Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 126 - The Prince And The Bishop (Part 2)

Uriel felt like..... he was stuck in the middle of heaven and hell at the same time.

Like he was floating for joy, yet also has one foot stuck in the flames of sorrow. Soaring to paradise with dragon wings, but those wings are also being burned by the lava, the explosion of all the agony he had been keeping well in his chest.

It was a good and horrible feeling.

He pulled in the one who is causing him such emotions closer, relishing the feel of his lips.

The material things can really be oh so beautiful. The texture, the heat, the sounds.... With his eyes closed, he can feel how provoking it truly was. For humans to join like this, connecting with their bodies.

It was like a helpless pull that keeps you trapped once you are within its clutches.

Prince Rome kept him locked there on the bed, as he went over on top of him and kissed lower and lower. The way he moved, it was slow, and very enchanting. Like he was dancing.

He was dancing over Uriel's body.

And the Bishop found himself dancing too, his body moving closer to his lips every time they trailed over him. A push-and-pull affair. The devilishly cunning prince took notice of the organ in front of him. Long and completely upright, like a flute waiting to be played by that skilled mouth of his. But his mouth is used to playing small ocarinas of women, he doesn't know how well he can play Uriel's flute.

But then again, there's a first for everything. And he's a fast learner.

"Nngghhh, Your Highness, what are you....."

Prince Rome just gave a soft kiss at the tip, and yet the man under him is already making such a good sound. He wondered how many more symphonies he can make tonight. He will make Uriel sing so loud and sweet for him that it could make those dragon-clawed angels of this Chapel want to cover their ears from shame.

Uriel found himself immobilized, completely petrified. He doesn't know what to do, what to feel, what to think. The sensation.....

The sensation is so intense and every single movement of his tongue would make him shake and rattle from that intensity. His chest is aching, he can barely breathe properly as he always feels like something wants to come out yet he mustn't, not to mention that he has to keep his voice down. What's add to the pain of it all is the fact that he knows such a thing is just something Prince Rome will forget the day afterward.

Uriel felt like he was in pure misery.

Meanwhile, Rome is happily slurping the thing, just wondering how far down he could make it reach on the back of his throat. And he will manage to let Uriel release the sweet nectar inside his stomach. What will taste like it? Will he be able to say it's delicious?

So many new things to know, so many new things to try! It really is fun with another boy after all!

One is just considering this as another pleasurable experience, while the other can feel that this will be ingrained in his heart forever. Scarring him, tormenting him to now end.

Yet Uriel could not think clearly. His body moved like it was possessed by an evil spirit, pushing His Highness' royal mouth deeper into his crotch.

"Mmpfh!" His Highness choked. This is a definitely new sensation, choking on someone's sausage. You can't choke on women's cookies.

When his head was released, he saw strings of saliva connecting him from this beloved flute of his. He gave a triumphant smirk, eyes burning bright towards the orphan boy. "Uriel..... Ah, I didn't know you can be as aggressive as a savage like that. I guess it is true when they say you could only learn more sides to someone the more you push their boundaries."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness." Uriel's face was bright red even from the dimly listed root, almost like it was glowing. "I lost control. I shouldn't have, I-----"

"That mouth is better used for tasting mine, not speaking." Prince Rome kissed him again, this time, shamelessly running his tongue over the teeth, the insides of the cheeks, and Uriel's own tongue. The two pink pieces of flesh did their own dance as they mingled with each other. Uriel listened to Prince Rome's advice and did not speak anymore.

He let himself completely go, even with the deep pain in his chest. He knows this will never mean as much to Prince Rome as it does for him.

"Mmm..... That's right. Show me more of that feral side of yours." Prince Rome bit into his collar bone. "Don't treat me as some fine jade or china. As some delicate flower. I want you to show me a Uriel I've never seen before. Far from the soft-spoken good boy in front of my twin brother and everyone else. I want that Uriel to be only mine."

Uriel wanted to say, 'Even the Uriel that is not wild, that is gentle and loyal, is already your, Your Highness.'

But he is not allowed to speak, so he digressed. He turned into this animal Prince Rome wanted, all just for him. He bit and bullied the Prince's body that he once considered sacred like any imagery of the Holy Dragon Lord itself. Prince Rome moaned in delight, pleats of his laughter bellowing in his ears like soft chiming bells during church weddings.

"That is enough now. I will be the one to abuse you now, to completely take over you. I will make you plead to stop." He hooked one of Uriel's legs up on his shoulder. "Are you ready now, my dear friend?"


"Stop! Mmmm..... No! No more! Please! Ahh..... Ah! I will lose my mind if you keep---mmmpfh!"

The bed creaked endlessly. Breaths shuffled back and forth, so thick and heavy that you swear you could see them condescending in the air. Voices were muffled by the rain outside, but not enough to completely block them away. Thankfully, everyone slept like a log.

Prince Rome promised himself this. That he will dominate over this gentle boy with his whole being. Completely break him into tears and pleads for his domination and abuse to stop.

But why....

Why did he find himself in the opposite side instead?

How can he let Uriel do this to him?

And why..... why does he...

"Your Highness..... Rome..... Rome..... I love you so much..." The man on top of him drilling a big hole inside him with those repetitive movements whispered in his ear, holding on top him absolutely nothing like one would hold delicate jade, china, or flowers. He is handling the blue-blooded prince's body like it was a toy to be broken at his own expense, with no restraints, only to be used as he pleased.

Prince Rome had never felt this way before. He was once on the other side, the one who treats his bedmates this way.

To be treated as nothing but an object of pleasure... It was so painful. So degrading. Yet at the same time, there is beautiful seduction, a tragic art is being treated as such...

The novelty of it all is so exhilarating that he could not breathe.

He had now played a game of tag with Uriel. He runs and runs in circles of denial, of fighting back and struggle, while the poor boy thinking he was the bad guy kept on consoling him even as he chased. Saying he never wanted to hurt him, yet keep on doing so. His words and actions not matching at all.

And yet, Prince Rome believes him. He truly has no control. It was him who has control, turning Uriel into this beast for his own pleasure, while making himself appear like the pitiful prey, the victim.

"Uriel..... Hah..... If you truly love me... Let me go... It ahhhh..." He moaned sultrily in his ear. "I do not like this.... Stop... You're hurting me...."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry....." So Uriel the half-animal, half-man says, yet he just kept on moving faster. 

"Ahhhhh... Uriel, I'll never forgive you for this.... For seducing me, for taking over me, for violating me... You are so sinful, Uriel..... An evil, evil man....'"

"I know.... Hhn..... I know, Your Highness..... I'm sorry." He choked in sobs now. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry... I love you so much..."

Prince Rome clasped the bedsheet as he released something on his and Uriel's stomach. "Hhhhhhhhggnnnnh! Uriel!"

Uriel felt a tightening in that organ of his that just keeps on stirring up His Highness' insides, and he wanted to reach release to. The Prince quickly sensed it and exclaimed. "No! Don't release inside... Don't you dare..."


All of it came gushing, the warm liquid flowing and flowing until it couldn't be handled bythe container anymore and it kept on spilling. 

"Oh, Uriel... How could you do this to me...." Prince Rome eyed him sultrily with those droopy eyes. "You have stained me forever... Hah..."

"Hahhhh... I'm so sorry....." The boy repeated like that was the only word he knows to say. His tears fell on Prince Rome's flushed cheeks. 

He started moving away, when Prince Rome immediately made a growl, clutching on to him for dear life.

"I don't need your apologies... Uriel, you have already abused me at your own abandon. It won't save you even if you stop now." Prince Rome bit on to his ear. "You evil, sinful man... I can feel it hardening inside me even after you have released so much of your seed in my stomach. Don't act righteous now and pull out, finish what you have begun."

"Your Highness...." Uriel said in a trance.

And so, he continued 'abusing' His Highness the whole night. Their bodies are coated in pure white, yet they are very, very dirty beings. One is more vile and adulterated than the other.

He will forever curse this boy with this certain night.. And he took great joy from it deep within his dark, dark heart.

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