Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 958: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (221)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

XI base.

Feng Ling returned to the base that night and didn't say hello to anyone, didn't ask anyone to say a word, just went to pack their belongings and various battle uniforms, bulletproof jackets, and walk away with the suitcase. Did not alarm anyone.

Li Nanheng's car was outside. Feng Ling didn't even go back to rest after seeing him back at the base, so he stood outside and looked at him and said, "Boss, I'll go to the airport by myself, you don't need to send me anymore."

Li Nanheng arbitrarily put his arm outside the window, only glanced at her, and retracted his gaze, and said indifferently, "Well, pay attention to safety and go all the way."

Since she decided to go to Cambodia, Li Nanheng has not said a word of retention.

Obviously, he was already familiar with her temper and the things that had been decided, and she would never regret what he said.

Feng Ling said "um", without further comment, turned directly to the parking lot inside the base on the other side, drove an off-road vehicle and left the base directly.

Over the XI base, Yuelang was sparse, a car stopped in place, and a car drove out quickly.


Four days later.

Siem Reap, Cambodia.

This is the third day that Feng Ling arrived in Cambodia alone. Even if there were topographic maps handed down by the US military and the regional structure maps near Snake Valley, these maps were already many years ago, and many places were marked. I do n’t know. She spent three days familiarizing herself with the area around her. When she was on the plane, she hurriedly learned some simple Cambodian Khmer words with her mobile phone. She used her mobile phone to translate half of English and then learn by herself. Those who know the situation here with the residents of the nearby villages.

Although there are minefields with many years of history nearby, no one has dared to walk here, so the minefield has not exploded, and the mines buried below are also very dense and very dangerous.

But even more dangerous is the snake valley below, which has a variety of snake colonies all year round, which is very scary.

In order to avoid snakes, the nearby villages have habitually photographed various realgar powder and snake avoidance powder from the beginning of life. Otherwise, they may be bitten by poisonous snakes who know where to climb at any time when farming nearby.

In the long run, none of the snakes ran into the village, only wandering near the Snake Valley, where no one wanted to go. It is said that it was sitting on the high mountain in front of it, and under the cliff was the Snake Valley.

Feng Lingtan listened and picked up the map that Fang gave her. The position Fang wanted to use was the high mountain in front, which was suitable for hiding and also a temporary small military reserve base.

Sure enough, she was assigned a task that is likely to be gone.

Listening to the descriptions of these residents, it seems that as long as she goes up that mountain, she will not be able to survive.

Leaving the village, Feng Ling prepared everything and went up the mountain.

The members of the XI base have received demining training, so each step they take will take a special mine clearance to detect them in front, and each step will be taken carefully.

It took a day and a night to clear only an area on the mountain near the jungle on the top of the mountain. It was determined that there was no lightning within a hundred meters. Feng Ling went down the mountain and resisted her tent. She was stationed directly on the mountainside. There were also many snake-repellent powder given by the villagers in the box. She sprinkled some around the tent and lay directly in the tent to sleep.

The temperature in Cambodia is so hot all year round, she only wears a thin T-shirt in the summer uniform, so it is still very hot lying in the tent, but occasionally I can hear all kinds of directions from the jungle. Very slight movement.

In other words, others may not know what the sound is.

But she could hear it.

There were some small beasts walking through the jungle in the dark, and they came out for food.

There are also some snakes crawling nearby, very, very light sounds.

Feng Ling closed her eyes and felt as if she had suddenly returned to the age of five. The little girl who was afraid and ignorant squatted in the cave every day because she didn't like to eat the meat returned by the wolf. , Climb up one tree after another, pick fruit to eat.

After another night, the demining mission continued.

Demining alone on such a large mountain, she is ready to live here for at least four or five months or even longer.

Under her feet was a pair of black military leather boots, and every time she took a step forward, she could feel a snake near the grass and was crawling away quickly.

Feng Ling's eyes continued to mine down, ignoring all kinds of "small animals" around him.


Life on the mountain is day after day, and no one can be seen here. At this stage, Feng Ling doesn't want to keep in touch with anyone in the base, so even the cell phone is not charged, so it is put in the pocket.

However, there is a fully-charged power bank in the suitcase. If one day she has to use a mobile phone, she can also use the power bank.

Only temporarily, at this stage, she is still in the stage of receiving penalties. She just wants to do things quietly here.

She is not particularly greedy for those modern mobile communication and entertainment devices such as televisions and mobile phones, because she lived in the jungle as a child, so she would not be bored.

Occasionally go down the mountain to buy a few bottles of water, occasionally go to those spares in the car, and occasionally buy something to eat.

If it weren't for most of the snakes near this snake valley were poisonous, she would probably be able to cook snake meat on the rack.


Fifteenth day in Cambodia.

Because the person in the base hall said before she came, she would keep in touch with the base, and at least once every half a month, to report the demining situation to the base.

So after eating something in the evening, Feng Ling got into the tent, lay inside, plugged the phone into the power bank, and checked the nearby network. The communication network that came with the phone was enough, but it was not in the city. The area is so full, but it's acceptable to send some information slowly.

Within a few minutes of Feng Ling ’s mobile phone turning on, there were many missed call records and messages jumping out of her phone. It took a long time for her to quiet down. She watched them one by one. Many people had called and sent messages to herself. Almost all of these people who approached her in the base had called her. Because she could not contact her, she sent her a message asking how she went to Cambodia for all kinds of concerns and concerns.

Feng Ling didn't expect that he could harvest so many sincere friends in the XI base, his mouth slightly ticked, because there were too many, so he didn't reply.

When I turned to the top, I saw a message from Li Nanheng two days ago: "Turn on."

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