Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 979: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (242)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Looking at this white and beautiful, but her character seems very quiet, not a girl who feels tenderness and annoying at first glance.

Although Qiao was dissatisfied with the fact that her son brought his girlfriend here, she didn't say too much about her. She only refocused on Qiao Fei: "Really your girlfriend?"

"It's true." Qiao Fei raised his hand and stunned directly on Feng Ling's shoulder.

Feng Ling didn't move, and a small smile broke on her face.

There is meditation in my heart, this is brother, brother, brother ...

It was normal for the base brothers to go back and forth with each other in the base. Qiao Fei had also carried her like this before, but he was just a brother and he was a brother ...

Father Qiao's face is not very good-looking: "You are directly on the bar with us? How did you tell me a few days ago? Come to see others, if you really do n’t like it, just say, you are good now, just put What girlfriend brought it back, is this to let us go straight into the face of others? "

"I'm just expressing my position. As for what you should do and say today, it's all your business, but my girlfriend is here, so that everyone's face can hold it, you still don't say those irrelevant. Topics such as marriage, such as blind date, such as knowing and knowing, it is better to say less. "Qiao Fei's light tone sounded like a reminder, but Feng Ling could hear how much he made to his parents. accurate.

If you are really in a good mood, you wouldn't have a drink outside all night yesterday.

Seeing his current attitude, Feng Ling also determined that he really just wanted to help himself so much, that little bit of resistance in his heart had been eliminated, and his actions and expressions were as cooperative as possible.

"You ..." Father Qiao was about to reprimand with a cold face.

At this moment, Mother Qiao gently pulled the husband's leader around and whispered, "Forget it, this girl looks very honest. It doesn't look like a person who will set off a storm at the dinner and make us feel bad. You Let me also say a few words. If Affi really likes her, you are also forced not to come to the other, advanced, everyone is here, do not let people wait too long. "

Father Qiao grabbed his temper and glared at them again, entering the door directly with Mother Qiao.

Until they went in, Feng Ling whispered, "Your parents don't look like so bad people, why are you so upset?"

"My mother likes honest and well-behaved girls. She is not particularly optimistic about those famous ladies. Just because a doorkeeper wants to introduce and let me try to get along, I have no interest in this and I don't have this time, so you should be temporarily Once my shield, OK? You are in the type she likes, at least here tonight, she will not target you, you stay here with peace of mind. "

Feng Ling nodded.

I was about to walk in, and an extended Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the hotel from far to near.

Feng Ling was about to go inside, and Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes seemed to see a familiar figure, and when he looked back, he saw Mrs. Feng Qin Qiu walking down the car.

She and Mrs. Qin Qiu haven't seen each other a few times, but I don't know why. It is instinctual to think that Mrs. Feng must be a very gentle person, but every time they talked, they didn't understand. What was the story of the eldest daughter and the second daughter for a while, but didn't it say that Feng had only one daughter?

Feng Ling never thought deeply about those topics.

When he saw Mrs. Feng, he instinctively paused and turned back to look at the person who continued in the car.

Qin Qiu's mother was also in the car, the last one to get off, and a sports car drove behind. Feng Mingzhu got down in the driving position of the sports car, and threw the electronic key to the nearby approaching hotel. The security guard, carrying a purse and not going to see the person coming down from another car, went straight in all the way.

Even if Qin Qiu was helping the old lady to get off the car, someone might need to take the lead, Feng Mingzhu didn't mean to go back to help, and even wanted to get rid of them and plan to go alone.

Fortunately, a security guard came forward to help out. The old lady's legs and feet were not as sharp as when she met last time. After getting out of the car, she took a few breaths, and did not know what to say to Mrs. Feng, and then went up the stairs .

"What are you looking at?" Qiao Fei turned back to see that Feng Ling had no intention of leaving here, so she looked in the direction of her sight.

When seeing Mrs. Feng, Qiao Fei was puzzled, and then looked at the others around him: "Feng's owner, Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng rarely show up in front of them, and these banquet events rarely come out to participate. Usually these banquets are made by Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng with Mingzhu. Occasionally Mrs. Feng's mother will come and take a look and come out to relax. These two, if I remember correctly, are Mrs. Feng and her mother.

Feng Ling didn't speak.

She certainly knew them.

Anyway, he also helped catch the gangsters and ate at the same table.

The old lady looked at her eyes, and she still remembers it so far.

"Let's go." Feng Ling looked back.

Qin Qiu helped the old lady up the stairs and said, "Mom, the weather in Los Angeles is getting colder and colder recently, if your legs are really uncomfortable, if you do n’t want to go out, rest at home. These activities will let you It would be nice if Mingzhu came out alone, and she is not a child right now, and this kind of banquet like dinner does not require us to be with you all the time. "

The old lady walked and said, "It's uncomfortable to be bored at home. I'm too old now. I can walk out when I can. In case one day I can't move, I'll go straight by then, so I won't lie down. The bed also needs to be taken care of. "

When entering the banquet hall, Feng Ling and Qiao Fei walked by the side of another person. Qin Qiu bowed her head and helped the old lady to sort out the clothes when she passed by. .

Feng Mingzhu was already in front at this time, and drank a glass of champagne with a few familiar family ladies. When he turned around, he found that Qin Qiu and his grandmother hadn't come in yet. Impatiently, they turned to look for them, and saw them both come in slowly. Later, even when she put down the empty wine glass in her hand, she said, "Mom, let grandma rest at home next time, this occasion is not suitable for her."

The old lady knew that Feng Zhuzhu suspected that her legs and feet were unfavorable, and she was troublesome and didn't say much. Her granddaughter also grew up spoiled by herself. Now she is used to any spoiled temper, and she has been used to it. After that, she patted Qin Qiu's hand directly so that she didn't get angry with her children.

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