Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 950: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (213)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Qin Shiting did not know who he was talking to.

Feng Ling was about to pick up the water glass for a moment, but a slight movement that was not easily noticed, and then continued to drink water.

Li Nanheng gave him a sideways glance, and Qin Si Tingdan smiled and gave him a look that made him work harder.

Li Nanheng sneered: "I and Mo Jing are afraid that they will not be able to reach you. Your experience of being dumped by a woman after she fell asleep, few people can come across it. When you sing and love you, you will die. It ’s really simple and unfeeling to go at the end. People who do n’t know how bad you are in your bed and scare the girls away. ”

Qin Shiting didn't get a poker-like expression on his face, chuckling: "It really isn't comparable, after all, boss Li, the person in charge of the XI base is still a good place."


Li Nanheng hadn't reflected yet, Feng Ling almost spit first, and reluctantly held back the water to her mouth, turned to the beginning, raised her hand and covered her mouth.

Li Nanheng and Qin Shiting looked back at her at the same time.

Seeing Feng Ling's expression, Li Nanheng's face turned black instantly.

Qin Shiting glanced at him with the look of "what's the situation?" But still smiled.

After that, I simply ate something, and Qin Shiting didn't eat much. After putting down the chopsticks, I glanced at the time, because I was going to get back to pick up things, and I had to catch a plane back to Haicheng at night and go straight.

Only the two of them were left on the table again. When Feng Ling glared at him before, he kept his head down to eat without a word.

Li Nanheng looked at the girl who had been eating with her head bowed and put down her chopsticks: "What were you just excited about?"

Feng Ling: "..."

She raised her head silently, her eyes innocent: "What excitement? I don't ..."

Seeing her expression that she did not dare to offend him for the time being, she might ask nothing more, Li Nanheng looked at her coldly with a cold lips.

Finally managed to finish the food under the cold stare of Li Bo. When walking back to the parking lot, Feng Ling followed the man.

She was two steps behind, looking at the tall and erect back of the man in front of her, and remembered what Father Li had said today. Although Father was on the XI base side, there was a warning in his words, so that she had those rumors. I remember to keep a distance with Li Nanheng, lest he destroy the atmosphere in the base, it really stained Li Nanheng.

She walked behind and called him: "Boss."


"Can I go straight back to base?"

She didn't mean anything, just stated the current situation. It doesn't seem that she needs to go back to his place to live now. She was recovering from injury and avoiding the sight of those in the military. But now that it has been resolved, then She should no longer live there with him.

Li Nanheng paused, turned around, looked down at her, his eyes narrowed, and his voice was deep. When talking to Dr. Qin at the table just now, it was a completely different feeling: "I have wolves and beasts in my place, let Are you so anxious to leave? "

Feng Ling lowered her head and didn't speak.

"Feng Ling." He said lightly: "What is the reason for my full protection for you, you know very well, I have already expressed that it is your business to accept or not, but now things have come to this stage, you It does n’t matter if you stay with me for a day or a month. What you ca n’t get through is the boundary in your own heart. In addition, even if you live with me, what did I do to you or did I say that? Do n’t you want to hide back to the base? I do n’t like doing useless work, and I do n’t like wasting unnecessary enthusiasm. If you insist on keeping a distance from me, you can. Follow the affairs of the military. Ask me, things haven't happened these days, you can do whatever you want. "

Feng Ling's expression was: "Boss ..."

The man raised his hand and pinched her jaw, bowed his head next to her face, and the warm breath fell on her cheek: "I think of you as my person, so I care about you. If you are nothing, I Why do you have to work so hard to **** back those who are almost stepping into the ghost gate, eh? "

Feng Ling's hands on both sides of the body suddenly made a fist, and said in a sullen voice: "Boss, you're threatening, bullying me from childhood to death, can't help but really be reluctant to leave the XI base?"

The man raised his hand and patted her face gently, and smiled: "Well, if you don't agree, you can find a greater dependency than me."

Anyway, the man turned straight upright and tall, and his long legs moved back into the car by himself.

Feng Ling stood in place, watching his footsteps, and some kind of defense line in her heart collapsed suddenly, letting all the calmness and reason she had wanted to maintain disappear in an instant, and suddenly trot chased up Until the door, before the man got into the car, he first opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in the car.

After the man got in the car, he turned and glanced at her: "Don't you want to go back to the base? Is this going to let me take you back?"

Feng Ling drew a corner of his mouth: "I'll go back to the apartment with you."

Li Nanheng ran on the steering wheel with one hand, and looked at her with a sneer and a sneer: "Knowing that you are still coming back to my apartment at this time, what does it mean?"

Feng Ling didn't understand: "It ’s the boss who has kept me now, and what the boss has said since then, you say I do n’t dare to go west, you say that I do n’t dare to go east, and you let me bring tea and I never pour water meaning."

Li Nanheng is not satisfied with this answer: "I'll let you warm the bed, will you give me a warm bed too?"

Feng Ling looked at him with a dumb look after a long time: "But boss, I'm a man."

Li Nanheng looked at her meaningfully: "Why can't a man warm a bed. The weather is so cold these days, it's terrible to lie down on the bed after taking a shower. What do you think I mean by a warm bed?"

Feng Ling: "..."

However, when returning to the apartment, Feng Ling suddenly ran to the 24-hour convenience store downstairs. Li Nanheng didn't know what she was going to buy. After waiting for a while, she saw Feng Ling ran out with a few hot water bottles.

"Boss, the effect of this thing to warm the bed should be the best."

Li Nanheng: "..."

Looking at the hot water bottles in her arms, the man raised his hand expressionlessly and pressed it on her head. He directly pressed the person into the apartment building's door without saying a word. Moreover, people were taken directly into the elevator.

Feng Ling took the things in his arms in a sloppy manner and was led by him all the way. After entering the elevator, he wanted to get up, but was directly held in his arms by the man.

Li Nanheng lowered her head and pressed her forehead with a strong masculinity and said, "You are so foolish as a laozi? Huh?"

In a pun, she only thought it was such a thing as a hot water bottle.

The man's breath was blowing on her forehead wound, and it didn't hurt, but her body shivered a little.

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