Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 989: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (252)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

She stood by the sofa for a while, and when he saw him leaning on it, she thought about it, and went straight to the bedroom to get a thin blanket and cover it gently on the man.

Li Nanheng closed her eyes without much reflection, and she sat directly on the rug in front of the sofa, looking up at the man who seemed to be concerned, and asked, "Boss, are you in a bad mood?"

The man did not respond.

"Is there anything wrong?"

He still didn't speak.

Feng Ling thought, could he be uncomfortable because of drinking?

I was about to get up and try to see if I would go to the back of the sofa and press him on the head. The man's voice suddenly sounded dumb: "Feng Ling, do you like me?"

The girl sitting on the floor still wore a kiss mark just kissed by him. Although her clothes were sorted out, she could still see a little messy.

She was sitting on the rug with her knees in place, her position remained unchanged, she just looked at him.

The man lowered his head, which was originally leaning on the back of the sofa, and looked at the girl sitting on the carpet: "Answer."

Seeing a bit of coldness and seriousness in his eyes, Feng Ling felt inexplicably that his answer seemed to be important to him.

She can't answer indiscriminately.

So I pondered for a while and then said, "Boss, I don't understand feelings very well, but based on how I feel about you and other men for so long, I don't think I have too much exclusion with you."

Li Nanheng still looked at her with no expression: "Don't say so many reasons, just ask you, like or dislike?"

Feng Ling looked at his eyes and nodded slowly: "Like."

There was a moment of movement in the man's slightly cold eyes, and he just sat on the sofa like this, throwing off the thin blanket on his body, lowering his head and raising her chin to kiss directly on her lips.

The kiss was very gentle, but it also touched the tip of the tongue, until Feng Ling was a little ignorant to express her feelings, and when she was learning to respond, the man suddenly stopped because of her response, and was just calm after just taking a cold shower The down look was dark again, and he let go of her lips, so she pressed her forehead against her forehead and said dumbly, "You are not even eighteen years old, you are still a child. If you like me, can you wait? Wait for me? After 20 years of age, I will marry you as Mrs. Li, eh? "

Feng Ling had no idea about marriage, and never even thought about it.

The three words Mrs. Li are also strange to her.

But she was inexplicably yearning.

So looking at the man's face close at hand, he slowly nodded his head slowly: "Huh."

"Wait for three years." The man's voice was almost inaudible.

She nodded obediently, "Um."

"Want to return to the base? Continue to pretend to be a man to live in the base and live the life you want. At least for these three years, you want to return to the base to continue, I can help you." The man pressed her lips. "Want to go back?"

Feng Ling answered without hesitation: "I think."

Suddenly his head was gently stroked by the man's hand.

He stepped back, looking at her with a gentle look and a little distress: "In those three years, you went back to the base to continue to look for your sense of belonging. We are still going back to the sniper team to train as before, as for your gender, Only I know it, no one else knows, huh? "

Feng Ling didn't quite understand why he suddenly allowed her to return to the base, and why suddenly she wanted to let her continue to live the life she wanted in the base for the past three years.

Before obviously, he wanted to hide her outside the base, and didn't want her to go back to the base to continue mixing with those men, didn't he?

However, it is certainly a good thing to be able to return to the base, and it is even better to be able to return to the original state. She nodded: "Okay."

Seeing her obedient look, Li Nanheng stared at her face: "You don't ask me why?"

"Don't ask, the boss helped me arrange everything for my benefit, and boss, you are a person who does not like to explain too much to others. Your decision has your reasons. I am a member of the XI base and obey all orders. It's all my responsibility, I'm the boss you like, so you won't hurt me, I believe you. "Feng Ling answered sincerely.

Li Nanheng looked at her like this for a long time, then suddenly ticked his lips: "I have another request."


"After returning to the base, you moved from the next room to live with me? You also know that the bed in my room is quite large."

Feng Ling: "........."


Make sure that Feng Ling's arm is recovering very well. As long as possible, let the arm that was bitten by the snake rest as much as possible during daily training, and go to the doctor's office to find a doctor to do an arm massage. Ling was finally allowed to pack his luggage and set off for the base.

It seems that since the last time she was injured in the military side, until now, she has not officially returned to the base for at least three months, and she has not been trained for so long.

The sniper team replaced the new instructor because of Qiao Fei's departure. Li Nianheng was still the bishop and the new assistant instructor was named Shen. It was said that he had been transferred from the elite team. He was not very tall and did not look good. In short, it is not as good-looking as Qiao Fei.

There is no need to guess what Li Nanheng's idea of ​​transferring such a person as an assistant instructor is.

She didn't even get a chance to distract her.

During the training session, A sat next to Feng Ling and asked her, "You have long hair that is going to pass your ears. You haven't had a chance to shave when you are outside? Before, your hair in the base was not flat like ours. , But it has n’t been this long, what ’s the matter? Your arm still hurts, is n’t it convenient? Would you like to go to me tonight, and I will shave your hair? ”

Feng Ling was about to speak, and Li Nanheng, who was passing by, turned back and said coldly, "What shave? Shave not allowed!"

Feng Ling: "..."

AK turned his eyes sharply and looked at him: "Boss, I mean Feng Ling's hair is too long ..."

"Long? Isn't this popular this year? The hair like a Beatles out there is longer than one, isn't it indistinguishable from other men?" Li Nanheng's expressionless strong words made sense.

AK: "... Is it popular for men to keep their hair a little longer this year? Then I can't make it longer?"

Feng Ling: "..."

Li Nanheng took a look at him and said coldly, "You are not afraid to scare the little girl outside, you just stay."

"Why? Why do you think Feng Ling's hair is a little nicer? I want to stay a little longer to scare people? My facial features are also very good!" Ah K was not convinced.

Li Nanheng first glanced over Feng Ling's face with admiration and meaning, and then glanced at K with a disgusted look, then turned and walked away.

AK: "Boss, you are too eccentric. Be careful. I passed on the last time I went to Feng Ling and found you in her room."

Feng Ling: "..."

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