Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 963: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (226)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling motionlessly allowed him to have such a vicious kiss, but even though he was angry and even a trace of her inscrutable fear, even though the kiss was fierce, he remembered that he had just helped her **** the poison in the wound. Blood, so no matter how fierce they were, they didn't bite each other's lips, but just this kind of force was enough to make Feng Ling feel the anger and thin hair in his emotions.

She leaned weakly in his arms all over her body, letting him kiss him like that, until a kiss, Li Nanheng looked down at her eyes that were almost out of focus, and held her shoulder sharply: "Don't sleep!"

Feng Ling opened his eyes hard to see him. The bloodless lips did not show any redness because of the kiss he had just kissed. It was still a little blue in white.

"Be obedient, you can't sleep." Li Nanheng could see that she was working hard to hold it, holding her shoulder tightly: "If you can't keep it, tell me, don't close your eyes quietly, don't sleep."

"Um." Feng Ling gave a low voice, and was supported by the man to lean back to the mountain wall again.

Once the secret that she thought she was a woman was known by Li Boss, she might face his anger or punishment, or be driven out of the base.

She didn't even think she would be in such an environment.

It seems that at this time, he really has no intention to be surprised or how.

fair enough.

He had at least escaped a rage.

After all, they cheated the entire base for so long ...

Feng Ling thought about looking down, but Li Nanheng was examining the injuries on her body and determined that only the shoulder was bitten by a poisonous snake, and there was nothing wrong with the rest.

Li Nanheng took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. There was no signal. Then he glanced at Feng Ling again. He took out the mobile phone from her pocket, the same state of no signal.

A hundred meters below this cliff is the very center of Snake Valley. They cannot jump from here. The snakes that occasionally climb out of the mountain are already fierce and abnormal. The Snake Valley is the place where the snakes in Cambodia live in groups.

Looking up, there are trees under the cliff, and because the sky has just lighted up, most of the leaves are under the breath of morning dew and grass. The dry branches that Li Nanheng just picked up on this stone platform are just few.

Everything around is quiet, there are only occasional gurgling sounds, even if you do n’t have to listen carefully to know what it is, you can almost hear how long a snake is on this cliff from the speed of the sound, etc. Crawl over.

In this kind of silent seed, Feng Ling persisted for a long time. If it wasn't for her physical fitness, she would have no problem at all, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to support it, but no matter how low, she is just a person. At first glance, that kind of poisonous snake is highly toxic. If you can't immediately send it to the doctor within a short period of time, it will undoubtedly die within one or two days, or even less than two days, and you may lose your life within a few hours.

There are dense forests and mined areas all over the mountain. There is no living person, and the sound of occasional snakes crawling nearby makes Feng Ling's already weak breathing instinct change. More careful.

I don't know how long it has been, Feng Ling couldn't hold it. While Li Nanheng got up on the mountain wall to find a way up, he closed his eyes for two minutes.

However, in these two minutes, many strange images were reflected in her mind. In the dark night, the endless water, the cold air, the one-year-old girl doll was washed to the shore, crying helplessly. , Walking with a pair of short legs that were just toddlers walking on the coast while crying and walking, fell down and continued to get up, continue crying, crying tired, crying hungry, want to eat milk, want to eat, think I want to drink water and want a mother, but I have nothing, only the coast near a jungle and the endless sea ...

Feng Ling opened her eyes in the midst of a great pain, perhaps because those influences in her young memory made her wonder whether it was her vague memory when she was one year old or what, the earliest memory When will it go back? Infancy is definitely impossible, but the memory of one year old, although vague, maybe at least it really belongs to her memory ...


Why is it by the sea?

Perhaps Li Nanheng woke her up with annoyed and worried eyes. She raised her eyes and looked at him, and whispered, "Boss ..."

"Don't tell you not to sleep?" The man knew that she couldn't hold on, and her hand was still resting on her person: "Don't sleep."

Feng Ling looked at him, then smiled, and said softly, "This mountain wall ... can't go at all, right?"

Li Nanheng's eyes sank: "It doesn't matter, I will take you out as soon as possible."

How quickly?

Even if he is even more powerful, he cannot fight against such a harsh natural environment.

She cleared mine here, walked back and forth for so many days, and was familiar with the terrain and environment here.

Because no one dared to approach this mountain, and there were too many snakes crawling back and forth all year round. The grass and the land and stones were covered with moss and things similar to moss. It was very steep here. Coupled with the slippery mountain walls, it is impossible to get up.

Li Nanheng now picked up the dagger capital carried by the two men, got up and cut off all the sturdy rattans around the stone platform, and his eyes quickly moved when a snake crawled down the rattan dangerously in the direction of the rattan. A sharply raised hand, the blade slipped fiercely at the snake's seven-inch position. Instantly, a green triangle-shaped snake fell down and fell down, and then Li Nanheng kicked the stone platform directly.

Watching the man throw the thick rattan in front of her, Feng Ling frowned, and would like to say that it is not so much trouble, if it is only himself who can find a way to leave, it may be easier, but if It would be even more difficult to take away her now weak.

However, she is certain that even if the mobile phone of both of them has no signal, fortunately, the mobile phone of both of them was interrupted at this position and has not been recovered. The XI base will definitely notice it, and it must be Will come to rescue as soon as possible.

I just don't know if I can hold on when they come.

She wanted to speak, but saw Li Nanheng cut off those places that would have stabbed her hand on the rattan, and threw it to her again.

Feng Ling frowned suddenly, because when she saw Li Nanheng facing her back, she saw the vaguely invisible blood on his back wearing a black uniform, and her sense of smell was almost numb now. I didn't smell the **** smell, and then I remembered it.

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