Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 935: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (198)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

One after another, I can't stand it.

The next day Li Nanheng went out, and only told her to be honest at home, so she was not allowed to go, so Feng Ling locked herself in the bedroom all day long the next day, except to sleep with her eyes open in a daze.

She hasn't watched TV very much, at most she used her mobile phone to watch some news that had nothing to do with her.

Suddenly thinking of her cell phone, she rummaged around for a long time, only to find out the cell phone that has been turned off because of water, and found that it still works, but the power is less than 10%.

She used the last 10% of the electricity to make a phone call with Ah K. Ah was a little emotional on the side of the phone: "Are you all right, Feng Ling? You can scare me, when that **** took you Why didn't you know how to resist when you hit the wall? I told you not to fight, but you didn't let you resist! You fool! It really scared me! Fortunately, the boss will go in time, otherwise our two will absolutely die. deal!"

Feng Ling was really weird about what Li Nanheng would get as fast as possible that day, but she never asked, after all, even if she asked, Li's boss was probably too lazy to tell her.

"Why did he go in such a timely manner?" Right now I can ask A K.

"The boss took the elite team to the mission not far from the military area at that time. He originally planned to pick us up after the mission was finished that day." AK said, "But the boss heard what I said on the phone. That is, the people in the military zone did not have any good intentions. After that, the boss seemed to rush over directly, otherwise it would not be so fast. "

In other words, from the beginning, Li Nanheng agreed to let her go to the military area, but it was only selling on the surface. She just made a cut and did not intend to leave her there for too long.

At first it was said to be five days, and then people came in less than four days.

Should she thank him for his salvation, or if he really intends to let it go, now she and Ak are probably dead there.


Feng Ling slept for a while in the morning and didn't sleep much in the afternoon. Li Nanheng gave her a code card and key before going out, saying that it was the key to the apartment downstairs. If she was bored, she could go there and have a look, but Except for these two apartments, she was not allowed to go anywhere, her injuries were not good, and she could not go out to see the wind.

She didn't go down to see the apartment, anyway, even if she said she would live there, she couldn't live. The boss Li said that the apartment was simply decorated and had no furniture. She could only sleep on the floor when she went down.

At eight o'clock in the evening.

Feng Ling took a bath in the room while locking the door while Li Nanheng had not returned. After bathing, she had to avoid the wounds on her head. Then she came out to dry her hair. When she was wearing clothes, she remembered that she had forgotten to let A K Here comes the suitcase.

But Li Nanheng didn't tell her the address here, and she didn't know if A knew where she was now. It wasn't easy to explain for a while, and she had to do it first.

When I was just taking a bath, I had been paying attention to the injuries on my head, so I did n’t brush my teeth. There were new bath products and toothpaste toothbrushes bought by Li Nanheng in the bathroom yesterday. She picked them up to brush her teeth.

Just put the toothbrush in her mouth and brushed it a few times. Suddenly, she heard the door opening. She looked sideways and looked out, and saw that Li Nanheng entered the door.

The man seemed to carry the cold outside, and took off his coat at the door. Inside was a set of dark gray cashmere sweaters and trousers. The inexplicable silhouette of the man's tall, straight and tough figure was somewhat indistinct. Tender and timeless.

Feng Ling quickly brushed her teeth before going out: "Boss."

Li Nanheng glanced at her and saw that she was ready to fall asleep after washing her face: "Did you go out today?"

Feng Ling stared straight at him: "The boss didn't let me go out, of course I won't go out."

This expression seemed as if his orders were always orders, and she would never disobey them.

He would obey her orders. When he asked her to tell the truth, he would have to face him with a temper.

Li Nanheng looked at her with a smile. "Well, obediently, go to rest. I will talk about it tomorrow, I'm tired."

No need to guess that these days he will definitely run around because of military affairs. Even if he does n’t say it, even if he says she does n’t care about it anymore, the dead person is the military commander. A good level commander, but it is not a simple role. It is absolutely impossible to solve this issue directly.

Feng Ling didn't say anything, but walked towards him directly, faintly smelled a faint smell of wine when he came to him, and suddenly looked up at him again: "Boss, are you drinking?"

"Um." The man's voice was a bit dull, and he raised his hand and squeezed his brows again: "He and some old friends in the military district drank a few bottles. The old men in Li's family also came today. No They are okay with me. With them, I still have to be a grandson. "

Feng Ling: "..."

In front of the Li family's grandfathers, Yu is public and private, and he is close to him. He was a grandson ...

What this said is that as long as Grandpa Li comes forward, how much grievance does he have to suffer, meaning that grandpa can't be arrogant when grandpa is here?

"You go to rest first, I'll wash, and the smell of alcohol is not so good." He said and turned to go directly to another bedroom.

Feng Ling didn't follow up anymore. After a while of silence, she turned to the kitchen and poured a cup of warm water on the coffee table before turning back to the room.

She had just returned to the bathroom of the room to clean up some of the foam left behind after bathing and brushing her teeth. After finishing cleaning, she was about to go out. Suddenly she saw the bedroom door opened, Li Nanheng came in with a toothbrush.

"I'll brush my teeth." The tall figure of the man walked into the bathroom with a concise tone.

Feng Ling froze, "Why come here?"

"I used up the toothpaste in my bathroom this morning. When I asked someone to buy it for you, I forgot to buy one more for myself." Then, the man picked up the toothpaste she had used, and then picked up her. Passed cups and start preparing for brushing.

Feng Ling stood aside and didn't say a word, even though he didn't say anything when he used the cup she used, it wasn't the first time anyway ...

Obviously he should go out and give it to him, but he did n’t know what he was thinking. He just looked around for a while. After the man brushed his teeth and gargle, the man washed his face with cold water, and then his hands Standing on the sink, he said lowly, "Stand here and watch?"

"Ah, I have nothing to do, just stand here."

The man seemed to smile, and suddenly turned his eyes, and said dumbly, "I'm drinking."


"Know you aren't hurrying to hide yet?"

"Hide what?"

Feng Ling hadn't reflected it yet, the breath of the man suddenly approached, his chin was lifted, and then the man with a toothpaste smell suddenly fell on her lips--


(Holding a cookie for a monthly pass ah ... daddy, for a monthly pass ...)

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