Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 980: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (243)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

But Feng Mingzhu didn't think so.

She was angry during this time.

In particular, the Feng family agreed to let Li Nanheng marry Yi Guanzuo, and her grandmother, who had always loved her, has not continued to oppose it.

She felt shameless on her face and was completely isolated at home.

There is no place to spit, but there is no other way, but it is obvious from the attitude that she is angry.


The nature of this banquet is very simple. It is just a gathering of the famous families in Los Angeles. Occasionally, there are business people in the group standing together to discuss some hundreds of millions of business and contracts. More It is the gossip that various ladies stood together and talked about which lady was dumped by whom and which girl was given three.

Feng Ling followed Qiao Fei in the crowd and from time to time met some of Qiao's acquaintances. Feng Ling nodded in cooperation and greeted him, and then followed Qiao Fei without any unnecessary movement.

However, because of Feng Ling, Qiao ’s father and mother did not intentionally arrange which ladies to come and meet Qiao Fei. Qiao Fei was still asleep last night. Now he is holding Feng Ling ’s hand. Walking through the crowd, it seemed that it was energetic and spirited.

the other side.

Qin Qiu helped the old lady to sit on a leather sofa next to the banquet hall. There were several old ladies from other big families. They were about 70 or 80 years old. The old ladies who were unwilling to be thrown away by these young people, although they were all older, were all brand-name pluses. Occasionally, they could stand up and walk a few steps with two sticks in their hands.

Several old ladies sitting together also had endless conversations about the topic, what wooden crutches were made for a while, what coats were custom made for children, and for a while the changes in the family's business in these decades.

A woman is a woman. Even when she is old, she has various mentalities for comparison. She talks and talks, and there are more and more topics.

Qin Qiu's mother was not very good at first, and she was chatting and chatting with this group of old guys. When Feng Mingzhu came over, she just saw the old lady got up and sat down on the sofa on the other side. The bag was left on the sofa over here.

The old lady was afraid that the round jade would be lost. A few days ago, she sought out a craftsman to order a very strong chalcedony chain to string the round jade and hang it on the zipper of the leather bag.

Looking at that round jade, I remembered that the old lady often sighed and sighed at this thing. If she remembered it right, the grandmother said that this jade should be buckled with the jade pendant on her unsuccessful younger sister.

Looking at that round jade, Feng Mingzhu's eyes became colder and colder.

For those who have been dead for so many years, why do they have to occupy the minds of everyone in the family, but even if they have been in the world for a year, they are still a sensible one-year-old child, and they must be remembered by everyone like this A lifetime?

Suddenly she pulled the round jade and chalcedony chain down suddenly, and immediately saw her grandmother chatting with other old ladies on Xing's head, without noticing this, she coerced round jade in her palm and threw it into herself Inside the bag, turn around and walk away.

"I'll go to the bathroom, you can talk first." Feng Mingzhu said softly as she passed by the young ladies and sisters, and turned to go directly to the bathroom.


In the bathroom, Feng Ling had just entered the small door inside and heard the sound of high heels approaching outside. She didn't care too much. She just felt that the person outside didn't seem to want to go to the toilet after entering. I didn't hear the movements when washing and applying makeup.

With the habit of being careful about everything in the weekdays, Feng Ling abandoned the plan to go to the toilet, stood beside the toilet for a while, and then gently pushed the door open a slit to look outside.

I saw Feng Mingzhu taking a round jade strung by chalcedony from the bag, holding it in his hand like this, standing there watching the thing in his hand, his fingers were tight, as if considering What is hesitating.

After just two or three minutes, Feng Mingzhu suddenly threw the things in his hand into the trash can beside him, then washed his hands and turned away.

Such a scene is actually nothing in Feng Ling's eyes, but no matter how rich the Feng family is, the round jade and chalcedony that don't seem cheap will be thrown away when they are thrown away?

And it seemed tangled before throwing it away.

Obviously there is something wrong.

Although Feng Ling didn't care much about Feng Jia and Feng Mingzhu, she always felt that something was not right, and she didn't know where she ran from, so she instinctively walked to the trash can and saw that thing just fell On a clean plastic bag inside, I reached up and held it up. The touch on my hand was that this round jade was hard and cold, like the jade pendant she had been wearing as a child.

She touched the outline of this piece of round jade again, looking at the middle of the jade like a well-designed ring, but it seemed that a piece of jade could be set in it.

The size of this round jade is vacant ...

Feng Ling's gaze paused, suddenly raised his hand and touched his neck, only to remember that he hadn't worn that piece of jade for a long time.

Always in the trunk under the bed at the XI base.

However, although I did not wear it, I felt that my piece of jade was just right to fit in. Seeing that this size is just right, there may be some errors in the size measured by the eyes, and I am not sure whether it is just right .

If it is just right, what can it tell?

Does the seal on the jade pen have anything to do with this seal family?

Just when Feng Ling was in doubt, suddenly, there were a series of screams of women and the roar of men. Her eyes fell, and her training habits over the years made her hear the screams of those people. Something was probably wrong when I came out. I took Yuhuan in my hand and walked out quickly.

The toilet was located on the second floor of the banquet hall, and as I walked outward, I heard someone shouting, "Run fast, run away ... there are dark people. The people in the street are mixed in .... the young lady in the house is hijacked ... the hands of those people There are guns, all of them are terrible, run away ... or you can't run out later, go to the back door ... "

Hearing these words, Feng Ling had no expression, and those people were running towards the back door on the second-floor terrace behind her. Only she went straight without hesitation.

Until a handrail on the second floor where the lights were dim, I lowered my head to see the momentary chaos below, and saw Feng Mingzhu who had just returned from the bathroom being held by two men in black suits with guns in the middle and Feng Mingzhu. Scared with no blood on his face, he looked around with trembling eyes, hoping that someone could save her--

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