Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 976: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (239)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Qiao Fei doesn't sound particularly good.

Feng Ling's mind now reflected Li Nanheng's bad face when he was in a bad mood, and he felt that he shouldn't go to see Qiao Fei.

"I'm not very convenient. I won't see you anymore. You have your own life outside. I wish you all the best in the future ..."

"I'm nearby. I'll be right there and wait for me." Qiao Fei said this and hung up the phone.

Feng Lingchu was in the same place, looking up at the vehicles passing by the apartment complex, a little embarrassed.

Although Instructor Joe seemed to like her a bit before, he did not have any forceful demands on her. As long as she refused, he would avoid it by a gentleman.

It was already obvious in her tone that she was not going to see him, but why ... suddenly so strong?

Seems to mean something?

Feng Ling walked to the flower bed near the parking apron. As the weather turned cold, the flowers in the flower bed also turned into many yellow leaves. She sat next to her and picked up the yellow leaves one by one to pass the time.

A car approached, and then a car honked beside her, and she raised her eyes, and saw a white Bentley parked in front of her. When she was puzzled, the window fell to reveal Qiao Fei's face.

"What's going on? Get in the car." The man in the car saw her clothes with a momentary surprise.

Feng Ling looked at him. Some days he didn't see it. It seemed that Qiao Fei's eyes were a little red. She got up and walked over to the door of the car: "Instructor Qiao, you ..."

"What other instructor? I have left the base. There is no instructor here, only Qiao Fei." Qiao Fei arbitrarily placed on the steering wheel with one hand, smiling at her.

At this time, Feng Ling approached the door and was a little close to him, before he smelled a smell of wine on his body, and immediately glanced at his hand on the steering wheel: "Are you drinking?"

"Drink a little, not much." Qiao Fei raised an eyebrow, his eyes calmly: "Get in the car and take you out for a ride. I heard that there have been many recent things over the base. It is impossible for Li Nanheng to have time with you You are bored here all day alone and it is boring. "

"You're drinking, don't drive, where do you live? I'll show you back." Feng Ling didn't mean to go to the co-pilot side, but stood beside the door on his side.

Qiao Fei raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "If you get in the car and get in the car, why are there so many words? I didn't drink much to ensure safety and nothing will happen."

"No, you're drinking."

"Feng Ling." Qiao Fei called her name at this moment: "obedient, get in the car."

"You go to the co-pilot and I will take you back." Feng Ling insisted, there was no other emotion in his eyes, but he was very persistent and didn't want someone he knew to have an accident because of drunk driving.

Seeing her insistence, Qiao Fei's eyes paused for a while, then the corners of her mouth curved upwards: "Yes."

After that, I pushed the car door and got out of the car. When I walked in front of her, I looked at her very short and delicate girl hair, and then looked at the sportswear on her body and the white sneakers under her feet, and then went straight around. After the body, went to the copilot and sat down.

Feng Ling then sat directly in the driver's seat, fastened his seat belt, and asked him after getting in the car: "Where do you live and drive the navigation, I am not familiar with the environment in downtown Los Angeles. If you do n’t have navigation, even if you say I may not be able to find out the address. "

"Li Nanheng already knew you were a woman?" Qiao Fei did not answer the question.

Feng Ling's hand was removed from the buckle of the seat belt, and he turned to look at him: "What did you know?"

"Not sure, but you live in him like this now, obviously he already knows it." Qiao Fei didn't ask much about this, just said, "After all, you were young when you were in the base, others. There is no excuse for whether you are male or female, but gradually grow up, many things can not be hidden, so it is not surprising that you will be seen through, but according to what Li Nanheng had done to you before Attitude, I suspect he already knew it, but he didn't break it. "

Feng Ling thought about it, didn't ask much, and didn't mention much about Li Nanheng.

No matter if I knew it early or late, anyway, she now wears it like this, she already knows it. She didn't have much idea about whether it was earlier or later.

Anyway, the man did all kinds of birds to her. The beast behavior is not a day or two, no matter if she is a man or a woman, he forced her to help him with his hand is very a bird. Beasts, where are they divided? ?

"Where do you live?" Feng Ling switched off the subject and pointed at the car navigation screen with his eyes.

Qiao Fei raised his hand, tapped his finger a few times on the navigation, and set a random target position: "Just here."

Feng Ling glanced at it and saw that the destination was a hotel. She didn't think about it, she drove away from the apartment complex and drove outside.

On the way, although Qiao Fei was alcoholic, it was not too strong and not bad. He just sat quietly in the co-pilot seat and leaned there casually. His eyes did not look in front, but Have been watching Feng Ling driving.

Feng Ling will take her seriously no matter what she does, including driving. At first, she didn't pay much attention to the sight of the people around her, but after being watched for a long time, she was still somewhat uncomfortable: "Instructor Joe."



"Or like A K them, just ask me Brother Qiao," he said again, seeing that she was uncomfortable.

"Well, Brother Qiao." Feng Ling looked at the front while driving, and said, "I heard other instructors in the base said that people who left the base, if they did not go to the military side or the police side, It ’s about going back to a career that has nothing to do with the military. It ’s better to meet less in the future. The first is to avoid suspicion, but to avoid doubts and disputes between any situations in the future. After all, you know that many secrets in the base are You ca n’t share it with others, and you ca n’t contact other people casually. Your current status is no longer suitable for XI bases. Although both of us are secretive people, the rules are there after all, so in the future you Don't see me again. "

Qiao Fei looked at this serious expression when she was talking, and her mouth was tickled: "Your straight character is really hurting. I just saw you. It was simple and I had no other thoughts."

"Meeting simply won't work."

"How can I do that? I have to be pure?"

Feng Ling didn't understand his so-called non-simple meaning. He just kept driving and didn't ask much about things he didn't understand.

"If I really don't get up, Li Nanheng won't be able to guard against it." Qiao Fei suddenly said something meaningful.

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