Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 988: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (251)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The man suddenly kissed so hard that she couldn't bear it, and her body uncontrollably shoved backwards, but was tightly pinched by the man's arm, clasped her tightly in her arms, locked in Arms.

This kiss overwhelmed her instantly, and even the instinctual struggle and backlash became a feeling of softness and numbness all over her body. The whole person's nerves suddenly and intensely over-kissed with this. And trembling.

Feng Ling can clearly feel that the man's mood is not good, and she can also feel his anger. She closed her eyes and allowed him to kiss so violently, until the man's hand became tighter and tighter around her waist. It seemed as if she was going to slap her waist alive without making any sound, let alone struggling.

It wasn't until she was out of breath, that the sound of breathing became worse, Li Nanheng finally let go of her, but only gave her one second to breathe and kissed again, ignoring the apartment complex. Pedestrians and vehicles passing by, ignore the embarrassing gaze and pointing of various passing people, if there is no one beside the kiss, as if there is only one he and her in this world.

Feng Ling leaned against his arms completely softly, and the air kissed into his lungs seemed to be absorbed, and he couldn't hold up his energy. The man suddenly let go of her, thinking she was finally over, and finally he could be good. When talking, the man pulled her hand blankly, turned around, and walked towards the apartment.

"Boss ..." Feng Ling's heart suddenly jumped, not knowing what he was going to do, but faintly seemed to understand what he wanted to do, hesitated, but was forcibly dragged into the apartment building by the man Cell door.

She was taken all the way into the elevator by the man and into the apartment again and again. When the door was opened, Feng Lingying was dragged in by the man. At the same time the outside door closed with a bang, she only felt her body. The uncontrolled man was flung directly to the nearest door, on the sofa in the middle of the living room.

At the foot of Feng Ling, he tripped over a bar on the side of the coffee table. The style that could barely stand still suddenly fell backwards.

The moment he fell heavily on the sofa, the man directly oppressed him. When she subconsciously narrowed her neck and was busy keeping her face away, she pressed her on the sofa, pulled her face with one hand, and kissed him again. .

"Hmm ..." The kiss back to the apartment and the kiss just outside were two very different purposes.

One is with anger and affection, the other is with obvious desire.

Feng Ling's hand was strongly hammered on Li Nanheng's body twice and was firmly pressed on both sides of the body. The man's kiss was overbearing or even hesitant, and he turned directly to her sensitive places.

As she narrowed her neck to hide, she couldn't help trembling because of the kiss and the surging feeling.

"Boss ... Boss, you need to be awake ... I know you are angry ..." She tried to get him back to reason.

The man clasped her chin directly, sealed her mouth again, and kissed deeply for a long time. Even when Feng Ling could not stand the kiss like him, he suddenly stretched out his arms and lifted her from the sofa. .

The state of both the body and feet hanging makes people instinctively want to hug the person in front of them. Feng Ling is no exception. She hugged the man's neck and lowered her head to see the things in the man's eyes that did not allow her to resist. Holding her into the bedroom, she kicked the door again and pressed her directly into the bed.

Whether it was taking off her clothes or taking off his own clothes, Feng Ling did not have any room to push people away.

Until the man could not bear the kiss with her, suddenly, there was a voice in the air when the man untied his belt, closed his eyes, closed his eyes, and predicted the pain of the heartbreaking heart that he had experienced that night. coming soon.

And now Li Nanheng is not in a coma, he is very awake, and his body is not as weak as in a high fever.

She had a hunch that she might die ...

However, when the man was ready, the man pressed her hand forcibly because he bowed his head and kept kissing her, and pressed her arm firmly to the side.

Suddenly, the after-effects of Feng Ling's arm after she was bitten by a snake were the occasional sudden pain and numbness again. This feeling was usually used to her, but she was so tightly pressed on the bed that she moved. Can't move. This kind of pain made her look pale. She was also brought by the man to a hot body, and then shook a bit.

Li Nanheng stopped because of her sudden shudder.

The trembling she had just been kissed was different from such a tremor. Li Nanheng could not feel it. Immediately thinking of something, she lowered her head to see her whitish face in the dim light in the bedroom, and then turned to look at her. He stiffly pressed his arm under the palm and retracted his hand directly.

As soon as the arm was free, Feng Ling quickly moved his hand back, and then moved very slowly, trying to make the pain in the arm disappear.

Looking at her painful and careful movement, and then looking at her reluctant expression, Li Nanheng's head instantly seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water, sobering him.

He got up abruptly, and at the same time he dragged the quilt to be torn by him. He was covered by a messy girl who was almost ready to be clothed, and turned and walked out.

Feng Ling waited on the bed until the pain in her arm passed, and then sat up with the quilt. The apartment was very quiet, so quiet that she could hear the sound of water coming out of the bedroom's bathroom after Li Nanheng returned to the bedroom opposite.

You don't need to know that he is going to take a cold shower.

She lowered her head and glanced at her arm, rubbed it twice with the other hand, and then looked at the direction of the opposite bedroom. After thinking about it, she got up and got out of bed, arranged her clothes, and sat on the bed. I don't know what I should do.

Fifteen minutes later, the sound of the water in the opposite side stopped. After a short while, Li Nanheng wore a dark blue bathrobe, came out, sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, smoked for a while, and then in Fengling Seeing the angle, the man seemed to be leaning directly on the sofa, and there was no movement for a long time.

Li Li's mood seems really wrong ...

If it was just because she saw that she and Qiao Fei were hugging each other, his jealousy would be over. It would not be so.

She got up and went out, went to the sofa, and saw that the cigarette the man had just smoked was extinguished in the ashtray on the coffee table. He leaned on the sofa as if he had closed his eyes, even if he heard her approaching, no open one's eyes.

But Feng Ling could tell from his breathing and closed eyes that he was not asleep.

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