Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 981: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (244)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Mrs. Feng Qin Qiu and the old lady have been scared. The others are backing in fear. Although they are afraid, the abducted person is Feng Mingzhu. They can only keep telling them: "Do n’t, Don't ... don't hurt her ... our Feng family has never offended the black people. We are just such a daughter. Don't hurt her, let her go ... "

However, those people didn't hear the same. They just held a gun and forced everyone around them to step back, speak a little unskilled English, and said, "Mr. Bob! Don't give me what I want yet, I'll let your hotel and grand banquet host the American legal news today! Let's make you famous! You will be ruined! "

Many people on the first floor were frightened back and forth, completely unknown.

Feng Ling, who was standing on the second floor, noticed the man who had just spoken loudly, and saw that he looked up slightly as he was looking for someone's direction.

Listening to this tone, it should be these gangsters, sons and daughters, who have a holiday with the hotel owner, or for some other reason.

In short, all the guests present today were just cannon fodder. If something really happened, at most it was similar to terrorists. Retaliation from terrorists really killed someone and something happened, even if the police arrived I can easily suppress it

Already some courageous men are quietly guarding their family members to move backwards in the rear, but the other person did not expect that the group of gangsters. The Daoists were not just a few people. When those people moved backwards, they suddenly Seventeen or eighteen people dressed in almost the same clothes rushed out of the corner, looking like uniform security uniforms!

So all the security guards on the first floor of this hotel are hacked.

Are they planning revenge and terrorist action?

Feng Ling's hand was lightly placed on the railing, standing in a dark place in the corner, where it could not be easily noticed, and looked at the movement below.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated in her pocket. She took out her phone and glanced at it. It was a text message from Qiao Fei: [They have a gun. ]

Just after she went to the bathroom, she broke up with Qiao Fei. He would ask like this, indicating that he really knew her temper.

The current situation is that even if they are both sniper masters in the XI base, they do not have a gun in their hands, and those people have a gun and a knife in their hands and are prepared.

Whether you want to save people or get out of here is not easy.

And Qiao Fei is here with his family, and there are many world friends who are familiar with their Qiao family. It is certainly impossible for him to leave alone.

However, Feng Ling glanced down and didn't see Qiao Fei's figure. Presumably, he should be like her, observing the current situation in an unobservable corner.

"Stop! Don't move!"

When there was a young man who seemed to be slightly behind, he couldn't stand it anymore. When he was about to come forward to rescue Feng Mingzhu, he suddenly jumped out from behind and shot him directly on the back of his head. At the same time the trigger was pulled.

Then, suddenly someone fired a shot towards the top, and the screams suddenly started again. Everyone who was scared didn't dare to move backwards, but shuddered in the crowd.

I was still wondering why the security in this hotel suddenly disappeared, but I did not expect that the security would be such a dangerous person!

This hotel is also a very well-known star hotel in Los Angeles. This kind of thing will happen. It can be seen that the owner of this hotel should deal with people from all walks of life. What should be the trouble or the secret? , So now will cause such a big calamity.

Seeing that Feng Mingzhu was held captive, Mrs. Feng Qin Qiu had been trying to go there, but was forcibly dragged back by the people behind her. The old lady also wanted to pass by, but the strength of the people behind her His shoulders couldn't move at all, he could only look anxiously at Feng Mingzhu's direction: "Pearl ... Don't be afraid ... Grandma is here ... Grandma is here!"

Even though Feng Mingzhu's tears didn't come down, her eyes were already red and obvious, and the fear in her eyes spilled out. Some people who were anxious to take a look at their hands and hold themselves were dragged forward by that person. Looked at it: "Don't mess around!"

Feng Mingzhu was pale for a moment because of the pain on her scalp. She felt terrified in the eyes of these people.

"Save me ..." She stared at the crowd in a panic, looking at the men who looked at least tall, begging who had the ability to rescue her from these terrible people, using her mouth to stop Said: "Save me, save me ..."

"She's asking for help!" Suddenly, a security guard in black came out suddenly, blocking the sight of Feng Mingzhu.

At the same time, the man who was holding her behind Feng Mingzhu suddenly smashed her head directly with the **** in her hand: "If you are not old, you will be killed in one shot!"

"Ah ..." Feng Mingzhu's body was sore and painful in an instant, and the place hit by the **** of the gun immediately bleed out because of smashing and breaking the skin. A few traces of blood flowed slowly down the forehead along the hairline.

Seeing the blood on Feng Mingzhu's head, the old lady standing not far away who was being forced to hold her suddenly suddenly got a soft buttock. The thigh sat on the ground.

"Mom ..." Qin Qiu suddenly turned to look at the old lady with anxiety, reached out to help her, but was forced to pull backwards by those who were skilled, and almost fell down.

Seeing such a scene, Feng Ling put his hand in his pocket.

I touched the round jade ring that I just picked up in the bathroom.

Regardless of whether she has a relationship with this Los Angeles family, whether it is just a coincidence and her speculation or some reason, at least the old lady and Mrs. Feng have a relationship with her, at least she can be sure that they are friendly to themselves Even if Feng Mingzhu, the young lady, is indulgent, her family should not be killed here because of such a dispute between the hotel owner and Hei Dao.

She stood in place, her legs slowly backing to the darkest and darkest place in a corner, no one could see any of her movements.

Feng Ling has recently lived in Li Nanheng's apartment. The safety index is too high, so she did not bring a gun with her, but she used to put a dagger on her body. She also used to put a dagger before going out. In the weapon bag standing around the waist, a small bag, about the size of two keys, inside it is a very sharp folding knife.

The moment he held the knife in his hand, Feng Ling's gaze was staring at the person standing on Feng Mingzhu's hand at this angle.

That person should be in charge of these people, not their boss or one of the masterminds of this revenge.

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