Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 125 - The Prince And The Bishop (Part 1)

Uriel does not know what to do. The Prince is here. In. His. House.

Well, not technically his house, but the chapel orphanage. In his bedroom. With no one knowing, and no one must know of.

The Prince has run away.

Thought it is not right to refer to him as THE Prince, since there were once two of them, Prince Vinsen and Prince Casserome. Which he calls Vin and Rome as a friend. Vin was the one who was supposed to earn the throne, but he was proclaimed dead at the tender age of 10 by the royal family. And so, all the responsibilities are now passed to Rome.

Despite this, in Uriel's eyes..... Rome is really more of a prince than Vinsen. 

Which is strange, because Vin has the same face as Rome. But..... he can't explain it, there is just something inherently different from the two.

For one, Rome is a bit of a..... free-spirit. He doesn't listen to anyone and does whatever he wants. Vinsen is like Uriel, and they get along well, but Rome's boldness and way of expressing himself... It just draws Uriel in.

To the point that may be considered wrong. Rome is his friend, even when the prince himself claims he has no friends, and they are both men. Yet.....

"Aren't you going to bed already? Or are you still waiting for me to warm it for you?" He fluttered his long eyelashes at him, either as a way of teasing or genuine confusion, Uriel does not know.

All he knows is just the mere gesture could make him stutter and lose his sensibilities like an idiot. "I.... Why do you need to take off your clothes before going to bed?"

"Are you blind?" Rome chuckled, his back turned at him and giving him a view of those plump round... No. "I was caught under the rain, do you want me to sleep with wet clothes then like a wet donkey?"

"Why don't you just change then?" Uriel asked.

"I am used to sleeping the way men are meant to sleep. Bare." He flexed his arms just hitting puberty is gaining more muscle than the others. "And besides, do you have any clothes that you can lend to me?"

"They're... They're all in the nun's room." Uriel said.

"See?" Rome finished undressing and used his own shirt to give his hair a rub and dry it before stepping in the blanket. "You should try it too, Uriel. You might like it."

"T-Try what, Your Highness?"

Rome smiled. He really likes being called Your Highness, Vinsen is too much of a 'down-to-Earth' bastard to not let himself be called 'Your Highness' by his fellow friends, but he is the opposite. And the way Uriel says it is so.....

Revering. Devoted. Like he is worshipping a god.

This made him tolerant of this peasant out of all those he was forced to interact with.

"Sleeping naked with me. It feels more comfortable and refreshing." He went over, his quick, mischievous hands going over Uriel's collar. 

The boy who had just started attending the convent to be a priest someday stepped back. His mind was reeling. "Y-Your Highness... That's improper! A-A-And, someone as lowly as me... can't possibly sleep in the same bed as you. I will sleep on the cot."

"Oh. How very hospitable of you." Rome's hands faltered, since he did like the idea that this peasant recognize his status, but at the same time... He really wants to play.....

It's been a long time since he last played with someone. He had played with some of the young teenage maids that were employed to follow their relative's footsteps, and he was in the mood for such a night. And all he has is this convent boy... Yet somehow, he felt no hesitation in pursuing him for this matter.

In fact, it gave the thrill of novelty. Of trying something new. And the thrill of danger too. Doing something so sinful, right in the very house of that 'god' they bow and pray at.

What nonsense, the only gods that exist are the monarchy! People should realize that sooner or later.

And he would make this boy only see him as his god tonight..... to make him bow down and plead with him..... plead to take his body...

It made him grin wide, like a scarecrow.

"Still.... I appreciate the thought, but I don't really need a bed all to myself. It feels too lonely....." He had his thumb twiddling with Uriel's top button now. "Come on, Uriel. Weren't you told to entertain guests no matter what? So you should always follow my request..."

Uriel was as red as a tomato now, which he found very adorable. The convent boy on the other hand....

Knows exactly what he was thinking from those gazes alone!

He is not daft. He was taught to be able to identify temptations when it is staring at him in the face. And that temptation is staring at him and undressing him with those sly eyes..... and soon it would truly strip him off his clothing.....

But, does he really have to fight temptation? Does he want to?

He hoped the Holy Dragon Lord will forgive him, for he is weak. A very weak man.

"Alright... Your Highness..."

He met with those tantalizing eyes as he start with his buttons, with the prince's hands gently covering them and guiding them to achieve what he so desired. The prince broke away from his gaze and looked down at the body that is slowly unraveling before him instead.

It is really different from a woman's body, but it will do.

Meanwhile, Uriel had the urge to lift Rome's head up, so he can look directly at him and see what he truly feel. How much turbulent emotions and anguish are tormenting him right now.

He wants to say: If we're going to do this...

I want this to mean something more to you than what you are initially planning it to be.

But his tongue laid flat on his mouth, unable to speak what's on his mind. Instead, he let the prince gawk and taunt him with meaningless words.

"Wow..... Uriel.... I did not know boys like you who do nothing but stay in church and read scriptures can have such an admirable physique." He ran his long nails over his chest..... his ribs.... and his abdomen. "I am quite jealous."

"There's no need to be, Your Highness. Your body is much better." Uriel answered with pure honesty.

"Better? Hmmm... In what way? More toned? Bigger? Stronger?"

Uriel does not have time to think as he blurted out. "Prettier."

He regretted it as soon as he said it.

"Pretty?" Narcissistic Rome is legitimately confused. How can he describe a man's body as 'pretty'? Strange.....

Perhaps he is also seeing him as a woman, to rationalize his own desires and justify them. Just like what he is trying to do in his head right now as he observed Uriel's fine sculpted body... and failing to do so. So he was not too offended by it.

He will fail too, realizing he is indeed not 'pretty', but more 'handsome', more 'dashing', more... virile and dominant.

Yes, he will dominate over this man tonight.

"Thank you for the compliment." He instead said, smirking with a schemeful look. "Shall we now go to sleep?"

"As you will, Your Highness."

He went and wrap his bare body that is only wearing thin undergarments in Uriel's blankets. It smells strangely good. But he'd rather inhale the sweet scent from the source than these measly blankets and bedsheets.

"Come, Uriel. Come join me in bed."

There is no denying to the sultriness of the tone of his voice.

Uriel, feeling like a man that had just doomed himself by walking into a cliff, sullenly joined him.

"Mmm..." Rome pretended to yawn and stretch his arms, so he can reach those lecherous hands over to this 'friend'. Not really a friend, but his twin brother's 'friend'. But tonight, this will be his prey. "Why are you so far away, Uriel? Are you not afraid to fall?"

"I have already fallen... dep, deep into sin....." Uriel muttered, rubbing his red face.

"What?" Rome did not hear.

"Nothing, Your Highness. I must..... I must not speak further. We could not make any noise as the nuns must not catch you here. I'll be going to sleep." He turned around in the opposite direction, at the edge of the bed. "Good night."

Hm, this prey proves quite difficult to capture, Rome thought. So bashful and cautious. But this is not worrisome for him, he quite like a challenging hunt.

He moved around a bit, making sure poor sweet Uriel definitely CANNOT sleep. Pretending that it was a usual tossing and turning affair, acting terribly horrid. A smile never left his face yet will disappear as soon as his prey turned to him.

"....What is the matter, Your Highness?" Uriel asked in a tone that is not actually that worried, but more reluctant. Like he had given up on something.

"I cannot sleep. Uriel.... Uriel, I think I am having a bad dream." He tried looking pitiful. "Won't you comfort me?"

"How shall I comfort you, Your Highness?" Uriel asked lazily. 

"I need..... I need some affection, something that would not make me feel so scared and alone....." He said coquettishly. "An embrace..... So I can feel that someone is there."

At this, Uriel's expression softened. He knows this is merely an act, but there is some truth to when he said he needed affection. He had always felt that Prince Casserome must be one of the loneliest people he met. The reason he rebel so much is that he feels like no one cared if he did mess around, since he is not the heir.

He really needed affection, and he keeps looking for it in the wrong ways.

But this time, Uriel wants to bring him to the right path. To give him something real, and right, and true.

"Alright, Your Highness." He embraced the boy, closing his eyes. But not just any embrace....

It was a very intimate and vulnerable embrace. Placing his head over the other's neck, and pulling his to his chest. Rome is quite surprised by the intimacy of this position. He expected Uriel to fight it a bit more but..... he is succumbing to his trap so easily.

He felt slightly alarmed, as if he was the one being trapped instead.

Hah, what a silly thought!

To break away from the sill thoughts, he went on to do what he do best. He raised his head from Uriel's chest, putting both hands over his face. "Uriel..."

And kissed the church boy, without any word or warning.

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