Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 987: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (250)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling could clearly feel the killing in the eyes of the approaching man, even if he knew it was Qiao Fei.

"Joe Fei! You let go!" Feng Ling reminded him secretly as he pushed him: "Let go ..."

"Feng Ling, I ..." However, the drunk man hadn't finished speaking, and his back suddenly tightened. The approaching man suddenly pulled away from her, and he was still slightly stunned. When he could raise his eyes to see the situation clearly, he suddenly punched his face fiercely, took a few steps back, and leaned against the door of the Bentley.

Qiao Fei was slightly awake at the moment when he hit the door backwards, raised his eyes sharply, and instantly met Li Nanheng's eyes that were sprayed with intense fire.

"Boss." Feng Ling saw Li Nanheng's fist suddenly thrown, and it was too late to stop him. Before he turned to go to Qiao Fei again, he reached out and stopped him.

However, Li Nanheng waved her hand without expression.

"Boss!" Feng Ling was really angry when he saw him, so he stretched out his hand again and hugged his arm vigorously: "Boss, don't get me wrong! Brother Qiao, he drank too much, he has no other meaning, we all It ’s a XI base. Do n’t hit yourself outside, boss ... ”

"Step aside!"


Li Nanheng's gaze dropped suddenly and looked at her coldly: "I asked you to let go."

Feng Ling knew what he was mad at. Just now Qiao Fei suddenly rushed over and hugged herself. She didn't expect it, but it shouldn't have been a big fight here.

Not even because of her.

She hugged his arm with both hands, and felt the change in the muscles of the man's arm due to angry preparations to stab people, and her muscles were strong across her clothes. She hugged him firmly: "Do n’t hit ! "

Seeing her blocking, Li Nanheng's face was even worse, and she would push her away, but Feng Ling simply turned and stood in front of him, both arms opened, and he took the initiative to hug his waist. , Very hard.

She heard that Li Nanheng had a faint taste of wine on her body. Are the two men making an appointment today, one is drinking, and the other is returning with wine.

One was in a bad mood and the other didn't seem to be in a good mood.

She hugged his waist tightly, and when the man stiffened because of her first active care, he put his head on his chest and said, "Li Nanheng! We are our own! Don't hit!"

If it wasn't for Qiao Fei's presence and she took the initiative to send her arms, Li Nanheng might be in a good mood.

But now this little woman was forced to do so because of Qiao Fei.

After returning to Li's home today, Li Nanheng has been up to now. She has been pressed on her head by a casual promise and the pressure and moral abduction imposed by Li's family. She does not want to return because of her own mood and affect her mood at rest. After all, but still couldn't help but want to come back to accompany her.

Who, his mother knows that when she came back, she saw that she was so happy that she could n’t even kiss her, and was forced to hold him in the arms by this bastard.

"Feng Ling." The man's voice was just above her head, and a loud voice rang out: "If you don't want to kill someone, just let me go!"

"Boss, calm down, he really just drank too much, there is nothing between me and him!" Feng Ling held his waist, his head pressed against his arms, and explained with a muffled voice: "Don't hit ! "

Qiao Fei leaned on the door of the car. Although Li Nanheng's punch was not particularly harsh, it was enough to chaos his head for a while. From chaos to soberness, he leaned on the door a little bit. He stood firm, looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly smiled, raised his hand and quickly wiped it at the corner of his mouth, and lowered his head to see the trace of blood leaking out of the corner of his mouth, and then smiled again and raised Seeing that direction, he said, "Boss Li, it's not that much to grab a woman. This is not a XI base, not a training ground. Do you want to speak with your fists?"

"You, his mother is really not afraid of death!" Li Nanheng was about to come forward, but the girl in her arms was holding him with both hands and refused to let him move. He lowered his head and looked at the head in his arms. Frowning: "What are you doing? If I abolish him, can you still avenge me? Let me go!"

"Don't let it go! Boss, you can't do this! It's all a misunderstanding! Do you fight here, if it can't be seen by others! People here come and go, and it's not the place where outsiders can break into! The wind is rumbling inside and outside the base, and a large part of the reason is because of me. Now if you and Qiao Fei fight again because of me, am I the one who should be the best? "

Feng Ling's dull and mute long paragraph calmed Li Nanheng more or less to calm down for a few minutes, but his eyes still looked coldly at Qiao Fei, who was standing beside the car door who was not afraid of death.

"Boss Li, even if you leave the base, I still call you Boss." Qiao Fei pushed the **** cheeks with the tip of his tongue and said coldly: "The pursuit of girls has always been about fair competition You are very good, but I am not bad, she likes you, that is, I lost, but it is not wrong for me to express my feelings in my own way, you do not need to be such a mess to kill my expression, The United States is the same as the rule of law. Yes, it is not just that you are the only one in your family. If you want to kill someone outside, it is not so easy to make sense! "

Feng Ling frowned, and then yelled at him: "Joe Fei! Don't say it! Hurry up!"

Qiao Fei looked away and looked at Feng Ling again: "I want to compete fairly."

"What are you competing for? I'm not a pretty fairy-like girl! I have been a man for so many years, and I don't even love a person at all, no one needs to do it for me! What day will I die like this? No one outside of you is worthy of you! "

"You're worth it." Qiao Fei said nothing more, raised his hand and wiped it at the corner of his mouth, then chuckled softly, wondering whether he was laughing at others or laughing at himself, then opened the door and took off The coat on the lower body was thrown into the car, and stood by the door for a while, as if restrained from the urge to come back and fight back, he got into the car.

The Bentley honked a few times on the parking apron and drove away absolutely.

Make sure Qiao Fei is gone, even if Li Nanheng wants to do it, no one can hold it, Feng Ling breathes a long sigh of relief, then let go of the man who has been tightly hugging his waist tightly, and is about to back away One step, but the back was suddenly tight, the man pressed her back into his arms, and when she raised her head for an unknown reason, she suddenly bowed her head and kissed her hard.

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