Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 962: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (225)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"That's less than half an hour." After listening, Li Nanheng directly assisted Feng Ling and leaned against the mountain wall, and then took off all her jackets directly, and found a sharp edge from the mezzanine of her jacket. Dagger.

Feng Ling leaned weakly, and his breathing was a little worse. She felt that her breathing was not normal. The whole person was very bad, and her eyes were stunned.

When she heard a noise, she opened her eyelids with some effort, and saw Li Nanheng grabbing a pile of fallen leaves and relatively thin, easy-to-ignite book sticks, and lit a small pile of fire with a lighter, and then put the dagger directly. Bake on top.

She sat still and could only see the movement of the man.

Until the dagger was roasted for a few minutes, Li Nanheng turned around and came over with the dagger, put her shoulder to her mouth, held her arm in one hand, and the dagger in the other, and said lowly, "Bite me if you hurt."

Feng Ling looked up at him: "It's been half an hour, and the venom is probably ..."

"Don't talk nonsense first, how much can be cleared, save your life first." Li Nanheng warned as he said, "Don't mess around."

In the next instant, Feng Ling was numb to the pain of heart pain instantly on the unconscious arm, and the pain of cutting meat in the absence of anesthetics came clearly.

Although it is not necessary to cut meat, the dagger that has just been roasted for a long time and killed bacteria has cut a cross knife directly on her shoulder. In order to reduce her painful time, Li Nanheng picked up the knife very quickly. Directly cut open, a perfect cross-border, and then there was dark blood that had been sticky because of snake venom.

At the same time, the man untied his belt, wrapped it around her shoulders, and wrapped it tightly with a belt on top, and then tightened tightly and then tightened until the blood would not flow back to the heart.

Feng Ling felt a sweat on his forehead, still biting his own lips and refused to make a sound of sore throat, not to bite Nan Heng's shoulder.

Li Nanheng looked back at her painful expression while helping her squeeze out most of her poisonous blood: "Resist."

"Um." Feng Ling nodded sweaty, closed his eyes and allowed him to continue.

The thick blood that was squeezed to the surface gradually became normal, and the color was no longer as dark as when it was squeezed out. Li Nanheng lowered his head and sucked directly with his mouth. Feng Ling trembled instantly, turning his eyes to look at the death. The man who **** with his mouth is busy avoiding, but has no strength.

"Don't ..." She just felt abnormally hot around the wound covered by the man's lips, and said dumbly, "This won't work ..."

Li Nanheng spit out the dark blood that had just been sucked out, and said quietly, "I have no injuries in my mouth, it's okay."

"Boss, don't ... you can't do this ..."

However, no matter how she refused, Li Nanheng remained the same, until she felt almost, but the blood was still flowing outward.

Li Nanheng glanced at his coat and was about to take off his clothes after unbuttoning the coat.

Feng Ling understood what he was going to do next, and said mutely, "Boss ... do you need a cloth strip to tie the hemostasis?"

"Yes." The man answered without hesitation, and he did not hesitate to undress.

Seeing that he was going to tear off the clothes he was wearing, Feng Ling raised his hand, and covered his hand with some effort: "Don't, don't ... I have ... cloth strips ... I have ... ... "

As if she knew what she meant instantly, Li Nanheng looked at her calmly and followed her words: "What?"

Feng Ling looked at him. First, he bit his pale lips, then suddenly smiled, retracted his hand, and slowly put it on the neckline of his T-shirt. Then he unbuttoned the front buttons one by one. , The solution is a bit difficult, but still slowly solving.

Li Nanheng did not move because of her actions, but just looked at her without saying a word.

Until the clothes inside were completely unfastened, Feng Ling slowly opened the clothes, revealing the flat chest wrap inside: "Don't you want to put a strip? I have ... and many ..."

Li Nanheng stared at her face motionlessly, and then looked at the breast wrap on her body. If it was not in such an environment, perhaps she was suddenly so frank, which would make him unable to control all his feelings and emotions. .

But at this moment, there is no chance of emotional outbreak, the only purpose is that the snake venom on her body is very serious, she can't die.

There were no smiles or surprises in the eyes of the man, but he just said something lightly, "What is this?"

Feng Ling took a hard breath and said, "Yes, a lot of cloth strips ..."

Li Nanheng glanced at the blood that was still bleeding on her arm, and said dumbly, "I'm asking you, what is this?"

Feng Ling stared at him, his eyes frank and fearless: "This is ... my secret."

"Your secret? The secret is that you are actually a woman?" Li Nanheng's expression didn't change at all, and I couldn't tell whether I knew it at this moment or already knew it.

Feng Ling couldn't see him through, and didn't explain much. He raised his hand to tear the **** and said softly, "It's not possible to return to the base anyway. What about men and women? Always be honest before you die ... "

"Don't you say ... am I not honest enough?" Feng Ling looked at him, his eyes were full of relief: "I'm honest now."

When Li Nanheng saw that she was going to untie the cloth strips, she held down her hand directly, and then buckled her small shirt buttons one by one without expression, and at the same time took off her clothes When it came down, it was torn apart, torn again, and then quickly tied to the wound on her shoulder.

Seeing that the man didn't talk anymore but didn't stop, Feng Ling looked at him blankly, seeing that his face was heavy as if he could drip water, and he couldn't help saying, "Boss, you're annoying me to hide Have you been this long? "

Li Nanheng didn't speak, but her hands were tied tightly around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was low and weak, still as if the wind could blow away: "If it wasn't because I couldn't live, I don't know how long I would still be a man ... but now ..."

She grinned suddenly: "It is also a happiness to die beside the boss."

"Don't talk, you're very noisy now." Li Nanheng's expression was annoyed, and his men picked up another piece of cloth and continued to help her.

Feng Ling felt drowsy in her head, her consciousness was dissipating, her voice was weak, and her eyes were whispered emptyly, "Boss, thank you for liking me ... let me have more than half of my limited life and limited happiness. You are there all the time ... I die without ... "

Suddenly the back of the head was heavy, the man clasped her back and pressed her in his arms, and the sudden and fierce kiss blocked all her "last words", and even more severely captured her tongue. The force of pressing on her arms constantly, as if to press her directly into the body!


(I ask for a monthly ticket ???)

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