Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 936: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (199)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

A man's lips are slightly cold because they have just brushed their teeth, with a minty smell.

Feng Ling's expression was a little embarrassed. As soon as his eyes were stagnant, he was about to step back.

At the same time, the man let go of her hand that was just around her waist, and looked at the shocked and somewhat perplexed girl with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Feng Ling: "..."

It's so natural to kiss him. Is he sure to treat her as a man?

Or, Li Li actually likes men?

Feng Lingchu wasn't moving in place, Li Nanheng left his own toothbrush in her toothbrush cup, as if he had the intention to come back when he brushed his teeth tomorrow morning, then turned and walked away.

Feng Ling was a little speechless. He looked at the back of the man but didn't speak. He just raised his hand to touch his lips. He dropped his hand when he didn't, and went out to the bed and lay straight back. Got to bed.

what is this.

Boss Li is going to seduce her. It doesn't matter if she's a man?

Thinking of this, Feng Ling suddenly got up from the bed again, wouldn't it be dangerous for her to live in his apartment? He is usually so arrogant in the base at present. There are only two of them now. In case he slept into the middle of the night, his brutal hair suddenly came to her current room ...

It's not that he hasn't seen him. He's had sex, and she doesn't want to have that "distance" contact with him in her life.

But after all, it has passed. At that time, he was unconscious, and if she has been unable to let go of that thing, it would be too coquettish, not to mention that if he knew about it, she would not be a woman. What needs to be said is tantamount to being exposed directly.

She can't say anything, she can't do anything.

As for just now ...

He said he drank too much.

So he was just an impulse after drinking too much, and even he himself admitted that it was an impulse. What else could she say?

Maybe I will forget again tomorrow morning.


Early in the morning the next day, Li Nanheng didn't go out today, nor did he cook in the dark to cook dark dishes, but called a nearby hotel for breakfast and was quickly delivered to his home.

Feng Ling went out after washing and saw Li Nanheng wearing a black uniform, holding a lighter in one hand, and walking back from the floor-to-ceiling window, as if he had just smoked on the balcony.

Although this man is very addicted to smoking, most of the time he smokes on different occasions, and many times he smokes outdoors, leaving no smoke in the room.

When he saw him coming through the window, his eyes were calm and indifferent, Feng Ling knew that he really thought about it last night.

He was just drunk.

"Come over for breakfast." The man glanced at her and walked directly to him. He opened the chair to signal her past, and walked across the table, and then opened another chair and sat down.

Feng Ling walked over and was very quiet when she sat down for breakfast. The man also looked at her as quiet and docile as a kitten, and his lips were slightly hooked, but he was not noticed and laughed too fast. When Feng Ling raised her eyes again, no trace had disappeared.

However, when Feng Ling was quiet like a docile kitten, he had a temper like a wolf, which is not really seen by any woman.

The man put a glass of hot milk in front of her: "Drink."

Feng Ling drank all the milk.

Two slices of toast with blueberry sauce were brought to her again: "Eat."

Feng Ling was busy setting aside the omelette that hadn't been eaten, and eating it obediently.

Anyway, now the boss is helping her out. If she can't help her, the only thing she can do is to be quiet and obedient, no longer cause trouble and let him worry.

Seeing her being so obedient, Li Nanheng really wanted to hold her directly and kiss her a few bites, but she could see her innocent look, which was resigned and submissive. In the end, her mind was temporarily put down, and she only asked: "No I really like to eat blueberries? I bought this blueberry sauce specially. Why? I do n’t like it? "

"No, it ’s just that I do n’t like toast. I used to eat fried eggs every morning in the base cafeteria. It ’s enough for a Chinese bowl of porridge. These bread toast sandwiches Things like that, I do n’t like them very much. "

"Well, you rarely take the initiative to say your preference once." Li Nanheng said lightly: "Tomorrow will begin to change Chinese food."

Listen to his tone ...

"Boss, shall I stay with you for a long time?"

"You cannot go out until the matter is resolved, especially the army. People in the army see you alone outside, if you are sensible enough, you will understand what I mean, even if the army. The army does not take any advantage on the XI base. But before you calm down everything completely, as long as you show your head, someone will want to use you to borrow questions to play at any time. What you have to do now is to live here quietly and quietly. "

Li Nanheng didn't conceal her, and was even frank. She gave her a thorough understanding of the current situation in such a way. At least she knew what to do, instead of just knowing that she was going to commit crimes.

"In fact, if I have to be avoided, I can choose to live somewhere else. You have to go back to the base and go out to do things. Will it be too much trouble for me to live with you?" Feng Ling looked at him .

Li Nanheng's cold eyebrows moved slightly: "What is the trouble? Do you think I like living in the base? Who doesn't want to come out and spend the rest days? Taking advantage of the recent trip to Los Angeles, it is also convenient to live here. You live in peace. No hassle, and you didn't let you sleep in the same bed with me. "

Feng Ling: "..."

Boss, I'm not telling you the same thing at all, okay, talking about how we blame it to sleep.

Feng Ling looked at Li Nanheng who had breakfast. He lowered his head and continued to eat the things in front of him. Many and some could not finish, but he pushed over and she could only eat.

In the end, Li Nanheng saw that she could not eat any more, so she took the plate in front of her, and said indifferently: "If you are bored during the day, watch TV or go to the study room to get a computer and play games to kill time."

"I don't know how to play games, and TV doesn't look good."

Li Nanheng looked at the young girl who had no interest in the colorful world in front of her, and suddenly felt that if she really wanted to chase her afterwards, she would not have any interest in these vulgar things like giving flowers.

"Then what are you doing?"

"Do you have a treadmill or anything here? I'm used to training every day. Suddenly everything is good for a few days. I feel uncomfortable and want to exercise."

Li Nanheng: "There are a few fitness equipment in the room next to my bedroom. I do n’t live here often, so I have n’t used it much. You have n’t been around in the room for two days. I do n’t know what ’s in that room ? "

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