Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 946: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (209)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing the direction Feng Feng's eyes touched, Mr. Li calmly turned his head and glanced at him. When he saw Li Nanheng, he didn't say anything, just glanced at her again: "What? I've given you a few minutes. Think about what to say? Or, do you plan to remain silent like this, and dare not even acknowledge what you have done? "

Li Nanheng's eyes were immersed, without any intention to communicate with her eyes.

Feng Ling suddenly remembered those words of Feng Mingzhu.

So he didn't go back or contact her these days. Maybe it was because the old man of Li's family suspected something, so he avoided it for the time being and didn't have any contact with her in order not to let her be more suspicious and hurt.

Because even if you call and text message, as long as the old man wants to check, they can still find out.

Think of it this way, things will flow smoothly.

Therefore, the Li family's grandfathers now seem to be coming to Xingshi to plead guilty, but since they have not stopped Li Nanheng from coming, it means that they have not set her a dead end, but are giving her a chance to defend or appeal.

Such an opportunity is hard to come by. After all, the people present were all authoritative people from all sides.

"Little brother Fengling?" The man next to Li from the family raised his eyebrows and reminded her softly.

Feng Ling looked back and looked at the people sitting in front of her with a peaceful expression on his face. He didn't say the words that he had intended to take the full power, but he was suddenly called to the army. District, Everything was said before and after those days in the military area, and the incident that brought her and the camera installed in A's room was explained together, without a word.

After speaking, she calmly said, "Yes, I did kill the commander. I plead guilty, but if you have watched the live surveillance video at the time, it should be clear that I did not start at the beginning. People Both have the desire to survive. Hope and instinct, I and A ’s life are in his hands, in the stage of either you die or I live, in the verbal insults and insults, and A When my life was also threatened, I apologize. At that time, I really did not consider the overall situation, and I did not consider the deep friendship between the base and the military. I just started. "

"Oh, so don't you admit that you are wrong?"

Feng Ling's cold lips: "I confess the homicide, but the so-called right or wrong ..." She paused, looking intently at the man standing quietly in the distance, saying clearly: "I did not Wrong, why admit it? "

"You! It's arrogant enough!" The others didn't have any expressions, but the expressions on the faces of the leaders of the army and Fang were all angry.

Feng Ling basically didn't hesitate, so he answered: "I was in the XI base for a few years, and I was deeply taught by the instructors and teachers in the base. They taught me how to be a man and how to deal with things. There is no need to cover up what I did wrong, but if I did nothing wrong, even if someone else broke my knee, I can't kneel down and admit it. "

Feeling the glance from Li Nanheng over there, she gave a slight pause, and a slight radian was drawn on her lips: "In addition, I was not hiding a few days ago, but because the commander kept my head at Smashed on the wall, I was in a coma for several days. I just woke up in the past two days. You should be able to see the situation in the video at that time. If I really died under the commander's hands, I would be very miserable. Skull It ’s going to crack. Even if I'm in a coma for ten days and a half months, isn't it too much? Isn't the commander a mortal person, am I not flesh and blood? "

Father Li looked at her, his voice sounded sternly: "What makes you think ... XI Base will not be convicted of you for this matter?"

Feng Ling looked down, and she didn't usually talk much at all. At this moment, her voice was much milder and quieter than usual, and she was also a bit faint: "Because the teacher at the XI base once said, Whether it's a newcomer to the base, an old man, an elite member, an instructor, or a person in charge, we are all doing things for the above. Everyone is equal, and there is an old saying in China that the prince breaks the law and the people accompany the crime, even if I am too guarded. The commander who killed the army. Fang Gao's supremacy, but the equality between people is enough to show that he blame himself. I bear the crime of killing is my thing, but the commander himself should bear the crime, in the end, it is actually life. Commitment, this is also his business, not the parties, they are not qualified to judge the situation at that time. "

Mr. Li raised his eyebrows slightly again: "Then Nan Heng, as stated by the army, fully defends you because he is as interested in men as commanders, and because of his own personal affair and injustice ..."

Feng Ling was wearing the same black uniform as usual today. Standing here, she was righteous, not humble, and just as soon as the old man's words arrived, she immediately understood what the scene is for today.

The purpose of the old masters of Li's family is not other, but the reputation of XI base and Li Nanheng's reputation. This matter is to sacrifice her a small role or to let the army. Fang finally swallows his voice, they don't care, they only care The influence of these opinions on the base and Li Nanheng.

Several elderly people did not mean to defend anyone or to whom, but obviously, whoever dared to speak publicly behind the family, was right with them.

He was giving Feng Ling a chance to explain.

Feng Ling smiled: "As far as I know, when Li Li and the base members are on mission, any dangerous task will rush ahead, even if he is the person in charge of the base, even if he is the only grandson of Li's family. I have never pushed out or sold my members. All XI bases know that the boss is a person. Now that this happens, the boss will protect me after knowing that I have been wronged. This is also human nature. I heard this kind of rumors for the first time. Is he interested in all the base members who are protected by the boss? Since I entered the base, I have n’t had much contact with the boss. I heard several instructors in the base say that once on a mission, someone blocked a bullet for the boss and sacrificed on the spot. The boss held the brother ’s body and sat in the minefield all night without leaving. Should such a brotherhood be so tarnished? "

Mr. Li smiled again at this time, and asked meaningfully: "That base is rumored that you and other people are messing with each other and being rejected and rejected by many members. Why is this?"

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