Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 945: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (208)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng did not return for two days.

Feng Ling suddenly received a call from Li's family, and Mr. Li called and asked her to meet.

The side that met with Feng Mingzhu yesterday made Feng Ling worry about all day, until Li's phone call came, even if her heart was still unsettled, she could still settle down, because at least this could wait until one As a result, instead of knowing nothing here.

In the car, Feng Ling sat in the back seat and let the driver drive. She stared out of the car window.

The driver asked her about the specific route. She wasn't sure. She only reported the exact location that Mr. Li told her. The driver took a long time to find it.

Fortunately, she came out early and was not late.

After arriving at the place agreed with Mr. Li, Feng Ling knew that it was not only the Li family, but it included several leaders from the military, the people from the United Nations, and military reporters. People at play.

Before going in, she found a mirror in the bathroom and sorted out her black uniform. Father Li sent someone to call her. Her eyes didn't move. Although she looked at the mirror, she was obviously not looking at herself.

"Little brother Feng Ling." The person sent by Li's was outside the bathroom, wearing a black suit, and he could see that he was often working near a few old masters. He spoke kindly and thoughtfully, and said cleanly: "No There are few people here, don't let people wait too long, especially those from Li's family. If you want a good result, I advise you to keep them in your eyes and don't be too indifferent. "

Feng Ling's eyes moved, which only reflected the general situation. He looked at the man outside the door and bowed his head: "I see."

The other party urged: "Hurry up, time is running out."

Talking, the man turned and left directly, and he walked very fast, indeed it seemed to be rushed over.

Feng Ling looked at his back side and had a very subtle feeling. I felt that today ’s occasion should have nothing to do with Li Nanheng. There was no news of him for at least two days. If he participated in this matter, he would definitely tell She even made a phone call or sent a message.

Although the man looked polite and courteous just now, his eyes were full of contempt for looking at the dying man, and he didn't have much patience.


Everyone has arrived when he entered the place where Father Li said.

For the first time when I saw Mr. Li and other leaders of the military, the United Nations, and the United Nations, Feng Ling felt that he had seen the real scene because of this incident, and stood among them without changing his face.

There are four fathers in the Li family, the boss Li Junyan, the second son Li Jinguo, the first son Li Wenshang, and the fourth son Li Jianrong. They are all seventy years old.

The boss Li Junyan is Li Nanheng ’s grandfather. He is over eighty years old, and the remaining four have no grandsons under his knees. It is said that Li Nanheng grew up with these four prestigious grandfathers. He did not enjoy the next generation like grandsons of other families. The treatment of relatives, but was thrown into the XI base by a few old men at a very young age.

Although Li Nanheng is the only grandson of the Li family, and it is a surprisingly few people in the population, in fact, he has never enjoyed the good days of the young master at all. In front of him are four crutches like a ruler.

Li Junyan looked at this young man who was still humble and humble even though he knew what he would face if he was called alone. It seemed to be different from the description of Feng Mingzhu's nasty and girly personality disturbing the atmosphere of the base.

Several other old men narrowed their eyes and looked at the boy named Feng Ling.

Several old men continued their usual style, and spoke directly in a cold command tone, asking some irrelevant things, such as when Feng Ling entered the base, such as how she practiced the sniper rifle some time ago, and then talked last. When it came to questions about her skills and speed, Li Junyan stepped into the topic first: "Feng Ling, although we have never had a chance to see you in the base, but this has also been considered some of your deeds in the newcomer. All the assessment results are outstanding, especially I didn't expect you to be so small, you have no difficulty in picking up a sniper rifle, you can see that you are a talent for the base, but no matter how good you are, how loyal you are to the base, and to you privately Killing the army commander, you still affected the peace between the entire XI base and the US army. This is not a trivial matter. You have been hiding for so many days, haven't you figured out how to give the army. An explanation? "

Until this time, Feng Ling was still a little embarrassed and did not fully enter the state.

She was very clear that Feng Mingzhu dared to contact Father Li and said those words, which shows that Li Nanheng is really stuck because of some things.

Maybe the reason was with her.

Even if the fat commander had the mistake beforehand, he could kill the army. The fact that the commander of the army is not a simple reason to defend himself can be overwhelmed. The military is not even because of Li Jia and Li Nanheng's attitude. France started with the XI base, but in order to save their face, they always have to find a reason to calm them down, at least one step down.

And the most appropriate step is to confess her death, so that both sides will return to peace.

If she keeps hiding, this incident will only cause more and more trouble for Li Nanheng.

Although he didn't say it, she wouldn't allow herself to affect him, even if it would affect other people, she would not do so.

In this matter, she always thought that her side was reasonable, but she ignored the magnitude of the forces on both sides of the XI base and the army. It is not easy to achieve small and small forces.

And Li Bo is really good to her after all.

She can't really hang him because of herself ...

Feng Ling's hands on both sides of the body shook slightly, looked up, and was about to speak, but suddenly saw on the other side of the marble staircase not far away, there were a few pots of expensive potted plants next to the shadow, standing cold and upright Man.

Li Nanheng inserted one hand into the pants pocket of his trousers, his long and erect body leaned slightly on the European-style white railing beside the marble staircase, and his handsome face was hidden in the dark of the light, which was dim.

He was looking at her, as if he had been looking at her since she entered here from the beginning, with a fearless aura in her dark eyes.

When he saw that Li Nanheng was here, Feng Lingben came to his lips and swallowed back immediately.

The current scene is not the same as she expected. She thought that the boss Li was locked up by the old men or how, but looking at his expression, it seems that the situation now seems passive, but only The apparent passiveness is actually under his control.

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