Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 938: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (201)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

But leaving the base does n’t mean you ca n’t see each other again. The Qiao family is also in Los Angeles. If you have a chance, it ’s okay to have a meal outside.

Feng Ling didn't have too much sadness, just nodded.

"You are really a dull temper." Qiao Fei sighed, raised her hand and rubbed her soft hair.

Feng Ling has always been very grateful to Qiao Fei for taking care of herself, but she doesn't express it very much, especially when others are good to her, she is grateful, but she doesn't know how to thank.


In the evening, Li Nanheng came back, and when he entered the door, he saw that although he was neatly packed, he still had a different carpet than when he left during the day, and a fruit tray on the sofa.

"A-K has come this afternoon?" He glanced at the suitcase standing in front of the bedroom door.

"Well, I've been here, and several other sniper teams have also come to see."

"No wonder." Li Nanheng looked at the messy carpet: "It looks like he was ruined by a group of wild monkeys."

Feng Ling: "..."

Wild monkey?

Xiao Xu had seen Qiao Fei talking with her outside outside the kitchen. When Qiao Fei left with several people from the sniper team, Xiao Xu walked by her and said: "Your Qitian Dasheng is here Beside you, don't be blinded by wild monkeys. "

She also laughed for a long time because of this remark.

Anyway, Qiao Fei is also an assistant instructor in the base. He is also a well-known person outside. He is smooth and considerate in his work. He is not as jumpy as Tam and A. They are like other monkeys. Even if Qiao Fei was, it was definitely a military division in a monkey, and he was gentle and steady.

"I've cleaned it up, and it may look different from when you left, so I'll clean it up again." Feng Ling said that he would go over and make the carpet again.

Just after passing by, Li Nanheng, who was standing next to the carpet, suddenly stood up with his collar. She was unprepared, and suddenly he bumped into his arms. The man pressed on her shoulder, and it became her. Obviously embracing.

The man leaned on her shoulder and looked down at the furry head in his arms, raised his hand and touched her hair again: "I don't blame you for messing up the house, what are you anxious to pack?"

The tone of his remarks, how to listen to it is like a naughty little daughter-in-law who needs his care at home, and hurriedly coaxed the daughter-in-law after returning home.

Feng Ling quickly withdrew from his arms, raised his eyes and saw Li Nanheng looked down at her as if in a good mood.

The girl had wrapped the chest cloth again while he was away, and changed her clothes to the white short-sleeved T-shirt she usually wore. Clavicle with bare shoulders.

But Li Nanheng found that his fascination with her didn't just seem to be physical. Even if it was like this, as soon as he got closer, he seemed to be able to reflect his starting point.

If it weren't for the lights in this living room were too bright, or if her eyes were too clear, he was afraid he couldn't help but do something.

This time, there is no way to do it for the reason of drinking.

After all, I don't have any taste of wine today.

So the next time he wanted to do something bad, should he buy a bottle of wine in the supermarket downstairs and drink a few sips before coming up.

As I was thinking, the doorbell suddenly heard the sound of a doorbell.

Li Nanheng looked at her: "What other person did you call?"

Feng Ling: "No, they have already returned in the afternoon, and I don't think they will come over again. Originally, they were afraid of being taught by you. How could they come here and hit the muzzle."

It makes sense, too, that those few hours just saw him absent, so those gangsters dared to come in.

Who else is this time?

Li Nanheng turned to open the door. Feng Ling didn't think about it. He squatted down and continued to spread the carpet well. It didn't take long to hear the door opening.

Suddenly seeing the woman standing outside the door, Li Nanheng's eyes were indifferent: "Why are you?"

Feng Mingzhu saw that the person who opened the door turned out to be him, and immediately smiled happily: "I heard that something happened recently at your XI base. You haven't been back to the base recently, but you live outside. It seems to be true Yes, you are really here. "

Feng family and Li family have always been connected with many things. Contradiction between the XI base and the army. Feng family will naturally know that Feng Mingzhu will hear about this, and it is not surprising.

"How did you find this place? Follow me?" Li Nanheng stood in front of the door and had no plans to let her in. Her eyes were cold, there was no temperature, and she was not polite.

"If I could have the ability to follow you, but I wouldn't be found by you, I would have followed." Feng Mingzhu spit his tongue at him slightly, with a little playfulness in gentleness, and a little joy and peace. Faintly looking forward: "I heard that you are here, but I do n’t know which building you live in. My car is parked below. I saw you driving back just now, and it was parked next to my car. Later I told Come in and see that the elevator stops on the tenth floor. I guess you should be living on the tenth floor, so let's try it. I didn't expect to find it. "

He was not very interested in Feng Mingzhu's past, and he was not familiar with her car. There were many luxury cars in this apartment. He did not pay attention to which cars were parked beside the parking place.

While defending the military and district people, they have forgotten to defend the Miss Feng Family who tried every means to see him every day.

"Can I go in?" The little excitement in Feng Mingzhu's eyes could hardly be hidden because he hadn't seen him for a long time. He was usually at the base or returned to Li's house to deal with any urgent matters. He would never be there. Staying elsewhere, she had no chance to see him, and even after he refused to marry, he had no chance to talk to him.

"Deeper in the middle of the night, there is no need to go in alone." Li Nanheng didn't mean to let the door open, and didn't give her the opportunity to enter the door, but said indifferently: "I have something to say here."

Feng Mingzhu looked at him, the smile and excitement in his eyes were gradually cooled down, but his love for him was still so obvious.

She squeezed her bag tightly. The young lady's temper outside and the treacherous family at home usually converged at this moment, leaving only the little woman's shame and hidden love.

"I just want to see you." Although there are many things to say, Feng Mingzhu knows that he hates women who are too troublesome and talk too much, so he can only endure not to say more, only to open the communication with him first. Channels, not the situation that has never been seen again.

"See, can you leave?" Li Nanheng was really impatient with a woman like Feng Mingzhu, and her eyes were impatient.

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