Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 955: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (218)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Have I said that you don't have to come to me anymore?" Li Nanheng's voice sounded behind him, with a coldness and a clearly audible alienation.

Feng Mingzhu's eyes moved away from Feng Ling, and then she turned to Li Nanheng: "Nanheng, my father and grandfather want to see you."

After waiting so long for a long time, it was an empty affair. She really couldn't accept such a result. Even if she moved out to rescue the soldiers, she couldn't just give up.

But in response to her, there were only two words without emotion in the man: "No."

Feng Mingzhu looked at him in disbelief: "You repeatedly refused to close the house, and pushed me so far with my sister's coat of arms as a reason. Now they just want to find you for a meal. After all, the army .The commander Fang was killed in such a big matter, and the Feng family has recently followed suit. You can't do this. "

Li Nanheng's eyes were cold and hesitant: "Let them go directly to Li's house to find those old ones, and there is an old man from Li's house, but also need me to come forward?"


Li Nanheng turned around, picked up the already-organized things in the car with one hand, took Feng Ling's hand with the other, walked past Feng Mingzhu, and walked directly toward the apartment building.

The tall black Hummer reflected the sunlight of the early winter. Feng Mingzhu stood on this side and looked back at him. He saw the gentleman naturally pulled Feng Ling's hand, and the other of them held each other out of their hands. Less stuff, looks like a booty that has been out shopping for a day.

Obviously two men, but it seems inexplicable to make Feng Mingzhu dazzling.

Such a petite appearance, and was treated like this by Li Nanheng ...

What the **** is this?

Is he male or female?

At this moment, Feng Mingzhu had to remember the stories of Mulan and women dressed as men's clothes when he was a grandfather. When the stories were just stories, everything happened in this world.

Either Feng Ling is actually a woman, or Li Nanheng likes men.

But Li Nanheng didn't seem to have any problem with sexual orientation. The biggest possibility is that Feng Ling is a woman.

Feng Mingzhu looked at that direction for a long time, frowned, and suddenly picked up the phone and dialed a number.


The two had gone some distance, entered the apartment building, and then entered the elevator.

The elevator was quiet. Feng Ling looked at the things in his hand, and then looked at the changing figures on the elevator.

The man's low voice broke the almost rigid silence: "Are you unhappy?"

Feng Ling looked back, looked back, and whispered, "No."

He said lightly: "You don't like Feng Mingzhu."

She suddenly gave him a funny look: "Should I like her?"

"It doesn't matter to me whether you like or dislike her, but there are always reasons to hate a person."

Li Nanheng is a less real man. He doesn't care much about Feng Mingzhu, and he doesn't like women complaining in his ear about the endless pile of broken things.

But Feng Ling was so quiet, she did n’t say anything, she did n’t explain anything, she never complained, and he did n’t like it very much. He would rather she talk to him occasionally about her thoughts. Why would she not learn like other women?啰 嗦 and talk a lot.

Feng Ling didn't explain, and continued silently watching the changing figures on the elevator.

She really wanted to ask something about Feng Mingzhu. For example, if she and Li Nanheng were not unmarried couples, then why did Feng Mingzhu say that he was his fiancee? Anyway, he is also the young lady of Feng family. If there is no reason, it will not This is how to create rumors out of nothing.

But even if I want to ask, I don't know how to ask.

When the elevator stopped on the tenth floor, the two went out, Li Nanheng went to open the door, Feng Ling walked behind him, thought about it, and picked up the simplest question: "Boss, have you known Miss Feng for a long time?"

"Well, I've seen it since I was a kid."

"It seems she really likes you."

She had heard the previous conversation, but later saw Feng Mingzhu's perseverance, and it is not difficult to see how obsessed Feng Mingzhu was with him.

Let a young lady of this family be so obsessed, and it can be seen that there must have been something romantic or something she had never imagined happened between the two of them.

Li Nanheng then glanced at her, walked into the door, put down the things in his hand, and did not speak.

Feng Ling also put things down, and suddenly didn't want to talk anymore, he just walked in.

Seeing her silent back, Li Nanheng said faintly: "Li and Feng are a family. Although they knew each other at a very young age, the number of times I have met with Feng Mingzhu can be counted with five fingers. It's not even a few hours to spend time together since I was young, and I can't even sleep with you last night. "

Feng Ling's footsteps.

The man continued with a methodical voice: "She wants to marry me, does not mean that I want to marry. These things out of nothing will be asked later. You don't have to listen to what she said, and it is better not to see you again."

Feng Ling: "... Well, I don't think there will be any chance to see her again after returning to the base."


She took a step and thought about it and said, "Boss, some old men from Li's family said before that, although the matter was not pursued, the penalties for the collar were still essential. Is there any decision made above? What kind of punishment am I going to get? "

"I will only get a more difficult task than Rogers Pass. It won't be simpler. Wait patiently, so anxious to be punished?"

Feng Ling did not reflect for a while, and asked ignorantly: "Is it to lurk in the camp of terror, terror, and son?"

The man sat on the sofa, holding the cellphone with his knuckle fingers, glanced at the news just received, and glanced at her slightly: "No, you are too straightforward and not smooth enough to be a spy. You do n’t need to count on such things. "

Feng Ling read something inexplicably from his usual indifferent tone. He should already know what punishment she would face, but he didn't say.

Anything is fine as long as it is not for her to be a spy.

Into the night.

Feng Ling had nothing to do, so she went to the kitchen and cooked two bowls of noodles. After all, she wouldn't do anything else, but the noodles would still be cooked. Although the taste was somewhat unsatisfactory, at least it was edible.

She sent the cooked noodles to the study.

Li Nanheng just got up to answer the phone at this moment, and then saw her into the study, and then saw the bowl in her hand, and motioned her eyes to put her on the table.

When Feng Ling walked in and set the bowl down, the man was already on the phone.

She glanced down at the computer on the desk and some documents, and then saw a few pages of pure English documents with Li Nanheng's autograph below.

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