Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 990: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (253)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After returning to the base, Li Nanheng only went to Feng Ling's room occasionally.

Isn't it obvious to go often?

At the end of the evening training, Feng Ling went back to do body balance as usual and took a bath as usual. After washing, she walked out of the bathroom while wiping her hair, and habitually glanced towards the door.

Thinking about what happened to Li Nanheng tonight, the sun came out to the west? A few days ago, I could n’t come back to sleep with a few mouthfuls. She did n’t come tonight?

As Feng Ling wiped her hair and walked to the bed, she turned around and looked out the window, only to see the window was pulled apart by the man and walked in directly.

Feng Ling: "..."

I almost forgot that her door was no different from the window, because the balcony and his balcony were connected, and her window was not hidden! He clearly wanted to come!

"Why don't you go to the front door today?" Feng Ling was startled first, and looked at him strangely after calming down.

The man was smelling the scent of the shower gel in her room, and came over to sit directly on the chair beside her bed, watching the way she had just taken a shower.

Because the gender had been exposed in front of him, and he was the only one who dared to come to her room at night, so she would no longer be wrapped in a corset after bathing, and she was wearing a loose white T-shirt now With her hair half wet from her forehead, she dragged it down with her hands twice and combed it down with her fingers twice.

"I know you just took a bath at this time, come and see you." The man has the same routine attitude as the previous few days. He said that he was so grandiose that he could take her a few sips after each reading.

Feng Ling is getting used to it. She made her hair again and said, "In fact, the hair is really a lot longer now. If you do n’t go back to the base, it ’s okay. You will continue to be a man when you return to the base. Meet the standards at the base. "

"Your hair is the length of the base boss' concession, and no one dares to say."

Feng Ling: "... Boss, this is a false public benefit."

"I bowed for the XI base for so many years, so I hid a daughter-in-law in the base, so I didn't let my daughter-in-law shave my head? What happened to my fake public welfare?" The man said, rising straight up and sitting next to the bed Feng Ling grabbed her arms, bowed her lips and kissed her with the refreshing taste of toothpaste: "I didn't say how long my hair must be allowed to stay, nor did I force you to get back any femininity. , But shaved flat head is really exaggerated, you have not been so short in the base before. "

"Have you noticed my hair before it grew?" Feng Ling was surprised.

The man sneered, biting another bite on her lips like a punishment, and pressed the person directly into the bed, and held her for a long time between her mouth and chin and her neck before finally letting her go, holding her in her arms, intimate Pressed her to her chest and said dumbly, "I noticed you when you came in at the age of thirteen, believe it or not?"


His attention at that time was his doubts about her.

The man had never dispelled her doubts.

Others have noticed that she has lived with her for so many years, but he left the base halfway through two or three years, but he was pierced by him.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, she didn't ask much, but when she treated herself frankly in Snake Valley, he was definitely not surprised.

"The letter still asks so much, knowing that I only have you in your eyes? You have to ask it." The man bowed his head and kissed her again.

Feng Ling actually wanted to say something, but his face was warmed by his usual straight-forward confession, and he wanted to get up from his arms, but the man was holding her: "Don't move, I will hold it for a while . "

"Boss, you should go back to your room to sleep, or you have to take a cold shower again tonight."

The man chuckled suddenly: "You also know how uncomfortable I am every day? So don't grow up quickly? Give you three years, it should be enough for you to grow up."

Feng Ling rolled her eyes secretly.

She had been wiped away by him before she grew up.

It's just that he doesn't remember himself.

She hasn't found any reason yet.

Feng Ling was almost asleep in Li Nanheng's arms. The quiet room was really drowsy.

Suddenly the door was knocked, Feng Ling opened her eyes suddenly, and sat up quickly subconsciously.

Li Nanheng was about to fall asleep, and was awakened by this voice. The girl in her arms suddenly struggled out of his arms like this. He frowned, and looked anxiously in the direction of the doorway.

"Who will knock on the door at such a late time?" Li Nanheng asked.

Feng Ling didn't know.

She has been at the base for so long. Most of the people who approached her usually knew that her room was not very close at night, especially after she lived next to Li Bo. Those people were very thoughtful and never bothered .

This time can come knocking, unless it is ...

She turned back and gave Li Nanheng a wink, meaning to let him quickly go back to his own room through the window.

The man didn't move in bed and didn't mean to hide back to the room. He just raised his cold eyebrow and watched her walk to the door.

The door was opened, and two fifteen or sixteen-year-olds smiled and grinned at her outside. "Master Feng! We just heard you are here! Didn't bother you to rest? Today? We have a few bases that I did n’t quite understand. I called you to find you turned off, so I came to you! "

Feng Ling looked at the two young boys outside the door and twitched.

In the past few years, there have been no new recruits in the base. In the past few days, they started recruiting again. Recently, many new members have arrived in the base. Most of them are teenage boys. .

The day after she returned, the base lobby was assigned to more than a dozen new people on the sniper team. Two of them were assigned to her, just to let her take the two new people occasionally.

Then the two Mao Zizi had sweet mouths and kept calling her Master Feng Ling.

She coughed: "It's so late, are you sure you want to ask this time?"

"Ah, did we disturb your rest? Just now you know you live here and see the lights in your room are still on, so we come over." The two boys were a little embarrassed at once: "Sorry, we too I just arrived at the base and was assigned to such a powerful sniper squad. I was a little bit excited to return to God and wanted to talk to Master ...

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