Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 994: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (257)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Xiao Xu suddenly smashed the ashtray on the table directly to the ground: "What fart do you put?"

Han Jin said sternly: "It's not the boss Li who dumped you, what the **** did you get excited about? You have to marry when you're in love? There are more women I've loved since I was a kid, I went to the base before There are also many women. If all of them are waiting for a result with me, my early wife is full, and I still need to be an instructor in the base? "

In the end, Han Jin was also impatient and stomped on the chair with a bad mood: "Wasn't it just a little girl who has been hiding in the men's clothing for a long time in the base? Not feminine at all, so violent It ’s okay to be a comrade-in-arms together, and it ’s normal to stumble across a woman. It ’s normal for you to be surprised. What else do you think she deserves? Is it worth the boss Li to give up her engagement with Feng?

"Do you dare to say that Li Li was just an accidental heart attack on Feng Ling?"

"Otherwise? Is there any other man who will never die of a woman, silly?"

"He doesn't like Feng Ling?"

"It doesn't mean that you have to be responsible, and a silly girl like Feng Ling is not suitable for him."

"So what the **** did you do with them before?"

"I didn't know that Feng Ling was a woman when I matched them. Later I knew it, but now that I'm married to Feng's family, what else can I say?" Han Jin knew that he was in trouble now, all he said was It ’s against my heart, but when I think that Li Nanheng is now married to Feng ’s family, there is really nothing better to entangle what is discussed in this matter, and directly throw the words: “Feng Ling and the boss should not be a world People, the difference between Yunni, if it is not because there is a base, the two of them are in a relationship that cannot be hit by eight shots. I guess Feng Ling himself is also very clear, and it is good to go each way in the future! "

Han Jin also said, "Feng Ling is an orphan. It's not clear who his parents are. Will you marry her?"

"People who are not in the world should not be forced into it. When she is young and has a love relationship, she will understand when she grows up. Do n’t believe in men easily. I think Li ’s boss gave her a good lesson. At least she wo n’t be cheated easily later, after all, she is too simple. "

Something to say, Han Jin didn't know.

I just looked at Xiao Xu's frantic expression, and just wanted to rush this thing over.

After all, Li didn't know what the boss really thought, but it was already settled, so he could only think from another angle.

The two angered and impatiently said a lot of messy things in the room, and the thin layer of wooden doors couldn't hold the intense voice at all.

No one found a person standing outside the door, standing there, and the eardrums were swollen by the quarrel between two men in the room.

Strangely, what was shattered seemed to be another place.

Feng Ling just thought that Li Nanheng would not do such a thing, and at the same time felt that there must be some reason for this. Han Jin and Xiao Xu always followed Li Nanheng. They knew what was happening first, and they would know exactly what happened. thing.

But the fierce quarrel in the room made her completely quiet because of her beating heart after hearing the news in the cafeteria.

Not only did it quiet down, it got stuck in his chest.

Motionless, as if dead.

Across the door, people in the room were still arguing fiercely.

The people outside the door left for a moment and left quietly.

Feng Ling was gone, and when she stepped out of a team of training camp, San Fei came back at this time. She walked too fast and bumped into her arm. When she looked back, it was her and asked her, "Feng Ling? You are not in the sniper team, run What are you doing here? Have you heard that the boss is getting married? I ran over to please him? I told you, the boss is so unreasonable, I do n’t want to talk to the base first when I get married, so far it ’s not only about wine I did n’t drink it, and I did n’t eat it! ”

Usually, although everyone Kaikai Ling and the boss Li joke, but many men's bones are very simple, what can two men have, that is, a trouble, since the boss is married today, the lady in the Feng family is Mrs. Li, This Feng is still the Feng Ling in their base, there is no change.

Seeing that Feng Ling was not talking, San Fat was going to hold her shoulders, but accidentally pressed her to the place where she was bitten by the snake.

Feng Ling retracted his arm as if he had been shocked.

She remembered that on the stone platform under the cliff of Snake Valley that day, Li Nanheng helped her cut the wound with a cross knife regardless of her safety and helped her to **** out poisonous blood.

That day, she was paralyzed with cold limbs. Only the wound that he had sucked had a faint scalding, which made her feel alive. Looking at the man who had been trying to save herself in front of her, she knew that there was another person in this world. She cares so much about her life and death.

And now, the little spot with a crossblade on her shoulder, it was a little bit cold.

It was even just clicked like this.

She could not help but shiver.

For so many years, Feng Ling never felt that it was so long to walk back from the training camp of a team to the training camp of the sniper team.

Even after dinner time has passed, the teenage guys who have just entered the base are still training, running around the base four laps, and there is a voice called her name from time to time: "Feng brother! Feng Brother ... Feng Ling ... Master Feng Ling! "

Some people who have been assigned to other teams have only heard her name and did not recognize her. They ran blankly and looked in this direction while running, but they could only see a thin figure walking by in the night in the base.

She didn't say a word. She only returned to the training camp of the sniper team, and wanted to go back to the room to stay alone, but found that the surroundings were terrible. No one near the sniper team could come in, including those. Newcomer running.

It's so quiet, it's so empty in my heart.

She simply turned and walked towards the empty sniper training ground. She picked up the sniper rifle with only five rounds of training bullets and fired a shot at the longest range of 500 meters on the training ground.

With a bang, at a distance of 500 meters, no matter how fast the bullets will fly for a while.

After two seconds.

Hit the bullseye.

In her fourth year in the base, Feng Ling achieved the goal of hitting the bulls-eye in the center of a 500-meter long-range standard sniper when she didn't know whether she was seventeen or eighteen.

Then, what else?

She wanted to stay at the XI base and stayed here all the time.

But as Han Jin said, some people are just a moment of temptation and impulse, and talk about a short love, is she still entangled in asking others to take responsibility?

But when I see her at the base later, what should she do?

"Bang, bang, bang," and fired four more shots in a row.

Five hundred meters.

The gun hits the bullseye.

At this moment, Feng Ling knew that her performance in the sniper team, even if she didn't need to check, she had already graduated.

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