Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 951: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (214)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was taken home by the man, and even when he pressed the password lock, she could feel how tight the man's hand was around his waist, as if if she dared to run away in the next second I dare to waste her.

Does she dare to run?

Dare not dare

The door opened, Feng Ling just wanted to speak, but the man pushed her in directly without a word.

It was already evening in the outside. Although the room was not so dark as to reach out with five fingers, it was also dark and could hardly see anything. She was pushed by the man directly on the wall.

With the door slamming, Feng Ling hadn't had time to say what was coming to her mouth. The sudden kiss that had fallen from the man had surged, and it seemed as if she had been irresistibly forceful to force her Pressing on the wall, when Feng Ling was subconsciously about to push, his two hands were pressed directly on both sides of the body, and they were tightly attached to the wall, and they could not move.

Feng Ling made a few attempts and couldn't break away. He was tight and wanted not to start, but the man pressed her firmly with the advantage of height and physical strength. The kiss was not tender, even almost biting. It hurt, she remembered the displeased mood when the man was just outside.

Is this still angry?

Furious she just wanted to go heroically?

"Hmm ... Lih ..." Feng Ling managed to take the opportunity to speak when he was slightly off the beginning, but the voice of his mouth suddenly turned into a soft cricket because of the man's next movement.

-He let go of her lips, but turned to her sensitive ears, and she trembled, even though her lips were free, but she could hardly make a sound.

"What do you want to say?" Li Nanheng's voice was dumbly stuck to her ear: "Dare you come back with me now, you should know what the consequences will be, regardless of whether you are male or female or wolf or human. From now on, You are mine, understand? "

Feng Ling didn't know if it was because of the man's hot breath in her ear or because of his words, the tremor on his body was not only slightly reduced, but more severe.

"Boss, aren't you obviously robbing?" She reluctantly retrieved her voice, and asked him with a dumb voice while the man's kiss turned and attacked the sensitive part of her ear and neck, But the movements on the hand are no longer resisting, but clinging to the wall tightly and don't know what to do.

Hearing her words, the man's movements paused, and she seemed to hear a low laugh from his chest: "The light that Lao Tzu grabbed is bright and clear, like is like, why not?"

"No, but boss, I ... oh!"

The man's kiss fell again, breathing fast and heavy with heavy hormonal smells in her nose, and even he suddenly raised his hand directly to hold her instinctively tightly against the wall. And dragged under him--

Feng Ling instantly understood what he meant, and it was not the first time. Subconsciously he was about to retract, but he was dragged firmly by the man.

She tried to pull it out a few times, but how could she really earn it from the man.

He looked like he wasn't exerting much effort, but no matter how she pulled her hand, she still firmly held it in his palm.

Feng Ling couldn't help it.

"Boss, let go of your hand."

The man ignored her and pressed her hand directly below him.

"Boss, I know it's you who helped me this time, and I'll be able to get down the mountain and fire at the base, but don't ..."

He still didn't reflect much, even pulling her hand harder and pressing harder.

Feng Ling was anxious, and the struggling movement also distanced him: "Li Nanheng!"

The man raised her eyebrows slightly, and said dumbly on her lips: "There is no shortage of people in the XI base who were born and died, and I am missing one of you, be honest, eh?"

be honest?

This man is really ... forever, it is such a man who is obviously forcibly grabbing and overbearing, as if he should have taken it for granted!

A man and a man are so fearless. Some old men who grew up on crutches in Li's family grew up like this. How did they meet people? He wasn't afraid that some of Li's fathers were really angry?

She is a man! At least now it ’s a man!

He didn't even drink the wine, and he was not as unconscious as he was on the snow mountain last time. How can he, how can he ...

Is it difficult to treat her like any other member of a base?

She didn't want to go back to the apartment with him to face the rumors in the base so early. The most important thing was because she was angry just now, so she wanted to follow his temper and didn't want to offend him.

But who would have thought he would go back to the apartment, it would be like this.

The breath on his lips was deprived again, and when Feng Ling was kissed again with breathing disorder and Venus, the man's hand pressed her hand under him.

There had already been a noticeable change there, without letting her move her hands away, still holding her against the wall.

He lowered his eyes and looked at her somewhat confused and moist eyes, lowered her forehead with his forehead, and panted heavily, "Looking at you like this, I really want to strip you directly."

Feng Ling's eyes were stagnant, and then he heard the man whispering in her ear: "Feng Ling, I ask you, if now you are replaced by another man who will hold you here, like you, you will be like now With half a push like this, would he still kill him like a commander? "

Feng Ling never thought about this problem and never compared it.

But at this moment, because of the man's words, my heart suddenly missed a beat.

She already wanted to kill a fat commander with her verbal insults. If other men dared to treat her like this, she might not know how many times she had died before her eyes.

So, is Li Nanheng really special?

Seeing the young girl more confused as if she understood something and seemed to not understand, Li Nanheng passed a smile that was not easily noticed by his lips. He lowered his head slightly, and said lightly, "I dare to say such words on the sword and the sea of ​​fire. Do you know what a mountain of swords is? There is a sea of ​​flames for you now, do you dare? "

Feng Ling looked back, his eyes a little puzzled: "What sea of ​​fire?"

The man nodded her with her fingers under the hands she was pressed under him, meaning: "Don't you really want to thank me? As a sincere, what do you think you should do now?"

Feng Ling: "... Why, what sincerity?"

He raised his eyebrows and did not speak again, but his eyes were self-evident.

Feng Ling looked at him, then lowered his head to look at his hand.

Her face suddenly became hot: "Li Nanheng, you are too much ..."

He looked at her like this, with a deep smile under his boundless eyes, waiting for her initiative.

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