Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 937: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (200)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"This is your place. If I live in the room, I will stay in the room. I have not been in any other room that has not opened the door." Feng Ling answered honestly.

"... You are really thorough in the words of courtesy and courtesy. There is no need to be so tied. Mine is yours. Just look at it."

Feng Ling tried to ignore the words "I'm yours" and didn't continue to talk about the topic: "Which street is this apartment on? Does Ak know this place? Can I let him Send me something? "

"he knows."

"Then I called him over this afternoon to help me get something."


Li Nanheng knew that she wanted A to send anything, and didn't say much, and didn't force her to continue to dress like this in his room.

Even if she didn't mind the possibility that it might be found at any time, he couldn't stand the sight of the vacuum between her pajamas walking back and forth in front of herself every day, and the taste of sleeping in a cold shower every night was not acceptable to anyone. It's OK.

in the afternoon.

After Li Nanheng answered the phone, he went out again, during which time A came with her suitcase.

It wasn't just A K who came, it can be said that all the people in the entire sniper team came, but all looked out of the door, and no one dared to enter.

Seeing a few of them, including even Qiao Fei, Feng Ling was surprised: "You ...?"

Ak smiled with a smile on his face: "They heard that I'm going to give you something. These days, I'm really worried about your safety. Anyway, it's a weekend. You can do a few lessons in the training base, so come with me. Now, Boss? Why isn't he here? He won't just leave you here alone? That heart is too big, but you are still hurt! "

Saying A, he pointed at the yarn step on Feng Ling's head with an exaggerated look, and turned back to the others, "Look, look, it's been a few days, the gauze on the head has not been removed, you He said how cramped the situation was at that time, and how severe Feng Ling's injuries were at the time! "

The other three members of the sniper team nodded again and again with serious expressions, and Qiao Fei stood behind and looked at her, with uncontrollable distress in his eyes, and then saw the thoughtful little Xu who was touching his chin behind. A, and K whispered in front of the door.

Feng Ling: "..."

"Since everything is here, let's go ahead first." Feng Ling gave way in front of the door and motioned for them to come in.

As a result, several people shook their heads almost in unison: "Even if you go in, there is no one in the boss' place who can enter casually, except for Fengling you."

"That is, when Feng Ling was in a coma that day, the boss personally held you up, and we didn't dare to follow in." AK nodded hard.

Feng Ling drew a corner of his mouth: "I didn't know anything at the time. I was here after waking up. I really want to thank the boss for taking care of me, but you come in and sit. It doesn't matter. Come in and say anything. It's not convenient for so many people in front of the door. "

Tam poked his head in at this moment, carefully looked at the spacious environment inside, and then whispered, "Can you go in? Isn't the boss here? Will he kick us out?"

Feng Ling: "The boss is not here."

A K surprised: "Really?"

He thought that the boss would not allow her to go out after bringing Feng Ling here, but he took Feng Ling alone to take care of him, but he was not there.

"It should be to go out to deal with things. The boss is usually not an idle person. This time because of the trouble I caused, it is estimated that I will be busy for a while." Feng Ling said, turned and went in: "all come in."

I was sure that the boss was really not there. A few people rushed in quickly, and on the sofa, on the carpet, there were a few people. The boys in the sniper team went directly to the carpet or lie down or sit. Xiao Xu and Qiao Fei sat down. On the sofa on the other side, AK brought Feng Ling's suitcase to the bedroom door before returning to find a place to sit.

Not long after, a few people got up and walked around the room until Feng Ling said that there was a room with fitness equipment in it, and several people went in.

Xiao Xu also got up and looked at this place. He used to know that Boss Li lived here, but he didn't have the opportunity to come in. This time, he still entrusted Feng Ling and was able to visit the Boss's alone residence outside.

"How is the injury on the head?" When Feng Ling went to the refrigerator to find fruit to cut for them to eat, Qiao Fei went into the kitchen and looked at her back wearing a large home-clothing. She could also see that she was wearing It should be Li Nanheng's clothes.

"It's much better. After a few days of healing, the surface wound may go to the hospital for a simple examination. The rest of these days is fine, not as serious as you think." Feng Ling said while cutting the fruit.

How could it not be serious, although the surveillance footage of her accident in the military zone did not spread in the base, but several people in the sniper team saw it. Knowing that Feng Ling was almost insulted by the dead fat man at the time, she was so angry. Anxious to cross back to the army and ran to the army that day. The district accompanied her to kill a **** road.

Especially the few times she was hit on the wall, if she did not resist anymore, she would probably die there.

Qiao Fei walked over and looked at her clothes: "A suitcase you brought to you should have what you want, you dressed like this and walked in front of Li Bo, he found nothing ? "

Feng Ling's hand holding the knife slackened and turned to look at him. After thinking about it, he said, "My boss and I are not in the same room, bathing or other things are separate. I usually sit at the same table except eating. I did n’t get too close at other times. How could I find out? "

She really has been hiding in the base for many years, and she can hide why things are so simple.

Although Boss Li didn't say it explicitly, it was obvious that he had known it for a long time, or had been guessing, it was impossible to know nothing at all.

Qiao Fei sighed, reached out and took the knife in her hand: "There is no need to cut the fruit, and they will not eat it when you cut it, let's just take a look at you. No other thoughts, you are fine."

Feng Ling gave a sigh, and when he took the knife, he retracted his hand without touching his hand.

Qiao Fei glanced at the rapid withdrawal of her hands, and then thought that she didn't seem to be repulsive to live with Boss Li, and she knew something.

"Care up for the injury early and return to the base sooner. I will leave the base in a few months. It's time to go home. There are not many opportunities to meet again later." Qiao Fei said softly.

Everyone in the base will leave every so often because the time in the base has expired, or something in the family has to leave early, or it is selected by the military police to work outside. In short, parting is inevitable.

But Feng Ling did not expect Qiao Fei to be so early.

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