Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 983: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (246)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

There is a grandson Qingshen on the other side, but on the other side it is hot.

Feng Ling took all of those people's attention to himself, and suddenly noticed that Qiao Fei, who had just rescued Feng Mingzhu, just threw the gun in his pocket to him, and saw that he had seized the gun from a distance. So he didn't move any more and didn't mean to transfer to him.

The two shuttled through the crowd very tacitly.

Several people on the field had almost lost their breath because they were wiped off their necks. Those people fled from time to time because of this confusion, and quickly ran out of the police.

Even if the police can't control such gangsters in this situation, most of the people present today are Los Angeles prestigious people. They have to manage it if they don't want to, otherwise these people will go to the police once they pass. Trouble, that's a bigger one.

Even if it's just a come-over, the police must be there.

Feng Ling has been controlling her intention to shoot. There must not be too many casualties on such occasions, otherwise there will be big news. This is not good for any party, especially her and Jeffrey ’s identity at the XI base. It will be found out that the XI base was just because she had experienced a style. She can no longer rush the XI base to the cusp of the wind.

She jumped up to the table where the wine glass tower was to be placed, and then jumped straight up to the second floor by the height of the table. When everyone was astonished at who the girl was just now, the police rushed in.

Qiao Fei has the fastest response. When the group focused their attention on the handrail on the second floor, they stretched out their hands to catch the leader who had just taken the lead, and kicked it with a kick.

This was what the police saw when they rushed in, and there was already a mess below.

Father Qiao and Qiao looked slightly puzzled toward the second floor.

They are not surprised at their son's origin in the XI base, but Qiao Fei's skill, but although the girl just didn't show her face, the speed was quickly unclear.

But if they remember correctly, the sportswear ...

Qiao Fei's girlfriend?

What is this ...? How could there be such a powerful girl?

Feng Ling quickly hid into a nearby unoccupied room at the corner of the second floor. After closing her hands, she lowered her head and saw that her cuff was dirty and stained with blood.

But she was wearing a thin layer and couldn't take off her coat directly.

Looking at the dirty blood on the cuff, she was not very satisfied with her current speed.

Sure enough, I just felt a little numbness in my arm when I shot, and my movements were delayed for one second. Otherwise, the speed would be faster and I would not be splashed with blood.

Seeing things on the first floor because of the police's intervention, those guests would be okay for a while. Feng Ling, who was always too lazy to take care of these idle matters, stood in the door of the small room, silently looked for a while, and pulled the blood on the cuffs in After getting in and hiding the blood stains, he turned and walked directly towards the second-floor terrace and left through the back door.

Before leaving, she sent a text message to Qiao Fei: [Leave first. ]

Now under such circumstances, Qiao Fei will definitely not let her show up again. After all, what happened in the military area before, Feng Ling will be stared at by many people. If this incident about her being a woman is exposed, then Things are really going to get bigger.

She didn't want to show up.

Of course, Qiao Fei would not let her stand up.

It's best to leave like this now.

After hitting a car, Feng Ling sat in the car, glanced at the time, put the mobile phone in her pocket, and once again touched the cold round jade ring with her fingers, she took the jade ring out and put it in her hand. Watched for a while.

Back to the apartment where she lived, she only heard the text message after stopping the car. She picked up and saw Qiao Fei's reply: [Return in peace, I'm here, they can't make any waves, thank you today. ]

After Feng Ling watched it, she put her phone back in her pocket and walked directly to the front door of the apartment.

As soon as she entered, she was suddenly shocked by the sound of a car passing by behind her, and she instinctively looked back and saw Li Nanheng's car passing behind her, only half a meter away from her. She shook her clothes twice.

Then, the tall black Hummer quickly stopped at the parking apron in the park not far from her. The man got out of the car, fell on the door, and walked towards her expressionlessly.

As soon as he saw the man's expression, Feng Ling had a hunch that he seemed to know something.

Obviously it should be in the base, how could it suddenly kill the apartment again.

"Boss." In the face of the man who came forward, Feng Ling subconsciously stood in front of him.

Li Nanheng's complexion did not change, and her eyes looked coldly from head to toe: "Where have you been?"

"A person is bored and goes out for a walk."

"Just gone?"


Looking at her calm eyes, Li Nanheng's cold eyebrows moved: "Is it boring to be at home alone?"

"The schedules at the base for so many years have been very tight. Suddenly, the slowed down life is really not very adaptable, but I will try to adapt as much as possible. If you are in trouble, you don't need to come back to accompany me."

"There is something to do, and it is expected to return tomorrow at the earliest." The man looked down at her, his eyes tilted slightly, looking at a blood spot on the white skin under her neck and the base of the ear, He stretched out his hand and touched it directly, and it turned out to be a drop of dried blood, which was directly choked.

The man calmly put his hand back: "Going and walking, very calm? Nothing happened?"


Li Nanheng's cold hooked lips: "Little girl learned to lie?"

Feng Ling: "..."

Seeing that, she couldn't hide it, she thought about it and said, "I'm sorry, Boss Li. I just went out to help a friend. When I saw someone being hijacked, I just helped, but no one should recognize me. I am from the XI base, and I am not wearing the uniform of the XI base. I will not cause any trouble in the base. "

"When did I say you're in trouble?"

The man didn't know how to come back with anger, as if he had taken explosives. Feng Ling couldn't get back for a while, but looked at him with some inexplicable eyes.

Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows coldly, directly picked up the mobile phone, opened a certain communication software, and zoomed in to a photo in front of her: "The Chinese community in Los Angeles will meet again today. A kind of photo that can be published in an hour in newspaper news that is common in the Chinese circle. You tell me that you are just going to help a friend? "

As soon as Feng Ling saw the photo, the corners of his mouth followed.

Why didn't she notice that there was a media next to her?

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