Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 977: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (240)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling turned around and looked at him while waiting for the red sky: "What is not simple?"

Qiao Fei hooked his lips: "I had a wine last night and didn't sleep overnight. You took me to that hotel first, and I'll tell you when I get there."

Feng Ling suddenly had some precautions: "I won't take you up to the room, but only take you downstairs."

"Just downstairs, first floor."

Is there a room on the first floor of the hotel? And Feng Ling noticed that the name of this hotel seems to be a very famous and luxurious seven-star hotel in Los Angeles. The first, second and third floors of this hotel are mostly some banquet rooms or some official banquet occasions. Will there be a room?

When approaching the hotel, Qiao Fei turned to look at other places outside the window. The sound was exhausted and husky with a hangover all night: "My parents arranged a blind date for me. I don't like it tonight. There will be a dinner in the hotel, which may be borrowed for you. "

Feng Ling still drove his car intently: "What can I borrow?"

"I know what Li means to you, and you obviously have affection for Li, too." Qiao Fei's voice paused: "The strong twisted melon is not sweet, and I will not force you, but you may I really have to get involved. The dowry is my girlfriend. Just go through it with my family. "

Feng Ling almost made a sudden brake, and she calmed down before turning her eyes to look at him like a neurosis, and then continued to drive: "Impossible."

"Tonight is a charity dinner hosted by several Chinese families in Los Angeles. In fact, plainly, it is a way for these big family parties with good relationships. It is not that complicated, and you don't need to change clothes specially, as long as you go. "

"I won't go. I will leave you to the hotel."

"People are almost here. Are you leaving?"

"Brother Qiao, you know my temperament. No one can barely win me over what I don't want to do."

"What if I force you now to owe me?"

"What kind of favor?"

"Hiding your secrets for so long, I haven't done anything to you by knowing this secret, I obviously like you but I don't want to force you, don't force, don't interfere, let you and Li Li cast a dog in front of me Liang, now even if you say that I am a moral kidnapping, anyway, you have to help this evening, and I have to tie you over if you do n’t help me. "

Feng Ling pursed her lips: "I don't quite understand your behavior in this way to confuse you. If you don't want a blind date, you can explain it directly."

"Now they are only making a temporary decision. Let ’s take a chance to meet you at this dinner. When it ’s not explained, the most euphemistic way to refuse a blind date is to take my girlfriend with me. You do n’t have to say anything. Do, as long as you are a woman, standing by my side is enough. "

"... then you can just find a girl. Wouldn't it be good if you had **** friends?"

"They can't."


"Because I don't like it, it's unnatural for me to stand by me without feeling a little in love."


Feng Ling is still slow in terms of feelings, but he can understand what he means by saying so much.

So he specifically called to ask where she was, and drove to pick her up again. She didn't sleep all night. So she sat next to her and played various drunk license cards, just to make her act as his girlfriend once tonight?

She hasn't even learned how to be a normal girl. How could she possibly pretend to be a girlfriend?

Feng Ling didn't say much, only unfastened the seat belt and got out of the car after sending people to the hotel.

"Feng Ling." Qiao Fei saw that she wanted to go straight without saying a word, got out of the car, walked over and stood in front of her to block her way: "Can't you help?"

"I can't help with this kind of help." Feng Ling looked up at the man who was much higher than himself: "I won't play this role, and this kind of thing is too embarrassing, I won't, and can't do it."

"You don't have to say anything, stand by my side at night."

"I can not."

Qiao Fei looked at her for a while and didn't speak anymore, but stepped aside to make way for her.

Feng Ling looked at him: "Brother Qiao, it's not that I don't help this, I really can't do it ..."

"It's all right, I'll send a driver to take you back." Qiao Fei said, picking up the phone.

Feng Ling had been avoiding him just now, and now I saw him standing in front of himself, only to see him as if he hadn't slept all night, his mood was bad, and his alcoholic atmosphere was more obvious now.

If it wasn't because he was really irritable, with Qiao Fei's very self-disciplined character in the base, he would definitely not stay out of the hangover all night.

Is it really distressing?

"I'll just take a taxi home, I know the address of the apartment."

Listening to her tone of familiarity with Li Nanheng's apartment, Qiao Fei's eyes paused, and she said nothing. Her long finger had dialed a number on her mobile phone, and she seemed to be calling the driver.

Seeing his silent appearance, Feng Ling pursed his lips and walked to him: "Brother Qiao, I really can't do such a thing as a girlfriend. If I need my help, I am afraid of myself. The smashing made you embarrassed in the end. "

Hearing her shake in words, Qiao Fei turned to look directly at her: "Will I be busy?"

Feng Ling: "... it's like paying back your favor."

Qiao Fei smiled: "It's still a few hours before the evening banquet. If you want, it's good to change a dress, but you definitely won't change it because of your temperament, so be it, don't dress up or dress It ’s just that the short hair is also a beautiful and clean girl. My parents can definitely see that I really like you. The strong twist is not sweet. It has achieved the effect, and they will not give me another blind date. . "

Hearing this like, Feng Ling remembered Li Nanheng's like to her.

It seems that the men around her all have such a straight nature, or because they all came out of the XI base, a group of men don't hide and talk together, like it is like it, there is nothing to hide, calmly.

However, it was this kind of calm that made Feng Ling realize that Li Nanheng liked her and accepted it, and even trembled, and Qiao Fei's like, she was limited to gratitude and wanting to step away.

Is this the so-called difference in Li Nanheng's mouth?

Thinking of Li Nanheng, Feng Ling turned to look at the hotel behind him. The boss Li said he would not return today if something happened. Did he return to Li's home or base, or is there something wrong? He should not be met in such a place.

So even if she helped Qiao Fei, it shouldn't matter much, as long as it wasn't known by Li Boss.

Otherwise, you may suffer.

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