Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 957: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (220)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling suddenly raised his head subconsciously, without even a shock and preparation time, he saw the man's hand stretched in on the opened bathroom door.

The girl was standing naked underwater, and her whole body froze instantly. She didn't dare to move, and even desperately found that there was no place to hide.

Just when Feng Ling was almost ready to be pierced, the man's hand just put a few of the newly purchased toiletries on the marble table in the bathroom door. People didn't come in, but said outside: "These new ones are used directly if you like them. The original ones are either put away or thrown away."

After that, the man directly retracted his hand and closed the door again. It was only one minute before and after that.

From beginning to end, the man came in with only one arm. The man did not come in, and the head did not come in ...

In other words ...

Not found?

Feng Ling was still under the water, watching the new bottles of toiletries, and after a long stun, the **** slowly slowed down, and then turned to look at the closed bathroom door again.


When he woke up the next morning, Feng Ling felt the man's arms around his waist before he opened his eyes.

It is not the first time to wake up in his arms like this, the shock this time is not as obvious as before, but it is still a little stiff, but it is so slight, the man puts his hands around her waist and closes It tightened, as if soothing and coaxing her to sleep, and patted her hands gently on her back.

Feng Ling didn't move. He only looked at the sky outside the window with the light from the corner of his eye. Now it is estimated that it is nine o'clock.

If she does not return to the base, she is likely to be completely disturbed by her daily leisurely hairy life. After returning to the base and wanting to get up early on time, it is estimated that she will have to adjust for a while.

In this way, the man was held in his arms and "sleeped" for a while, Feng Ling really couldn't sleep, just pushed his hand away and got up.

Li Nanheng opened his eyes: "Li Jia and the army. Fang has discussed the good punishment countermeasures, have you come out?"

Feng Ling's feet just touched the ground, and he immediately acted, and looked back at him: "What kind of punishment?"

Li Nanheng glanced at her, sat up on the bed, raised his hand and pulled the short hair on his head casually, and saw that the hair pressed slightly on the pillow showed that he had slept well last night with her.

"Cambodia has a world-famous Snake Valley. There are all kinds of vicious and uncommon pythons and all kinds of venomous snakes living there all year round. Cambodian locals and snake trainers dare not approach easily, but there were decades ago. A minefield that has been buried. You should also know that the United States is acting against these small and medium-sized countries. They plan to build a U.S. military base and reserve base there, but someone needs to go to the Snake Valley first. Nearby mines are cleared. "

"Is this the task I'm going to get punished for?" Feng Ling didn't frown, and stood at the bed and looked at him directly.

Li Nanheng sat down on the bed and looked at her lightly: "Whether it is demining or any snake that may be randomly scrambled around, as long as you are not careful, it is either buried in Snake Valley or the bones that were bombed above the minefield. Yes, this is the biggest concession of the military. The people in the United Nations have also agreed to this decision, but everyone knows that this is equivalent to letting you die in another way. "

Feng Ling's expression was calm: "Then I'll be careful, I can come back alive, I can come back alive, but I can't come back alive, at least I have lived so many more days without loss."

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow because of her calm and fearless expression: "You can't ask me?"

"Can't ask," Feng Lingping said, "I know that if I ask you now, you will definitely find a way to prevent me from going to that kind of place, but now that the military, the UN and the UN officials have agreed to this Decided, there is no need to let the boss intervene in that matter. The attitude of several old masters on that day made it very clear that they did not want you to be covered in this matter, and I thought the same. Boss, you have done enough for me. I killed the army. The commander of Fang is an indisputable fact. This is like a murderer who has already gone to jail, but you always try to get me to avoid the penalty. Again, in fact, this result is also very good. As long as I am careful and can come back alive, the whole thing will be completely over. "

Li Nanheng narrowed her eyes because of her words: "Zhan's body? Feng Ling, what I should have expressed from the beginning to the present is all, I'm happy."

"Your willingness doesn't mean that I want to, boss, thank you these days, I took the task of Cambodian mine clearance." Feng Ling calmly said: "Which day do they want me to leave? I will return to the base to pack up immediately."

Looking at her hard temper that started to choke again, Li Nanheng's eyes suddenly cooled down a bit: "Are you sure you want to go?"

"I'm sure."

"The chances of coming back alive are small."

"It doesn't matter. I have lived in the jungle since I was a kid. Any snake, bird, or land animal knows very well. Others have only a 20% chance of surviving. I must be 20% more than them."

Li Nanheng looked at her firm eyes, and after a moment of silence, she said indifferently: "The above allows the base to send another person to accompany you, only one person. Who do you want to call with you?"

"No, I'll go by myself. It's my own task of receiving and punishing. There is no need to drag anyone on."

Looking at her expression of whether she was born or dead, Li Nanheng did not speak anymore, but only looked at her.

Feng Ling also looked at him, with no fear in his eyes, calmly as if he was about to face not the world-famous horrible snake valley, but just an ordinary shooting range.

She knew that as long as she now said one more word to Li Nanheng, even if it was not a begging, even if it was just a sentence saying that he did not want to go, he would surely have a way to keep her, so that she could continue to return to the base and let her be at the base safely. Here continues to mix her days.

But she couldn't do it.

Thousands of eyes were watching at the base. The military side and the United Nations, as well as several old men from Li's family, were watching.

Boss Li has done too much for her. Now if she continues to let him help himself, in the end he will be dragged down by her completely. Not only will his reputation be affected by those rumors, but Li's family will also do him good. Pressure.

The relationship between him and some of Li's grandfathers has always stood on the balance point. If she is oppressed or talked about various conditions because of her affairs, then she is really in trouble.

The person who killed herself was punished by herself. She didn't think there was anything wrong, and no one was wrong.

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