Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 956: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (219)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The words written by men are vigorous and powerful, and they do not look like the boss of a base who has touched a gun in the XI base for so many years. Instead, it looks like a scholar or a business elite.

Feng Ling learned something from the Mafia when he was a kid. A Chinese would teach her about literacy and some simple knowledge. Later in the orphanage, she would also have classes occasionally. I am not very cooperative.

Later, when she arrived at the base, Han Jin introduced her to a culture class teacher at the base and arranged some courses for her. After training, she would teach her a lot of things. Over time, a lot of the knowledge that Feng Ling lost as a child gradually became Make up for it.

There are many young people in the base who have entered the base at a very young age. All of them will have special cultural class teachers to teach them. Feng Ling is also the best to learn in this respect and is most liked by the teachers.

The XI base is not the only reckless husband. Even the reckless husband will not be illiterate. The rules in the base are quite good. At least Feng Ling can recognize these Chinese and English clearly.

Looking at the name signed by Li Nanheng, whether it is a Chinese signature or an English signature, it looks good.

"What are you looking at?" Li Nanheng hung up the phone and came back. When he entered the study room, he saw Feng Ling looking through those documents.

Feng Ling lowered the file and looked back at the man in the home service: "I just glanced casually, shouldn't there be any problem?"

She didn't see any secrets she couldn't see just now, so she looked calm.

"It's nothing, but what did you look at so seriously?" Feng Ling forgot to avoid it when he approached him, until he was shrouded in the breath of the man's body, and suddenly he leaned forward when he leaned forward suddenly. She backed up and leaned directly on the edge of the table. Her two hands were also busy leaning back on the edge of the table, trying to hide backwards, avoiding the man's close face.

Seeing her avoidance, Li Nanheng didn't say much, but didn't let her go. Her hands were supported on both sides of her body casually, as if she accidentally pressed on her hands and looked down. Her expression of careful avoidance.

Seeing the truth is inevitable, Feng Ling partial said at the beginning: "No, nothing to see, just to see the boss you write beautiful words."

Li Nanheng then looked down at the pages of her hand in this posture: "Is that right?"

"Hmm ..." She finished the epilogue because of this posture: "I just suddenly remembered that you had entered the XI base since you were a kid. Is your usual cultural class taught in the base?"

Li Nanheng looked at her: "Why, what have I learned and experienced, you don't even know, now I want to find out?"

Feng Ling pouted: "No."

"I thought I'd been mixed in the base from an early age, so no culture?" The man seemed to send out a laugh from the nasal cavity, a heavy, but strangely strange smile, her heart trembling several times.

"I didn't say that." Feng Ling explained as he simply raised his hand to push him, but as soon as he took his hand off the table, the man leaned down with her unsupported strength.

She was startled to get away, but was still kissed by the man on the lips, not enough. When she glared at him for a moment, her thin lips slightly hooked and kissed her again.

It wasn't until Feng Ling was leaned at the table to kiss her that she was sitting at the table. The man restrained Gu Aowang slightly, raised his hand to support her chin, and stared straight at her. His eyes, looking at her, have been used to it by himself, a look of perplexity that is no longer so obviously resisted, slightly lip-scratching, mutely: "Although there is a lot of time at the base, Li's family still has to pay. In my hands, even if I do n’t want to learn, it ’s impossible for a few old men to let me go. I was forced to get a dual degree in business administration and finance from Stanford when I was seventeen. As for why I never said that because of the base If you do n’t need it, every day you do a gun dance, there is no need to show off these things in front of you, but I really didn't expect you to always treat me as illiterate. "

Feng Ling: "... I didn't ... hmm!"

As soon as he spoke, he was kissed again by the man.

These two kisses were not as fierce and almost crazy kisses as before, but were so tender that she almost forgot to resist, just letting him hold himself until the man opened her teeth, She twitched sharply when her tongue was tangled, but then she could n’t retreat if she wanted to retreat, because she was already sitting at the desk, and the man was holding her like this, holding her chin in his hand and not giving her a little bit Room to hide.

After kissing for a while, until Feng Ling gave up the whole struggle, he left him alone, but the man was almost unable to restrain himself because of her docile appearance, and put it on her lips after breathing slightly. , Tilted her head and smiled, and glanced at the bowl of noodles she had put on the table again: "Why, will you cook again?"

Feng Ling: "... I just cooked the bowl of noodles, I don't know if they will taste good."

"Well, I don't choose, I'll do it."

Feng Ling: "..."


Li Nanheng still had work to do. Just after receiving the phone call, Feng Ling finally took the opportunity to escape from the study.

Otherwise, she felt that she might be on his desk in the study.

After returning to the room, lie on the bed, lie down for a while and then sit up again. After repeating this for a long time, suddenly got up again and went directly into the bathroom.

While taking a shower, I turned the clothes mirror facing the bathroom door and faced myself standing under the shower.

The girl ’s body in the mirror is perfectly dense, and she is white and snowy. Feng Ling had no concept of these before, but she has often been outside recently. I have seen a lot of girls. Although I do n’t pay special attention, I also find that I am windy every day. Sunburn training, but their skin seems to be much better than them.

Especially on the body, I usually cover it in my clothes like this without revealing it at all, and it seems that Bai Nen can break it with a pinch.

Man ... or woman ...

As a woman, you cannot stay in the base.

Even if she now has a deposit in her card, she also has such an apartment downstairs. Even if she leaves the base and is still hungry, she can still live well.

But she knew she didn't want to leave the base.

For no reason, I don't want to leave.

Can I continue to pretend to be a man like this ...

She remembered the kiss that had lingered in the study just now, and she did not know whether it was because she was still getting hot because of the water flowing from the shower.

Feng Ling took a long bath and stood underwater for a long time. The noise of the water was not so loud that she paid attention to the movement outside.

When she noticed someone approaching outside the bathroom door, it was already the bathroom door that suddenly opened the door—

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