Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 991: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (254)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling can understand this excitement.

She was actually very excited when she just passed the assessment and entered the sniper team.

But she was not very good at showing that emotion.

Looking at the two teenagers, Feng Ling smiled kindly: "If you are excited, you can go to the training field for a few more laps. I am not very convenient at this time, and I have something to say tomorrow."

The two little farts didn't understand the meaning of the so-called inconvenience. When they couldn't ask, they suddenly said, "So, Master Feng Ling, can we sit in your room? I heard that it's only in sniping. The talented team of the team is qualified to live in this building, and I heard that each room in your building has a large balcony, which is facing the direction of the training field, which is particularly good! "

Feng Ling paused and didn't speak, but the two teenagers in front of the door froze a few seconds later.

They looked up and looked at the man walking slowly out of the room, and suddenly felt an oppression.

Feng Ling noticed their gaze and turned subconsciously.

Li Nanheng has come behind her, he is still in a black uniform and black pants, with a thin and cold, one hand inserted in his trouser pocket, his eyes ... well, a little cold.

The two 15-year-old teenagers outside the door are not short, and they are over 175 in height during development, but they are still too short when facing Li Nanheng, and the disparity also seems to be very large.

The two looked in shock at the boss Li who would appear in Feng Ling's room, that is, the boss Li who only looked at him from a distance after entering the base, and now stood in front of them like this, oh no, standing Behind them, Master Feng Ling, at the same time Li Bo's lips were a little cold: "What time is it now? Do you come to the XI base for training, or do you come on vacation?"

Feng Ling: "..."

She only realized why Li Nanheng was always so inaccessible in front of the newcomers to the base.

He really came out of his temper, and wanted to have something in front of him, and he had to be frozen to death by his eyes first.

When she entered the base, how did she survive under the eyes of his doubts and scrutiny?

"Li, Li ... Li Bo is good!" The two-year-old boy was extremely excited in the cold eyes of the man.

Li Nanheng looked at the two of them still so excited that he refused to leave, his stern face became more expressionless.

He glanced over them, turned around and walked inside, faintly throwing down a sentence: "It's very late, it's time to go back quickly. The curfew rules in the base are very strict. I just want to break the rules when I enter. It is impossible for you to pass the assessment. "

Feng Ling looked back at him, then glanced at the two dumb teenagers outside the door, and gave them a wink. It closed after they turned around and quickly turned to leave. The door.

The room returned to quiet, Feng Ling turned back, and looked at the man in the room angrily: "Did you see someone coming and not hide? They even ran up to them to fight them, scaring them in the base. There is a shadow on you! Are you afraid they will not find out what happened between you and me? "

Li Nanheng glanced down at her: "What cannot be discovered between us?"

"Traitor-love! Every night you will come and kiss the gangster-love!" Feng Ling glared at him.

Looking at her coquettish expression on this rare little woman, Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow.

He said lightly: "Why hide? That's what men should do?"

Feng Ling: "..."

Obviously, after returning to the base, as before, let her continue to be a man, and he will help her keep the secret.

But although this man didn't tell her secrets, the possessiveness he showed every moment made people see the problem!

She glared at him: "You just want everyone to find me a woman?"

"My previous attitude towards you is no different from my current attitude towards you. It is because you have me in your heart now, and you are guilty of fear, so you will be sensitive everywhere. Who do you think doesn't know that there is a mess between me and you? In addition to so many new people dare to come at such a late time, who dares to knock on your door casually? Who has such a head with a white neck and long neck? Who hasn't seen it for so long? "

Feng Ling: "... You mean they think you are interested in men?"

He looked down at her and saw that she was not much smarter than before when she returned to the base: "Xiao Xu and Han Jin obviously knew when they were in Cambodia. As for other people, they didn't have the courage to talk about it, others What they think about love is their business, and this is not something I need to worry about.

Feng Ling stared at him for a long while, letting down a bit inexplicably.

No wonder when Han Jin and Xiao Xu talked to her recently, they didn't seem to change much, but they stopped being like brothers, so they knew.

When she was in Cambodia, she was in a coma and had surgery for so many days. Han Jin and Xiao Xu were also there at the time, probably at that time.

These two people are secretive, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, she still put down her words: "I have been hiding in the base for so long. If you expose your gender like this because of you, I will never finish with you!"

The man laughed. The laugh seemed to come from his chest. Suddenly a long arm stretched out and pulled her directly into his arms. He lowered his head and bite on her lips: "Why do you want to end with me? Uh?"

She held her hand back on the bedpost beside the bed, looked at the man who pressed herself here, looked at the handsome face of the man, and trembled inwardly.

This feeling of heartbeat is more obvious every day.

Especially after returning to the base, back to the original living environment.

She just realized that her feelings for Li Nanheng seemed to be really special.

Different from others.

"If my matter is exposed, I'll entangle you forever." Feng Ling didn't know where he learned from, and suddenly he came up with such a sentence on his lips.

The man stared at her for a moment, then there was a smile on his eyebrows.

"What are you laughing at?" She wondered if the sour lines she had just learned were a bit too greasy.

As soon as she wanted to explain it, she heard the man hold her tightly and said, "Then go for a lifetime."

Facing his deep eyes, she instantly had an inexplicable palpitations, and even her brain followed for a few seconds.

As soon as her heart moved, she proactively stomped her feet and kissed the man's lips. It was just that, and she was about to push people away.

But when it was less than **** apart, the man suddenly pressed her back into his arms.

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