Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 964: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (227)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After seeing Li Nanheng's face was also pale, but it was not obvious, Feng Ling's eyes flashed a cold light.

Just above, when he was carrying her to avoid those people, she seemed to hear a shotgun, but the bullet was not rubbed in her ear, she seemed to hear the sound of the bullet breaking into the flesh, very close .

But she was not sober at the time.

She looked at Li Nanheng's back again, and immediately frowned, and whispered, "Boss ..."

Hearing her voice, Li Nanheng looked back at her, thinking that she was uncomfortable, and she leaned down: "Where does it hurt? Bear it again, huh?"

When the man leaned down, Feng Ling deliberately paid attention to his movements. Not only did he notice that he had slowed down a bit when he leaned down, but his shoulders didn't move much.

In addition, the thick **** smell that instantly poured into the nose and the man's front placket also seemed to have some **** wetness.

He was black and didn't really pay much attention when she was unconscious.

Thinking of the moment when she jumped off the cliff, Li Nanheng's hand dragged her steadily without letting her fall, even if he fell on this stone platform with his own body resting on her.

Obviously he was already injured, and the bullet was probably still in the flesh behind his shoulders, but he didn't mention a word.

Feng Ling couldn't speak, just looked at her like this. The man also met her eyes when he lowered his head, looking at her increasingly pale face with a deep look.

"Don't be afraid, we'll be fine." The man whispered through her thoughts.

Feng Ling slightly tickled his lips: "Boss, am I dragging your hind legs ... At that time you said, if I don't want to come, as long as I speak, you will definitely help me, but I still Stubbornness came, and in the end, the army. The people in the party had already designed it, and they didn't plan to let me go back alive. If I knew this, I would either not come, or I would not let you find me , Died alone ... "

Li Nanheng's eyes froze coldly: "Don't say it's dead, I can find you even if you become ashes."

Feng Ling looked at him, and smiled suddenly, but he just smiled so much that his eyes could not see his face clearly. Just when he closed his eyes, he heard the man's drink: "Eyes open!"

She frowned, narrowing her spirits and opening her eyes slightly.

So fierce.

Since you don't want to sleep, get some distractions.

Feng Ling closed her eyes, then opened it, and took a deep breath, saying, "I don't seem to have anything left to be remembered. The apartment you bought for me, I know it's not used at all. I bought my money, let me transfer it to your own name ... and ... "

She slowly raised her hand and put her hand between her chest and neck: "I almost forgot that I didn't bring it on for the convenience of the task. Since I remembered, there was a red hung on my neck. A small jade pendant tied with a rope, with a seal engraved on it ... If I really have nothing to be remembered, then bury the jade pendant and the clothes I wear, and make me a coat of arms ... Yupei is in my suitcase ... there is a small mezzanine in it, is ... "

"Speaking like this, as long as you want to find, you can also find your own biological parents through such a jade. These things must be done by yourself. Others cannot replace them, so it is the most important thing to live. Tell me more nonsense about immortality. "Li Nanheng froze coldly:" Either go back alive or die here, no one will have the leisure to build a crown, and no one will commemorate such a low existence Dead people, so living is the most important thing. Death is not worth it at all, understand? "

Feng Ling smiled, but did not reach the bottom of her eyes: "I don't want to find my parents. It is my own business whether I am dead or alive. I do n’t need any so-called parents to hurt me, and I do n’t need anyone to treat me Concern. "

"Really? I don't care about your concerns?" The man's voice was suddenly cool.

Feng Ling's eyes paused and he looked at him again.

After looking at it for a moment, she suddenly whispered, "Why are you not surprised at all when I dress as a man? I'm not angry?"

"Do you think it's time to be surprised?" Li Nanheng knew that she wanted to stay awake by speaking, and patiently accompany her while fixing the rattan around her waist.

Feng Ling looked at him dumbly, and his voice was low: "If it is not the case now, if at other times, or in the base, you really find that I am actually a girl ... What will you do……"

"What will happen to me?" Li Nanheng snorted coldly, and gave her a cold glance, then fastened the rattan around her waist, and glanced slightly at her eyes, determined to be strong enough before letting go, meanwhile "You live well now, go back to clean the snake venom, and change back to a healthy and healthy look. I will let you know what I want to do to you."

Even in this environment, Feng Ling was so full of threats to keep her awake, that Feng Ling could hear the fever in her ears.

Later she was looking for a variety of topics in an attempt to keep her talking, and there was one thing that kept her awake.

Ke Fengling persisted, persisted, and persisted, but after half an hour, when Li Nanheng was about to tie the wrapped rattan to her waist, she completely lost consciousness and planted her head forward. In the arms of a man, I can't wake up no matter how I call it.


The mountain wall is very slippery. Li Nanheng used two daggers to poke out a new hole in the mountain wall where all can climb and fall. At least there is no moss in this hole, at least it is guaranteed that it will not slip off when climbing up. .

But this is a very time-consuming amount of engineering.

When Li Nanheng avoided the crawling snakes around him, he lifted Feng Ling from the stone platform and tied the rattan around the waist of the two. When he climbed up with her in this way, he managed to go up a little bit, because A snake crawled over, trying to bite Feng Ling and quickly avoided it.

She can no longer be bitten by any snake, even a non-toxic snake, or she will die!

The power of nature cannot be underestimated.

Repeat until the afternoon.

From the morning in the lobby of the base, he and Feng Ling's mobile phone signal and GPS positioning disappeared at the same time, and later tracking, the base quickly sent several helicopters to fly at the fastest speed, at least seven or eight hours It was already three or four in the afternoon when we reached the top of the mountain, and it was almost evening.

Because there are minefields on this mountain, you cannot land at will for the time being, otherwise it may cause an explosion. People in the whole mountain and the mountain, including members of the rescue team in the helicopter, will be buried in the minefield.

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