Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 984: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (247)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When Qiao Fei introduced her as his girlfriend at that time, did the people standing beside him have reporters' media? Anyone else took a picture? !!

He raised his eyes again and looked at Li Nanheng's dynamite-like expression.

... No wonder the man suddenly rushed back with a killing intention.

"Vice Instructor Qiao was very kind to me in the base. I was also surprised to see him today. He said his parents forced him to go on a blind date, let me pretend to be his girlfriend, and accompany him to a dinner party. I have n’t changed my clothes, and I can see that I ’m really going to help temporarily, not even preparing. ”She explained sincerely.

Hearing such a sentence, Li Nanheng immediately laughed and said, "Pretend to be a girlfriend? Women all over the world will not believe in routine stalks, and only you, a girl growing up in the jungle, will believe."

Feng Ling: "..."

"I'm also good to you at the base. How can you get angry when you kiss you. Others ask you to pretend to be a girlfriend. Do you really go to the party with you?"

"... Boss, I only help this once."

With that, Feng Ling suddenly coughed and didn't want to continue this topic: "Boss, I'm still not very comfortable and a bit lacking. I'll go back to rest first. If you're busy, go back to the base first."

Then turn around and leave.


Feng Ling was going to leave. When he heard the man's tone was bad, he stopped and turned silently to him: "Boss."

Li Nanheng was so much taller than her, so she looked down at her calm expression, her legs widened, and approached. When Feng Ling didn't understand what he wanted to do, her wrist suddenly tightened, and the man directly Pulling her wrist up, all the blood stains hidden in the cuffs for a long time all appeared in front of the man.

Feng Ling: "..."

"What is this?" Li Nanheng looked at her coldly.

Feng Ling couldn't hide it, trying to pull his arm out of him, but the man held it tightly and looked at her coldly: "Go to a banquet, pretend to be someone else's girlfriend, and by the way Blood back? "

"At the banquet, a group of gangsters caused trouble at the scene. I saw that they had blocked Feng Mingzhu. Although I didn't like her very much, they were innocent after all, so I helped a lot. These blood It's also someone else's. I didn't hurt myself. "Feng Ling said as he pulled his hand out, but after working for a long time, he still couldn't pull it out from the man's hand.

She stopped moving immediately, just looking at him: "Boss, let go."

However, just when she was frowning, she suddenly felt a heartache on her chin. A small wound that she didn't know how to hurt was hidden in front of her. Under the jaw, which is not easy to find, at the jaw, the man's fingers touched her wound, and she felt aching face, and then realized that she had also suffered some injuries.

Although it is slight, it is just such a small piece.

"Don't hurt yourself again." The man saw her hurt, and lowered his hand: "Go back and take a pill and get rid of the poison." The man's voice sounded, without saying more, holding her wrist directly to take her Back down the apartment.

Feng Ling followed him without a word, looked up at the tall back of the man, and pursed his lips.

In fact, when she was just at the dinner scene, a picture suddenly jumped in her mind. If she could not get away successfully at the scene, would Li Nanheng appear again every time she couldn't solve the scene, just like in the movie Played like that, stepping on colorful clouds ...

Although it was only a flashing picture in her mind, although she successfully got out at the scene, she was intercepted by him immediately after she returned, and she was really a little flustered.

She seemed to be a little bit uncontrollable.

A child raised by a wolf who does n’t even know who she is, even a woman who does n’t know anything about women, can she really fall in love like other girls?

He also said that wolves are born loyal.

She is also loyal, and if she does, she will really be obliged to do so.

But she didn't know Li Nanheng's identity and many things outside the base. She didn't dare and wasn't sure if she should approach.

But I don't want to be so sweet.

Because she really found out that she seemed to like him.

like very much.


Li Nanheng was taken back to the apartment all the way. After closing the door, the man drank coldly and let her sit on the sofa.

Feng Ling sat there obediently until the man came over with a medical swab and disinfectant, looked at her coldly, and then leaned down to help her simply treat the chin wound when the disinfectant dropped on the skin. The pain was a bit unbearable. She didn't move, and her eyes just looked at him so quietly.

Li Nanheng applied her medicine, and her cold black eyes glanced at her, facing her gaze that she had been staring at herself.

The man's cold eyebrows moved slightly, and suddenly he froze coldly, "What are you looking for? Your heart is moving?"

Feng Ling: "..." I immediately looked away and turned around to get up from the sofa: "The clothes on my body are dirty and stained with dirty blood. I'll change it."

The man didn't force it. Recently, there were a lot of things in the base and Li's house. Although there was a mood to tease her, it was not the most appropriate time to put away the used medical cotton swabs and put them in a wastebasket.

The next day, Li Nanheng said that if something happened to return to Li's home, it would not be possible to come back tonight, and let her stay at home and not run out again.

The meaning of this so-called random run is obvious.

Feng Ling is too lazy to care for him. The man has become more authoritarian and hegemonic in recent days. She just lives in his apartment, but not his possessions. Can't she decide by herself when she meets?

Besides, the relationship between her and Qiao Fei was pure. She was calm in her heart and never thought about it too much.

Before leaving the house, Li Nanheng continued to apply to her, let alone Qiao Fei. Even if A.K. and some of them came out of the base to find her recently, they were not allowed to see her, especially at night, let her pay attention, and occasionally her arms Paralysis, in the unlikely event that even a knife is not stable, and even the ability to protect themselves, do not assume that the image is at the banquet to go wrong.

Feng Ling didn't agree or agreed, only to let him rush back to his Li family, so that several old men would not be in a hurry, and then came over with a cane to beat him.

When hearing this, Li Nanheng suddenly smiled, reached out and took Feng Linglou over, kissed her directly, kissed Feng Ling, and then whispered in her ear: "Wait, wait. I'm back, huh? "

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