Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 954: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (217)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

She's a man, she looks for a woman's aesthetic.

How weird.

Feng Ling thoughtfully followed Li Nanheng's skills and looked at his back in front.

Does he know she's a woman?

But it shouldn't be, she hasn't found it all the time, she hasn't taken off her clothes before ... he just doubted himself before, but this doubt has been dispelled later?

Li Nanheng took her around the shopping street all afternoon, and left in the evening.

Feng Ling has carried a lot of things in her hands, all kinds of clothes, supplies, shoes, and some things that she did n’t think were necessary. Even she bought skin care products. Li Nanheng said that she wanted to buy things, but everything seemed to be double Share.

The only thing that accorded with his previous statement was that she was really clinging behind everything, like an authentic little boy.

After finally walking back to the car with him, the man opened the trunk of the car and looked back at her struggling but still refused to speak to let him help, and the corner of his mouth ticked upward: "Very Is it heavy? "

"Not heavy." Feng Ling walked forward sturdyly and put the things in his hand into the trunk.

Li Nanheng stood on one side with her arms around her chest and watched all her movements. The corner of her mouth became more and more curved.

It was dark in Los Angeles at this moment, and there were only two of them in the dark windy parking lot.

After everything was set, Feng Ling was about to get in the car, but the man suddenly held her, a faint voice rang above her head: "Okay, you can go to the movies."

With that said, he pulled her directly towards the largest movie theater on this commercial street.

Feng Ling understood what was going on. He was only dragged forward, and when he returned to God, he reflected a bit of a slow question: "Watch a movie? What movie?"

"What kind of movie do you want to watch? I rarely go into these places in the theater. I just go and look at it and pick a movie I like." The man said it for granted.

Feng Ling was taken by him for a few steps and was busy pulling his hand out, but when the man pulled her hand outward, he pulled her to his side and lifted his hand. Holding her waist, her voice was quiet and low as she walked: "Don't mess around, be nice."

Feng Ling: "... ????"

"Boss, I don't go to the movies, I still go back ..."

"If you want to see you, go obediently, eh?" The man looked down at her and said, "While you are young, you must feel good about everything, just be with me, just as I have never been."

"I was very young ..." Feng Ling skimmed. "I haven't reached eighteen."

Li Nanheng immediately gave her a cold glance: "You mean I'm old?"

"No, no, how could the boss grow old, even if the boss is over 40 years old, it is also a flower of Kaolin, and it will never grow old."

Li Nanheng sneered, raised her hand and rubbed her head as she walked around: "Small things, learn to smooth your tongue."

Feng Ling: "..."

For the words of small things, she really accepts incompetence.

However, in the end, he was brought into the theater by Li Nanheng.

Most of the people who come here are also young people. It seems that people in every country must have these cute items of popcorn in the cinema. Li Nanheng followed the example of buying a large bucket of popcorn into Feng Ling's words.

Feng Ling had to hold a big bucket of popcorn all the way and follow him in.

After she sat down in the theater, she learned that Li Nanheng actually chose a love movie that is not very hot in the United States. Usually, it is a Hollywood movie or some world-famous popular movies. This kind of love movie is not full in the United States. Too popular. The seats next to them were empty until the opening. They were still empty.

Only the young couples in the first few rows sitting there in pairs, but not on this occasion to watch movies, but to ...

Hey, anyway, a theater in a place like the United States, this kind of place with a little atmosphere and quiet, some bold young men and women feel directly here, so they just applauded directly here.

At the end of the film, the little couple in front of each other already sat directly on the man's leg and hugged him.

Feng Ling's arms have always been holding popcorn. Li Nanheng is not interested in this kind of film. She turned her eyes to the girl next to her and saw that she was watching movies while eating popcorn, and she seemed very interested.

Until the hero and protagonist in the film had to be separated for a long time because of something, the two were emotionally in place and hugged and kissed, undressed, and so on. When a series of plots were performed again, the couple in the first few rows had already played. Is getting hotter.

Li Nanheng looked at the girl next to her again.

The girl's eyes did not know when she closed her eyes and leaned her head on the back of the chair.

Originally thought to bring her feelings, by the way, look at this love movie to open up.

But she fell asleep? !!

Li Nanheng: "........."


Until the end of the film, Feng Ling felt the surrounding lights light up and opened his eyes instinctively, turning around and seeing that Li Nanheng's expression was not very cool. I didn't know it was because of myself, and said, "Can I go back now? Boss? "

"Where else do you want to go?" The man asked with a rigid voice.

"I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to go home."

Come back home.

Hearing these two words, Li Nanheng's unhappy mood swept away, and then glanced at her: "Well, come back to our home?"

Feng Ling fell asleep and just woke up, but did not reflect the deep meaning in his words, only instinctively nodded and hummed, got up and left, and then paused, looking at him with the popcorn in his arms "What about this popcorn?"

"Go outside the theater and just place it next to a beggar."



The car drove back downstairs to the apartment. Just after getting off the car, Feng Ling was preparing to go to the trunk to pick up things. Suddenly, she felt a less friendly sight. When she got a meal, she saw a car not far away By the way, Feng Mingzhu didn't know how long she had been waiting there.

When she saw Feng Mingzhu, the expression on Feng Ling's face was not very pleasant, and she didn't know where she was violent. In short, there would be no happy things happening.

Although I never really bothered too much, it was really annoying that Feng Mingzhu always appeared so deliberately.

Feng Ling didn't say anything, he just said, "Boss, I'll go up first."

But before he walked away, his arm was held down: "Stand here and wait."

"Don't you have something to say?"

"Nothing to say, and you are not an outsider, you don't have to walk away."


"Stand still." The man gave her a cold look.

Feng Ling hesitated. Although he didn't go away, he didn't go to see Feng Mingzhu anymore. Instead, he just sorted out those things in the trunk here.

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