Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 992: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (255)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Although it's dark outside.

But the light in the room is bright.

The height difference is too big, and Feng Ling was originally leaning on the bedpost. Feng Ling was kissed by the man with her chin, and she felt breathless every time.

Then every time the man was kissed by her when she was weak, she put her hand on her body and probed into her clothes ... to take advantage of her ...

"Li Nanheng, you can't come to my room like this every day." Feng Ling pushed him out of breath, and said at the beginning, "If you say, let me continue to be a man, I ..."

"That's in front of them, not in front of me." The man's voice went to her lips. "In front of me, be your little girl back."

Feng Ling wanted to say that she would never be a little woman in her life, but the next second, she was suddenly hugged. She screamed, the man sat directly on the bed, and let her sit on his leg She put his hands on his shoulders, and there was still a little shock in her eyes.

I almost thought he would press her on the bed again and again ...

She couldn't help but said, "Don't you plan to go back to your own room tonight?"

"I don't want to go back every day," the man kissed, and said lightly on her lips, "Which time wasn't you driven back?"

Feng Ling: "..."

Sitting on his lap, she really felt a little dangerous to him. "I'm going down ... heh."

Before he could finish, the man clasped her back with one hand, forcing her to lower her head and put it on her lips again.


a week later.

Everyone at the XI base found a problem.

Recently, several old men in Li ’s family often appeared in and out of the base. Although they had n’t got off the bus, they were just driving to and from the car, but they seemed to be looking for Li ’s boss, but Li ’s boss seemed to refuse to see anyone.

Another day.

Feng Ling trained the boys on the training ground last night. The training was very late, and he slept a little faster at night.

Li Nanheng didn't wait for her, entered her room in the middle of the night, and took the little woman who was sleeping in bed directly into her arms, and just held her to sleep all night.

The next morning, Feng Ling opened his eyes and saw Li Nanheng's face close at hand, although he was a little hesitant, but he was not surprised.

She pushed people away, got up and went to the bathroom to wash and prepare for morning training. After washing, she walked from the bathroom and saw a man with an upright aura sitting next to her bed, with messy hair on her head, her eyebrows not like the daily coldness and indifference. There is only a little bit of indifference, and a little bit of laziness when I woke up early in the morning.

"Who said it last time? After coming back to the base, at most, come to see me at night, and definitely not stay in my room for the night, but you will break your word again." Feng Ling could not help but sarcasm.

Li Nanheng took a look at her, took the black coat next to the bed and put it on, and said it after taking the coat, and said, "I have to leave the base for a few days recently, and I will be back in about a week. . "

Feng Ling looked at him: "It is not normal for you to leave the base and go out to do business. It has taken you two or three years to return to Li's house for the longest time, but it has only been one week. Why does it seem very reluctant?"

The man seemed indifferent: "I'm afraid I will miss you, so come and hug you for a night to sleep, is there a problem?"

But just to leave the base for a week, she and Li Nanheng haven't been mixed up every day for so long?

It seems that Boss Li often goes out for a few days when he should be busy. He is the person in charge of the base and needs him to take care of him both inside and outside.

A week, seven days, is there any difference?

Feng Ling stood at the door of the bathroom, and then hesitantly said, "It seems that what you are going to do this week should be very difficult for you."

The man looked at her with a slight smile on his lips: "Is this already thinking about me in advance?"

Then, he got up, walked over and pressed her in front of the bathroom door, lowered his head and kissed her in the corner of her mouth: "This time out, maybe the mobile phone can't be contacted for the time being. In the base, please follow Han Jin if you have anything Say it to Xiao Xu, they will help you. "

Feng Ling: "... Boss, you have been out for seven days, not seven years. I have been fine in the base for so many years. What are you worried about?"

"I only worry about you if I love you. I feel bad even if you are bitten by a mosquito, don't understand?" The man bit her lips.

Feng Ling didn't speak, just looked up at him.

Love her?

The man's cell phone rang at this time. After kissing her on the lips again, he glanced at her again, picked up the cell phone and turned out to answer the call.

I do n’t know what was on the phone, but it sounded like the man's tone was not very impatient, and he just walked out in a cold tone. When she opened the door of her room and went out, she felt the man's footsteps seemed to be There was a pause, but without turning back, she closed the door directly for her.

A quiet room.


For the next two days, Li Nanheng was absent. After Feng Ling took a bath at night, he looked at the quiet room without the man, and he was really not used to it.

And these two days her eyelids often jumped.

Has the boss been sent out for any dangerous task?

Is the phone turned off?

At night, Feng Ling turned over, and she couldn't sleep. She picked up her cell phone and called Li Nanheng, but the prompt was indeed that the other party had turned off.


Li Nanheng left the base the third day this time.

In the morning, normal training. When it was time to eat at noon, Feng Ling took his two apprentices to strengthen the training. When he was too busy to eat, he didn't hear the various messages from everyone in the base cafeteria. News and things.

Until I finally took the time to go to the cafeteria for dinner, I heard a few other team members at the table next door talking while eating: "Li Boss, this is too fast, I have never heard of a girlfriend before, why suddenly? Just married? "

"Who, his mother knows, but listen to them, Li family and Feng family have always been friends with each other, maybe Li boss and that Miss Feng have been engaged in marriage since childhood, because there is a marriage agreement, so never for so many years I have had other girlfriends outside, and now it may be the right time, I will go back and marry the beautiful young lady. "

"I seem to have seen the old lady of the Feng family in the news before, should the old lady married the Feng family be her? Is it pretty and pretty, a standard ladylike look, but it seems a bit arrogant, But women, it ’s better to be more arrogant and better to be spicy. Our boss probably likes this haha ​​... ”

"Isn't Fengjia just such a daughter? That's Miss Feng. The boss is really a blessing, and it's too sudden. There was no news a few days ago. The news of marriage today was suddenly announced by the media. , It's just too unexpected— "

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