Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 995: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (258)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Never thought I would encounter such a thing.

In the past, the environment used to suddenly seemed to be an ice cave, with ice thorns everywhere, and I felt pain when I took a step.

She walked to the door of the XI base blankly, and wanted to go out, but still stopped. When she came to the door, she stared blankly at the wide suburban night outside the base. She was asking Fengji what did she do wrong? ?

If she didn't do anything wrong, why would she be treated like this?

If she did nothing wrong, why did she leave?

The teenage girl standing in front of the base turned and walked back.

She was thinking.

In fact, there are many clues.

For example, Li ’s and Feng ’s marriage contract has been heard for a long time, but Li Nanheng said that he would not marry Feng Mingzhu, she believed, but forgot Li ’s and Feng ’s status in the American Chinese world, if it is not true How could such rumors be allowed? Even the noble lady Feng often hangs on her lips?

For example, Li Nanheng seemed very polite to the Feng family. That time when she took back the bag for the old lady on the street, she could feel it while eating together that night. Although Li Nanheng didn't talk much, he was usually arrogant and overbearing. In front of the Feng family, there is some convergence, which means that the Ming Li family and the Feng family are really familiar.

For example, Li Nanheng just left the base for a few days, but before leaving this time, he seemed to be doing a farewell.

Feng Ling stood on the training ground for a while and looked at the mobile phone. It was more than an hour after Li Nanheng returned to rest on weekdays.

Looking up in the direction of Li Heng's room.

The lights in the room were off.

Even if he knew he would not return at this time, he had already left, how could he come back, but at that moment Feng Ling was really irrational and hoped that a miracle would happen, hope that in that room The light will turn on. I hope Li Nanheng stepped out of the window, stood on the balcony and looked at her with a smile and a smile, and then mocked her. Fool, how can anyone believe what rumors spread?

It wasn't until she was tired that she looked away from the dark room and walked straight away.

AK didn't find Feng Ling at night, and came down to see the sound of gunfire. But she didn't see her. Later, she didn't know where she was going. It wasn't until Feng Ling went downstairs in her apartment that she finally saw someone.

Upon seeing A K squatting and smoking in front of the door, Feng Ling's eyes were flat as if he had not seen anyone passing by.

"Ah, Feng Ling." AK saw her return, suddenly stood up, stepped out of the cigarette butt: "Go, play cards! Tam, they will be with us three teams and three today, and will also call the new instructor! Tomorrow There are not many training tasks on the weekend. Let's fight until dawn! "

Feng Ling shook her head and walked in with a steady pace.

She does not need others to distract her in this way, nor does she need others to accompany her. Her own affairs are clear, and she understands what she should and should not do.

She just accidentally didn't hold it when she should have held her heart.

"Feng Ling, call you to play cards." A K called her again.

"I won't fight, you fight."

"How can you not go, we want three to three!"

However, no matter what A said, Feng Ling went straight upstairs without looking back.

Seeing Feng Ling like this, A K stood a bit helpless and could not help it. He could see that the relationship between Li Boss and Feng Ling was not a simple brotherhood.

But some of Li's fathers would not accept Li's love of men.

It feels like the boss is not filial if he doesn't marry this marriage, but it's unkind to marry this marriage, both sides are not human.

Feng Ling returned to the room.

But I could n’t sleep after taking a bath. When I was a little late in the middle of the night, I was wearing a white short-sleeved T to run out of the circle. I did n’t know how long it took. Tired enough to feel that he could lie down in bed at any time, and then dragged his tired body back to the room.

After taking a bath again this time, lying on the bed, the body was so tired that he couldn't even get up, but there was still no sleepiness.

I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep for a while, and opened my eyes after twenty minutes. The accelerated heartbeat sound just after the exercise was pounding in my heart, but she found that she could not feel the movement of her heartbeat.

Seems numb.

She couldn't sleep. She suddenly got up and went to the corner of the room, and opened a cabinet there. There were three bottles of wine, one white, one bottle of wine, and one bottle of red wine. These were Han Jin's mood. OK, it's for her, but she doesn't drink it.

She had sent Li to the boss once before, but Han Jin had too much wine there, and he sent each other a few bottles to see who was pleasing to the eye. Maybe Han Jin saw her so pleasingly and sent her several times.

Feng Ling didn't know what kind of wine was good. He just took out the 58-degree brandy inside, opened the window directly with the bottle, looked at the black-painted balcony next to it, and leaned on his balcony. On the bar, lifted the bottle and took a sip.

She has n’t drunk this brandy, and it does n’t feel good, but it does n’t seem like those liquors are so unpleasant and so spicy, and she pouts a few times, and it feels like a little bit of sweetness is left in her mouth. It's wonderful.

She never drinks, and she can't sleep tonight.

Anyway, with Ah K's understanding of her now, if she is too drunk to get up tomorrow without training, Ah K will find a suitable reason to ask her to take leave.

In short, it doesn't matter if you're drunk.

Get drunk once.

Once you get drunk, you forget everything.

The short-haired girl leaned on the balcony, raised her wine again, took a big sip, and frowned.

And then, bite after bite, bite after bite.

But even though he felt that he was stunned, Feng Ling felt that he was sober like never before.

She knew very well that behind the words Feng Ling was an unidentified orphan, a small character who couldn't let Li's family get any benefits, and an existence that she didn't even know how to survive in this world.

Early the next morning, Feng Ling, who drunk on the balcony and slept all night, felt that her body was cold and hot. The headache seemed to crack, turned over, and then opened her eyes, only to find that she was so asleep on the balcony. Already.

The weather last night was almost three or four degrees below zero, and she even fell asleep here wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt.

Suffering from the headache, I was about to sit up, but suddenly I heard a violent and rushing knock in the headache of the hangover!

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