a text message directly.

[Boss, how is Feng Ling? Do I need help in the past? I heard that Feng Ling's situation is not very optimistic, and her mood is not very good. As her instructor, I have the responsibility and obligation to enlighten her. If it is not convenient for her to return to the base for the time being, I will arrange another place for her Trouble boss answering the phone! ]

Li Nanheng saw Qiao Fei's carefulness and mind in this message.

More successfully, Qiao Fei should have known Feng Ling's secret.

So he was not the first to know?

The expression on Li Nanheng's face instantly changed from sunny to cloudy, and slowly answered Qiao Fei's next phone call: "Is something wrong?"

This careless tone seems as if the matter of Feng Ling has not been placed on Shu, including Feng Ling, who is not in his place.

"Boss, Feng Ling's killing of the commander has spread in the base. There are mixed opinions in the base at present. Of course, the people who understand her and speak for her are still the majority. Those who are led by the three teams A few people who have not been in a good match with Feng Ling have spread the word, saying that she will destroy the base, causing a small number of people to worry, until the matter is completely resolved, do not let her return to the base temporarily, I have a lot of accommodation outside, so I can find a place for her to live. "

Li Nanheng said: "No, she is here with me. It is really not suitable to return to the base in a short time. I have already explained the matter, and it will be completely resolved within five days at the latest."

"These five days ..."

"She will live with me and doesn't need you to worry."

Qiao Fei took a deep breath, only at this moment did he understand deeply that the treatment of a local official at the military, district, or XI base level can crush people, and he couldn't even say a rebuttal.

The girl she likes is being held in his palm by the boss.

Qiao Fei felt it necessary to remind him: "Boss, Feng Ling has always been a little evasive to you, maybe because you are usually too harsh, if she is not comfortable with you, you can tell me at any time, I will help She makes other arrangements. "

"Rest assured that nothing is unsuitable to her, just to see if she wants to adapt herself and hang up."

Qiao Fei looked at the call interface that had stopped, and in his ear echoed Li Nanheng's words.

Just to see if she wants to adapt?


I also took calls from several leaders in the military and the police in charge of the killings. To avoid interruption of Feng Ling's rest, Li Nanheng went to the study room to answer the phone call. After several phone calls were completed, the matter had already After having an idea in his heart, the man walked out of the study and saw that Feng Ling, who had been sitting on the sofa and resting, had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Li Nanheng walked over and looked down, looking at a rare mental state so bad and so fragile.

The short-haired girl leaned her head on the back of the sofa, apparently accidentally fell asleep like this. He was still wearing his clothes, and the broad pajamas had a large neckline with shoulders and collarbone exposed to the air.

Like last night, Li Nanheng really had the intention to give this little girl who had been cheating him for a long time.

But obviously it is not the time yet.

She has not yet unlocked her own knot, and is reluctant to admit that she also has the girlish side of the girl. In this case, whatever she does is forced.

Moreover, she didn't understand what emotion was. Although she didn't know how to look, she always had a degree.

Feelings are a two-way arrow, not just his one-way direction. You have to wait until she is willing to face him, and then make her cry fiercely.

The temperature in the room is not very high. Although there is air-conditioning, Li Nanheng does not like the temperature in the room is too high. Seeing Feng Ling wears a lot, but his shoulders are still exposed, after all, maybe people have a natural kind of seeking warmth. Instinct, when Li Nanheng leaned down and was about to hold someone lightly, the little woman in his arms leaned back in his arms, and his head was also pinched in his arms. Looking for the source of warmth entirely by unconscious instinct.

Li Nanheng put her hand on her shoulder and the other hand on her waist, because she leaned back on the sofa because she leaned back into his arms. The girl's body pressed him halfway like this, she had everything inside I did n’t wear it, just through such a layer of home clothes, everything inside was vacuum.

There is no corset and nothing else, everything hidden in the clothes is a complete one who does not need to be carved, as beautiful as white jade.

Probably because the injury on the head was really hit a little bit, or because the medicinal properties of last night were drowsy in the water for too long, and the drowsiness was more exhausting than waking up, or maybe there was a sense of security here Therefore, Feng Ling was not as alert as usual. She fell asleep when she fell asleep. Even if Li Nanheng was half-pressed on the sofa by her now, she still did not wake up, instead she turned her head back on. He stunned in his arms.

At first Li Nanheng thought she was pretending to sleep, but she just sat on the sofa and looked down at the person leaning in her arms and observed for a while.

It was discovered that her sleeping posture seemed to treat him as the female wolf to snuggle up as a child, and this posture would make her feel more secure.

Li Nanheng didn't do anything. He just raised his hand and placed it on top of the girl's head. It was obviously short hair, but soft and incredible.

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