Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 959: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (222)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing these two words, Feng Ling's hand paused.

I flipped back again and found that Li Nanheng only sent her such a text message, and it was two days ago, very close to the present time.

She flipped through the call log again.

There was no call from him in the missed calls a few days ago, but the whole day two days ago he had called her more than a dozen phone calls and finally sent such a text message.

This seems to be different from other people calling to ask about her situation, is there anything wrong?

Feng Ling thought about it and gave him a reply: [Boss? ]

After replying, the phone has no sound and no response.

Feng Ling held her phone and stared at the phone screen for a long time, until then a sudden beep sounded, her eyes stagnate, and she saw the built-in GPS navigation on the phone light up at this moment.

She wondered, wasn't this a device that would only be activated in the base when searching for missing base members? Everyone in the base will install this on their phones, but now it suddenly lights up ...

Who is looking for her?

And judging from this illuminated red light, the phone that started the search device is not in Los Angeles, but in Cambodia.

Who is in Cambodia?

Who is looking for her?

Feng Ling looked at the mobile phone in confusion, sat up in the tent, thought about it, and got up out of the tent and looked out.

The mountain is still dark, far from the urban lights, far from everything, quiet and dark, as if out of touch with this world.

There is no movement or trace.

Is it because the base is afraid she will be too slow to clear mine here, so who is sent to accompany her?

Feng Ling hesitated for a while, then returned to the tent and called the base hall. The people in the base hall only said that someone in the base had indeed passed, but who sent it to the past was arranged by the boss. They, so they are unclear for the time being.

As soon as I heard that Li Nanheng arranged it, Feng Ling suddenly worried that he would call A K, because at the base, K has the best relationship with her, but A K is now undergoing sniper intensity training. You can't delay training because you have to come and accompany her.

Feng Ling simply sent a message to Li Nanheng: [Boss. ]

After sending it, there was still no response for a long time.

Perhaps it has been a long time since they have been together for a long time, such as Li Nanheng's spleen.

Suddenly he would make so many calls in one day, something must have happened.

Just when Feng Ling was puzzled, the mobile phone now remembered that there was news going into the movement, and she looked down—

Li Nanheng: [Be careful. ]

Feng Ling: [Nearby? What happened? ]

Before waiting for Li Nanheng's reply, Qiao Fei's phone call came suddenly.

"Feng Ling, I can find your cell phone signal. The military people have no intention of letting you go. We learned two days ago that they have sent someone to cover up in secret. They have no intention of keeping you alive. Come back! You need to be careful, if you need to go down the mountain first, don't stay on the mountain, there may already be ambush many people and weapons that you could not imagine. "

Feng Ling's eyes were cold, and she instantly understood why Li Nanheng suddenly contacted her.

Who are the people now in Cambodia?

"I'm in Cambodia now, and they want to hunt across the country?"

"From the beginning, they did n’t intend to let you go, because the whole thing went their own way, as long as you live, it is a straight irony for them, sacrificing a commander and Deineken is useless, only you It's dead, it's just a conclusion to them. "

Feng Ling was silent for a moment: "I see."

"Boss was aware of the situation before we knew it. It was the first time I went to find you."

Feng Ling was about to come out of the tent. When he heard this sentence, his action was delayed for a moment, and his hand was stiffened on the curtain of the tent for a while before he said, "Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Feng Ling stood outside the tent, turning off all lights and firelights, and then put all guns and daggers that could be carried on his body into the hidden pocket of the clothes.

If it is said that Boss Li has arrived today, the person who was searching her with the device just now is him.

In such a hurry, he responded to her with a text message, indicating that he had approached the group of people who were against her, and was now looking for her specific location, but could not contact her directly.

Boss Li may now be hidden among those people.


After a few hours.

Dawn is coming.

Feng Ling, who has not slept overnight, sits in the tall grass closest to her tent, looking at the tent quietly standing halfway up the mountain ahead.

Suddenly, her ears moved, and only a sound of wind and electricity cut through the sky, and the bullet from the muffler burst into the air, hitting the tent and shooting through a black hole.

Feng Ling stared at the scene coldly for a moment, motionless in the grass, while looking down at a snake with a black dot and a greening thickness of four or five centimeters, crawling beside her, even if she was not afraid of the snake, but she could not move for the time being Pushing her hands to the ground, the snake crawled over the back of her hand because she didn't move.

The eerie coolness of the snake as she crawled made her sweaty hair stand up instantly, and her back became cold.

In the distance, because I have never heard any movement, footsteps have begun to come. From this faint sound of Sosso's voice, there are at least three or five people, and it is within 300 meters.

Feng Ling was about to raise her hand as several people showed up under a tree not far away, but the snake crawled slowly on the back of her hand, her tail had not left, she hesitated I didn't move for a while, but looking at the head that showed up there, such a good opportunity, if I don't take the shot now, I may end up being passive, then in this kind of place, I can only wait for death.

Thinking of this, she kept her original sitting position and suddenly pulled her hand from under the tail of the snake.

However, at that moment, the snake was startled. At the moment when it crawled away quickly, it turned back and stood upright. At the moment Feng Feng got up, he felt only a tingling in the shoulder and arm. I turned around and saw the poisonous snake with a triangular head turned back to bite her in such a terrible posture. At the first sight of the snake, there was venomous poison. She instantly missed a beat in her heart, too late to think about it. Pulled hard, endured the pain of paralysis in half of his arm, and shot the person who pointed his head in that direction.

With a bang, she was not a muffler gun, but her marksmanship was accurate, and the person who had just turned up behind the tree was instantly headshot to the ground.

Feng Lingqiang stood up with pain, turned back and fired two shots at the snake that was about to climb away. After hitting three inches and seven inches, he kicked the dead snake back to his own. Near the tent, he quickly rushed to the direction of the tree again, being passive and taking the initiative, not giving the other party a chance!

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